Tartary. Novosibirsk Archipelago, Kotelny Island - Part Of The Territory Of The Sunken Country Mogul - Alternative View

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Tartary. Novosibirsk Archipelago, Kotelny Island - Part Of The Territory Of The Sunken Country Mogul - Alternative View
Tartary. Novosibirsk Archipelago, Kotelny Island - Part Of The Territory Of The Sunken Country Mogul - Alternative View

Video: Tartary. Novosibirsk Archipelago, Kotelny Island - Part Of The Territory Of The Sunken Country Mogul - Alternative View

Video: Tartary. Novosibirsk Archipelago, Kotelny Island - Part Of The Territory Of The Sunken Country Mogul - Alternative View
Video: How China is Secretly Expanding its Territory 2024, July

Previous part: "Tartary, sunken territories. Novosibirsk archipelago. Lyakhovsky islands - remnants of the Mogul country".

The history of the name of Kotelny Island is as follows

“By the arrival of the Russians, the island was uninhabited, although there were traces of Yukaghir people visiting it (yurt poles, runners). The island was discovered by the industrialist Ivan Lyakhov in 1773. When Lyakhov told about his discovery on his return, the land surveyor Khvoinov soon set out to survey the island. On the shore of the island, he saw a copper pot left by Lyakhov's companions. Khvoinov measured the island, described it and named it Kotelny. This is what the information on Wikipedia says.

However, a real seeker tends to doubt everything, and this is justified: On the move it hurts the eye - "… traces of visiting the Yukaghir people." Asov. They lived in these parts from time immemorial, and "visited" the islands just the same punitive-research expeditions. Later, marauders like Lyakhov perked up here, finishing off the indigenous inhabitants of Tartaria who remained on the territory, who survived the disaster, examining the ruins of settlements, hoping to profit from the good left.

Warriors of the Yukaghirs.


Therefore, I would interpret Wikipedia as follows - "A punitive detachment (one of many) came under the leadership of Lyakhov (the Poles were hated in Russia, who else could take up such work?) And destroyed the Yukaghirs living there, by order of the new authorities of the Russian Empire.."

Promotional video:


This is how it will be more accurate. After the victory over the remnants of Great Tartary, which survived a natural disaster that destroyed the central part of the country, robbers, free Cossacks, assorted mercenaries rushed to these lands in search of something to profit from. The tsarist government formed detachments of Cossacks and other willing territories - to clean up the conquered lands from the indigenous inhabitants. And there were many such punitive expeditions - there were also scientists-cartographers, travelers (pleasant and useful). And the locals were simply destroyed, or taxed with tribute.

What to do - war is war, the winner gets everything

In 1805, the clerk of the merchant Syrovatsky, the head of an industrial cooperative, the tradesman Sannikov, wishing to expand his master's trades, went east from Kotelny Island and discovered Faddeevsky Island.


In 1809, Gedenshtrom, who arrived on the Faddeevsky Island with the surveyor Kozhin and the tradesman Sannikov, instructed the former to describe the Faddeevsky Island, and the latter to explore the strait between Faddeevsky and Kotelny; he himself went to the island of New Siberia. Kozhin described the western, southern and eastern shores of Faddeevsky island; Sannikov crossed the strait in many places, finding its width from 7 to 30 versts. Other members of the expedition were surveyor Pshenitsyn and non-commissioned officer Reshetnikov.


In 1811, Sannikov again toured Faddeevsky Island and explored the rivers flowing into the sea, and the space between the Kotelny Faddeevsky Islands, which was considered a strait, turned out to be a bay, and the Kotelny and Faddeevsky islands constituted a single land mass.

In 1822, Captain Peter Anjou explored the western and northeastern parts of the Faddeevsky Peninsula.

On the island is the grave of Dr. Herman Eduardovich Walter, a member of the Russian Polar Expedition (1900-1902) under the leadership of Eduard Toll. Its members were looking for the legendary Sannikov Land. The reburial of the remains took place on July 29, 2011.

