Secrets Of The Disappeared German Submarines And German Settlers In South America - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Disappeared German Submarines And German Settlers In South America - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Disappeared German Submarines And German Settlers In South America - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Disappeared German Submarines And German Settlers In South America - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Disappeared German Submarines And German Settlers In South America - Alternative View
Video: The SECRET German Colonies In South America 2024, July

On April 17, 2018, a curious article appeared in the British newspaper Express, which proves once again that the British media are currently leading the way in revealing some sensational secrets that cannot be ignored. The article tells about the missing German submarine from the Second World War - U-3523. This type XXI submarine was one of the most advanced and technically sophisticated submarines of its time. According to historical records, she was sunk by British bombers on May 6, 1945. Submarines of this type, they were also called "electric boats", were supposedly 118 pieces, and only four of them were fully completed, and only two were officially launched. These submarines were designed to sail autonomously under water for several weeks.

The article refers to the possibility that one of these submarines was used to transport Nazi bosses to South America, for this all the necessary technical conditions were created on the boats. At the end of the war, the sunk U-3523 could not be definitively identified, and the exact place where she sank was not determined, but persistent rumors still circulate that she was not sunk at all. After receiving minor injuries, she was able to escape. According to some reports, quite recently the boat was found near the Danish city of Skagen. This version was indirectly confirmed by the Danish government, stating that there were no signs that there were any high-ranking Nazis on board. But there is evidence that even after the end of the war, some German submarines disappeared without a trace.more than 40 people are still missing. What happened? Declassified US intelligence documents show rumors of an escape to South America may be real. The documents contain statements of eyewitnesses that even Adolf Hitler personally fled to Argentina in the last days of the war! Both the CIA and the FBI published several documents at the same time confirming that the leader of Nazi Germany was in Colombia and Argentina after the war - there is even a photograph from 1954 in which he is said to be captured.and the FBI simultaneously published several documents confirming that the leader of Nazi Germany was in Colombia and Argentina after the war - there is even a photograph from 1954 in which he is said to be captured.and the FBI simultaneously published several documents confirming that the leader of Nazi Germany was in Colombia and Argentina after the war - there is even a photograph from 1954 in which he is said to be captured.


There are other documents in the FBI archives dated September 21, 1945, which say that almost three weeks after the fall of Berlin, Adolf Hitler arrived in Argentina in a submarine. Of course, there was covert and reliable traffic between Germany and South America, since Adolf Eichmann was arrested in Argentina in 1960. But not only America, but also Antarctica, was the target of the Germans.

Today, the story of the connection of submarines in the jungle of the Amazon, in the secret city of Accor, in which a tribe of white Indians allegedly lives, is relatively known, but still mysterious. This incredible story was told by Karl Brugger, a former foreign correspondent for ARD.

Karl Bruegger spoke about the "Chronicle of Akakor" and about a meeting with one person named Tatunka Nara, who was later found to be German by nationality. For some reason he posed as a representative of the white Indians of the Amazon. This strange man, whose real name was Gunther Hauck, arrived in the Amazon from Coburg. Also in 1972, Brugger spoke about the supposedly legendary underground cities and structures hidden in the Amazon jungle. About ancient spaceships and German soldiers who fled there after the war in submarines.

Let's take a quick look at some of the facts that Karl Brugger later published in his book:

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In several interviews, Tatunka Nara told about the incredible history of his tribe - Ugy Mongualaly, which 15,000 years ago was elected by the cosmic "gods". According to Tatunka, the tribe had a book or chronicle in which these ancient traditions were passed down from generation to generation. In ancient times, before a huge catastrophe, the surface of the earth had to be absolutely flat. At this time, many thousands of years ago, shining golden ships appeared in the sky. The aliens who came on these ships told the earthlings that they came to earth from another planet. They warned the inhabitants of the Earth that every 6000 years on Earth there is a cataclysm that wipes out the previous earthly civilization.


According to the traditions of Uga Mongualala, the "gods" of space aliens were in the form of white-skinned people with blue-black hair, thick mustaches and six fingers and toes. Today, this trait is retained by some South American tribes, such as the Vaorani in Ecuador. The members of this tribe are usually very energetic and aggressive. Doctors noted that this nation never has cancer, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, allergies or other known diseases. So, some races of people descend directly from the ancient cosmic "gods"? There are legends about prehistoric white giants who ruled the entire earth, and they are described as very powerful and violent.


From the story of Tatunka Nara, it became known that the aliens from outer space had powerful tools that seemed like magic to earthlings, with which they could lift even the heaviest stones, throw lightning and make rocks liquid! The white gods civilized the indigenous tribes and, with the help of their weapons and tools, built large cities - Akanis, Akakor and Akahim! These cities still remain undiscovered in the dense jungle of the Amazon. Tatunka's mother, was a German woman named Reinha who married the chieftain Ugha Mongualala. Before the war, she visited Germany, where she had contacts with high-ranking representatives of the Third Reich, and then allegedly returned back, but with three German officials. After lengthy negotiations, the leaders of Germany and Akakor formed an alliance. And in 1945, thousands of Germans were transported by submarines to Akakor. In 1972, when Brugger met Tatunca, over 2,000 Germans were living in Akakor! It is not known what happened later to these people.

It should be noted that this story is now considered completely fictional, since it later turned out that Tatunka Nara was in fact a German named Gunter Hauck from Coburg, who was hiding in the Amazon jungle, either from creditors, or from the police.

