In India, It Is Believed That Two People With The Same Appearance Have No Right To Live On Earth - Alternative View

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In India, It Is Believed That Two People With The Same Appearance Have No Right To Live On Earth - Alternative View
In India, It Is Believed That Two People With The Same Appearance Have No Right To Live On Earth - Alternative View

In India, it is believed that two people with the same appearance have no right to live on Earth. This belief has very serious philosophical grounds. Hindus believe that each person has his own destiny, developed over the years of past incarnations. Her stellar passport is our appearance …

We are born into this world with a load of past incarnations of misdeeds. A tangle of mistakes and unfinished situations is imprinted on our faces, palms, body, feet. Skilled fortune-tellers, as you know, do not so much anticipate events as read them from a person's appearance.

And what awaits those who were born similar to each other like two drops of water? Did they earn the same karma in a past life? It turns out not at all. The birth of twins, similar to each other like two drops of water, is a big problem associated with the karma of the parents. Often this is due to karma of a whole family, and therefore the ability to have twins is transmitted genetically.

Popular wisdom says that real natural twins (not zodiacal ones) are a cruel joke of nature, testifying to the enormous forces accumulated in the family that put it on the brink of degeneration. Together with a part of the energy of the parents, the incarnating monad receives "as a gift" and generic karma, which will leave an indelible mark on the appearance of the unborn child. In fact, the similarity of children and parents is the imprint of ancestral karma. There are children who look like someone one: dad or mom. They will in some way repeat their fate. There are children who have taken the external traits and fate of both parents. There are children who do not look like not only parents, but even relatives. The influence of ancestral karma on them is minimal; it will manifest itself only while they live with their parents.

If people repeat the same mistakes from generation to generation, too much unrealized good and evil force accumulates in the family (after all, our mistakes are negative karma, and our good deeds are positive karma). For example, if parents were believers, then both children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren will sincerely believe in otherworldly forces that help people.

With each generation, with each repetition of generic karma, the amount of positive and negative energy will increase. Events in people's lives will become more and more vivid, making their existence more and more unsafe. When these invisible forces accumulate enough to mutually destroy each other, but the preponderance does not come either in plus or minus, the time for the birth of twins comes. This usually occurs on the fifth, seventh or thirteenth generation of this kind.

Hindus call twins a joke of karma. In Russia they were called the error of the universe. Both opinions are close in meaning. The enormous forces accumulated by the genus attract several monads ready to incarnate at once, and divide the accumulated forces equally among the babies. That is why twins are born alike like two drops of water. If favorable fate separates them by distance, appearance, tastes, habits and even events in the life of the twins will remain similar. Numerous examples of twins separated during the Second World War are an excellent illustration of this rule. Having parted as children and by the will of fate found themselves in different countries, these people found each other and met already in adulthood.

But as twins grow up together, they become more and more dissimilar over time. One absorbs all the best that is in the character of both, and the other collects all the worst. The people around them wonder how this can happen: two people, even so outwardly similar, behave differently in similar situations. One is as if "possessed by a demon", while the other is like an angel.

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From the point of view of psychology and medicine, it is impossible to fully explain this phenomenon. Similar temperaments, brought up in the same family, will fiercely compete with each other, but why, as a result of rivalry, do not divide spheres of influence, but change themselves? From the point of view of karma, this is explained quite simply. One of the twins begins to work through the unrealized positive karma of the clan, and the second - negative. And as a result, one will follow the path of destruction, the second - creation.

"Black" and "white" twins can be equally happy if both choose the path of creation. Only for the "black" this program of creation will look like "destruction of evil by evil." and for the "white" twin, the motto of life will be - "do good, and it will gradually return to you."

If the parents could explain their karma to the twins from the very beginning, they would have less troubles and rushes. Moreover, distinguishing the "black" twin from the "white" is not a special problem. The "black" twin loves to cross his arms in his sleep, energetically fencing himself off from other people. The "white" twin is open, and he sleeps as trustingly as he lives.

Parents can soften the karma of the twins. As soon as adults pray for at least some of their sins, the life of children will immediately improve. For a start, it doesn't hurt to figure out what exactly caused the twins to come to life, what problem has not been solved for many generations in a row? The method of healing is also selected according to it. Excesses in personal life can be corrected only by personal life, health problems can be removed by a healthy lifestyle, career or professional dissatisfaction can only be removed by the desire to achieve one's own in social life, etc.

There is, however, one good method that allows you to untie any karmic knots. By actively working with our subconscious, cleansing it and patching psychological holes, we guarantee and improve the karma of children. Traveling through past lives, you can free your children from 90 percent of the karmic tasks facing them. Moreover, in order to remove the problems, it will take a whole cycle of such travels, in which you can rewrite your karma anew. At the same time, do not be alarmed if, after the first trip, your relatives or you yourself get sick. This is a fairly frequent occurrence, since the purification of karma leads to the purification of the physical body from ailments generated by karmic causes.

Gemini are very strongly connected to each other energetically. Neither time nor distance can completely destroy this connection. But if from the earliest childhood they dress them in different clothes, do different hairstyles, then the invisible generic force that stifles their personal karma will weaken. As a result, having matured (usually the conscious processing of karma begins after the age of 14) and becoming independent, they will quickly unravel the karmic intricacies of their fate.

Moreover, one should not make such mistakes as calling them consonant names. The consonance of the names increases the energy dependence of the twins on each other. Twins should not be baptized on the same day. It may happen that the Guardian Angel as a result of such a baptism will be one for two and will not be able to really help either one or the other. On the first night after baptism, children must be put in different beds, even if before that they slept together: at night, the soul of each child will talk with its Guardian Angel. Gemini should not interfere with each other, otherwise their innermost desires will not be fulfilled, and the connection with the Guardian Angel will be fragile.

To improve the fate of children, you can use a conspiracy that puts the black half of a person to sleep. To do this, before the full moon, when the child is sleeping, stand next to him and clearly read this conspiracy from memory without errors. So that the dark half never wakes up and is not able to harm your child, it is better to read this conspiracy nine times (that is, nine months in a row on the day before the full moon, on the 14th lunar day) until he is three years old.

The conspiracy is next

Man was born, guilty of sin. The Lord forgave, forgave sins. He gave a guardian angel. The Lord ordered the angel to cover with a wing, to protect from trouble, neither day nor night not to sleep. Bright angel, do not sleep. Angel black in the age of sleep. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The karma of children is also softened by a prayer-amulet for a child, read on the night before his Angel's day:

Lord, Heavenly Father, Thy strength and Thy will. Save, preserve and protect my child (name) in all affairs, ways and roads. Guardian angel, be with him always in the hour of evil, save and protect him (her) from any dashing trouble. May the child be healthy and cool, smart for a miracle. From all the darkness of troubles, misfortunes, misfortunes, Lord, save, protect and cover my child at night and midnight, day and noon, at the dawn of morning and evening, at any time and during timelessness. Save him, Lord, from evil eyes and evil people. To the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The power of this conspiracy can last a person's entire life if the mother reads it at night every day for the first 84 days of the child's life, and then for 9 years, without missing a year, reads it on the night of angel day.