Military base, or Northern Sea Route. New world redistribution

If the Eurasian ambitions of Russia are satisfied by the Higher Powers, then our state in terms of territory and spirit becomes the legal successor of the USSR, the Russian Empire, Ancient Russia, and Great Tartary … And in connection with the outlined global warming, but in fact the restoration of the present climate, as it was before the disaster the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries, Russia “rigidly pillars” the strategically important Arctic Northern Sea Route. The military base on the island is of paramount importance, despite all the Novosibirsk islands being dirtied with fuel barrels, etc.


Because there are more than enough of those who want to get their hands on it, so, as they say, WANT PEACE - PREPARE FOR WAR!


Navigable Sev. Mor. Put now plays the same role as Gibraltar, which in its time changed the whole world until the 17th century. Climate change caused by the disaster buried the Golden Horde and the Silk Road, Byzantium, Hansea, the Crimean Khanate), etc.


The fact is that the warming processes have nothing to do with human activity, this is a planned and periodic process. The world bigwigs invented the Kyoto Scam (Kyoto Protocol) to cut tribute from obedient states - everyone pays to some kind of global fund in accordance with the amount of heat emitted by the country's industry.. (all this is being fought by the founders).



And as the ice melts (and even the islands consisting of permafrost melt - go under water), the Northern Sea Route becomes more navigable, less and less it is necessary to use the (never cheap) services of an icebreaker. And the one who controls the North Sea Route, the one walking along our shelf controls the flow of goods, and whoever controls the flow of goods controls the whole world.

The same happened with the breakthrough of Gibraltar in 1706. when Great Britain, in a hurry, seized control of the strait, and became the undivided "mistress of the sea" and the rest of the world right up to 1945. The most interesting thing is that sailing along the Northern Sea Route to Europe and the United States is most convenient (who would you think?) - the most advanced emerging economies of the planet: India, China, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, King Kong, Samsung, and Godzilla with Japan.


The current route is blocked by straits, locks, to pass each one you have to pay a good percentage depending on the displacement of the vessel and the owner's appetites … And then I got on my boat. like 500 years ago, and swam for myself non-stop, as merchants once swam to trade in Great Tartary, where the channels of deep rivers will easily lead any large ship deep into the mainland, to wholesale buyers and a huge market for overconsumption of that old world … On the map you can see the mouths of navigable rivers (in red) and cities (yellow) to which merchants can sail along them, on merchant ships intended for coastal navigation (along the coast)

Pay attention to the elephant, which is marked on the territory of present-day China (formerly the country of Katai, Tertaria) Are there elephants there today?


Click here for a larger map.


In September 2013, the island began to rebuild a military base that was abandoned after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The rebuilding of the base on the Novosibirsk Islands is part of a large-scale program of the Russian Ministry of Defense to restore a permanent Russian military presence in the Arctic.


On Kotelny Island, it was decided to build a stationary berth for receiving barges and middle class vessels, similar to the berth on Novaya Zemlya Island, and also use the Tiksi port as a base point for the delivery of material resources to Kotelny Island, which will provide the possibility of delivering supplies, including wintering for three months.

According to the statement of the First Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia, General of the Army Arkady Bakhin, the group of ships of the Northern Fleet has begun to carry out the main activities on the Novosibirsk Islands. He also said that the Temp station airfield will be restored and improved on the New Siberian Islands. In October 2013, it will already be able to receive An-26, An-72 and An-74 aircraft.


In the future, the runway will be expanded and lengthened so that Temp can receive heavy An-22 and Il-76 aircraft, and in the future, use it for strategic aviation operations. On the night of March 13-14, 2014, an airborne battalion of the Ivanovskaya 98th Airborne Division, numbering 350 people, along with cargo and military equipment, landed on the island near the military airfield during an exercise.


The personnel were parachuted with the help of the "Crossbow" special purpose guided parachute systems. After the landing, the soldiers "captured" the Temp airfield for 40 minutes. This was the first time such exercises were held in the Russian Arctic. On September 6, 2014, a caravan of ships from the Northern Fleet set off for the island, carrying armored personnel carriers, tractors, and mobile housing units to the island. The island will host the 99th tactical arctic group, for which the construction of a military town has begun.


The hermit