However, the question arises where Gunther Hauck, alias Tatunka Nara, heard this whole story. Did he know about the books of Erich von Deniken? Or did he meet a German salesman in Brazil who told him about it? You don't just think about something like that …

Unfortunately, we hardly know the real story about the Akakors underground objects mentioned or German flying discs. Although Gunther Hauck still lives in Brazil in the Barcelos region, he has nothing more to say than what he has already said. Let this story stay. Rumors of tunnel systems throughout South America have been going on for a long time and, presumably, from the 19th century, German emigrants began to explore and colonize them!

Further evidence of the escape of the top Nazi leadership of Germany is provided by statements and photographs at Mar del Plata in Argentina. There was probably a well-coordinated route for the smuggling of Nazi bosses. Among them were Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun?

U997 captain Karl Heinz Schaeffler was arrested along with his submarine in Argentina a few months after the end of the war. In his interviews, he talked about the unprecedented escape of the Nazis. The Allies repeatedly asked questions about Hitler's whereabouts and details of his escape - did they know that he had escaped? In The History of Submarine Warfare, naval historian Leonce Payllard wrote that between early April and early May 1945, about 60 Type XXI submarines (electric boats) left German ports, not two, as was officially announced. The electric boats sailed for Norway and then disappeared without a trace. These submarines were later recorded as lost or sunk. There is evidence thatthat the German leadership developed plans for the creation of the Fourth Reich after the end of World War II. If you believe the statements of some historians, then some of these plans were actually implemented in practice. There are reports in Argentine newspapers that German submarines are still at anchor in Argentina in September 1946.


Long before World War II, Germany acquired large tracts of land throughout South America that are still owned by Germany today. It can be read in Argentine documents that at that time at least two million German-speaking people lived in Latin America. Most of them are in Brazil (50%), Argentina (25%) and Chile (25%). Back in 1950-1975, it was customary to speak German in the countryside, although Portuguese was the official language. The former National Socialists were most likely in Paraguay. There they met with German emigrants who had already settled in the 19th century - in this already well-established community. Brazil today has more than 5 million Germans, Austrians, Luxembourgers and Swiss. Argentina has at least three million people. Smaller communities also exist in Chile, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

Although only a few fugitives have ever revealed their past, historians estimate the number of National Socialists who were able to escape to at least 9,000! This number was recently discovered after examining classified documents in Brazil and Chile. The fugitives included Germans, Croats, Ukrainians, Russians, and other Western Europeans who became National Socialists. Of these 9,000, at least 5,000 went to Argentina, 2,000 to Brazil and about 1,000 to Chile, while the rest were distributed to Paraguay and Uruguay. Researchers doubt the number of 9,000; according to various estimates, their number could reach up to 300,000 people who went abroad. Secret documents revealed that the then President of Argentina, Juan Perón, had sold 10,000 blank passports to the pro-fascist organization ODESSA. Peron was delighted to welcome thousands of well-educated Germans to Argentina. With German submarines, it is likely that German technology and technology came to Argentina.

Juan Perón also ordered intelligence and diplomats to plan special evacuation routes - the so-called "rat paths". Thus, thousands of SS officers and party members could safely leave Europe via Spain and Italy. According to Argentine writer Uki Goni, the National Socialists could safely travel to Argentina using the Vatican's Red Cross passports. Thus Eichmann arrived in Argentina as "Ricardo Clement". The Brazilian National Archives records that only between 1945-1959. 20,000 new Germans settled in Brazil. About 800 SS officers arrived with these passports in Argentina. What happened to them later?

Southern Argentina now has provinces with a predominantly German majority, there is a famous place called Villa General Belgrano, which was founded by them in 1930. Since 1960, the Oktoberfest has also been held, which today is one of the great landmarks of Argentina. About 660,000 Argentines are today considered to be the descendants of the first German settlers, accounting for about 2% of the country's total population. There are still no Austrians, Swiss or Russian Germans here. Bolivia today has about 375,000 inhabitants with German roots, which is at least 3% of the total population. Chile is currently officially home to about 500,000 people with German roots, which is also 3% of the total population. Paraguay has at least 300,000 inhabitants,born in Germany, and in Peru more than 160,000 people.


Paraguay has a square called Nueva Germania (New Germany), founded in 1887 by the German settler Bernhard Foerster, he was married to Elisabeth Foerster-Nietzsche, sister of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche! Furster wanted to demonstrate in a then still new world that German society and its culture could also be anchored. According to his own statements, he founded the settlement to avoid Jewish influence in Europe. There are 2,500 more descendants of the first German settlers, some of whom still speak German, and many local memorabilia are on display in the local museum. In Argentina, Villa General Belgrano is the largest German-speaking city, in Brazil it is Blumenau and Pomerode, and in Paraguay it is Fernheim. Just under 4,000 Germans emigrated to South America in 2016, according to new statistics.

It is also rumored that even German politicians like to settle in Paraguay, after retirement, when everything collapses - others call it exile. Political supplies from this country are not possible, and therefore Paraguay has long been the final destination for the escape of Germans, but also emigrates there for political reasons, as there is no registration obligation in Paraguay. The country is home to about 7 million people, about 6% of its citizens are immigrants of German origin, and almost all residents are Christians. The country is subtropical and is often compared to Florida or California as it is green all year round. The cost of living is relatively low from 600 euros per month, a small family can stay there and live well. Some secrets of South America are still unclear:

What really happened after the end of World War II in Antarctica and South America? Are there really secret tunnel systems and where do they lead? Where did all these missing German submarines, soldiers and settlers go? Everything is still unclear.
