Sorcerers From Konigsberg - Alternative View

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Sorcerers From Konigsberg - Alternative View
Sorcerers From Konigsberg - Alternative View

Video: Sorcerers From Konigsberg - Alternative View

Video: Sorcerers From Konigsberg - Alternative View
Video: 2019-10-15 Zi Xia Song (宋梓霞), Ramsey numbers of cycles under Gallai colorings 2024, October

In the laboratory "Konigsberg-13" the Germans created psychotropic weapons to enslave the world … The historian from Kaliningrad Sergey Trifonov devoted his life to the study of extraordinary phenomena and events in the life of Konigsberg-Kaliningrad.

Among the researches of the historian, a special place is occupied by the study of documents and facts related to the activities of the secret laboratory "Koenigsberg-13" during the Third Reich. The scientific developments of these units were personally controlled by the East Prussian Gauleiter Erich Koch, and a narrow circle of insiders knew about the existence of the laboratory.

“The consciousness of Hitler and his associates was largely susceptible to hoaxes,” says Sergei Trifonov. - They believed in demonology, pagan rituals. An example of this is the loud names of divisions: "Werewolves", "Dead Head". The Nazis were sensitive to everything occult, scrupulously used ancient letters and symbols.

In my collection - photographs of more than eighty thousand signs of masters and runes, prints on bricks of wolf paws and children's palms, collected on this earth. The famous SS emblem - two lightning bolts (sig runes) - meant doubled energy. There is numerous documentary evidence that the runic warriors, or, as Koch called them, black initiates, took part in the old Teutonic rites. For example, collectively, in whole companies, they made incisions in the hands with fragments of red tiles. This symbolized their inflexibility in the fight against the enemy and the eternity of the genus.

Therefore, the idea of organizing such a laboratory was hatched in the heads of the leaders of the Third Reich.

What did the secret laboratory do?

- She had two tasks. The first is the study of ancient metaphysical disciplines, astrology, magic, hypnosis, various cults, fetishes. The second, the most profound and promising, is the development of the eastern concept of psychotropic weapons based on the research obtained.

When was this laboratory organized?

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- Even by a miracle, we did not save the remaining documents, but sent them overseas as unnecessary - the archive of the laboratory was exchanged by the party workers of the USSR from the Americans for machines and other trophy iron. Therefore, I cannot say for sure when this laboratory was organized - the degree of secrecy of the object was so high that in the city they began to guess about its existence only during the war. By the way, residents of the city sometimes met Buddhist monks in white and red robes.

If we talk about the beginning of the laboratory's activities, then very interesting facts emerge long before the start of the Second World War. In 1929, when Hitler was just coming to power, some German journalists allowed themselves to openly mock the future Fuhrer. During a visit to East Prussia, he caught a cold, hoarse, and his speech could not be called successful. The leader of the nation will conclude his speech with a pathetic phrase: "I came to take Konigsberg!"

One of the local journalists very maliciously and sarcastically ridiculed the hoarse speaker who dreamed of winning the hearts of the inhabitants of East Prussia. A few days later, a charming young man appeared in the editorial office. As a sign of his deep location, he presented the journalist with a chocolate bar and left. It was lunchtime, and when the publishers went down to the cafeteria, they witnessed a terrible scene. The journalist unrolled the tile and began to bite off. There was a crunch of broken glass, unnatural for chocolate. Blood gushed from her mouth, but the distraught girl continued to frantically bite the glass plate. The next day a neat note appeared in the editorial office: "Give him the city!"

It can be assumed that the Nazis, even before coming to power, hatched plans to influence their opponents using hypnosis.

Who, besides the Germans, was serious about this kind of research?

- Almost everyone except the USSR. It is known for certain that in the fall of 1940, Winston Churchill discussed at the military department how to use witchcraft knowledge. There is also information that in the forty-second prime minister of Great Britain it was reported that Konigsberg sorcerers were working with his stuffed animal. In any case, this hypothesis explains the seething hatred of the British towards this city.

The place where the laboratories were created in Konigsberg, in your opinion, was not torn out by accident?

- Quite deliberately. From the moment of its foundation, Koenigsberg was considered a city of unique mystical mysteries and paradoxes. Even the city owes its location to a sign from above. Initially, the Teutons, who enslaved the Prussians, planned to establish the capital of their order two hundred kilometers to the east, along the Neman River. But during the halt of the knights on the mountain, which received the name Royal, a solar eclipse happened. The masters who headed the order regarded it as the finger of God and did not dare to contradict him.

As for the laboratory, its name was not chosen by chance. The number thirteen is significant for Koenigsberg. All significant events in the life of the city are associated with the devil's dozen or multiples of it. Even the number of columns on the grave of the most famous Königsberg resident Immanuel Kant is thirteen. Otto Lyash signed the act of surrender of the city in office No. 13. If we sum up the numbers of the founding date of Konigsberg (1255), then we also get thirteen. Ironically, only two large cities in Europe - Berlin and Moscow - get the same result when added.

And today the number thirteen accompanies the city. An interesting detail: on the license plates of our cars, we are designated as the thirty-ninth region. Remember? In a certain kingdom, in a distant state …

- For me, like any other normal person, it is always difficult to believe in the predictions of the prophets and sorcerers who were unable to accurately predict their fate

“The most interesting thing is that in this respect the laboratory has fully fulfilled its“function, more precisely, one of its outstanding specialists. For which he paid. Even before the Nazis came to power, the name of the clairvoyant Hans Schurr was a great success in Germany. The astrologer gave his prediction about the death of the Third Reich in the early forties. Moreover, Hans Schurr predicted exactly that Königsberg would fall in three days in April in the forty-fifth year. Then the clairvoyant was not believed.

When, in March, Soviet troops approached Konigsberg, Hans Schurr was executed for an unsuccessful prediction. A medallion with runic signs was torn from his body, which has survived to this day.

Have you found any practical application for the research of the Keiigsberg-13 laboratory?

- I can't say with certainty now whether the Nazis could have created a weapon of mass destruction of a psychotropic nature, but the intellectual potential of this institution was very high. I have no doubt that some of the knowledge and talents of the laboratory staff were actively used in some local operations. But I will not argue that in one case the laboratory specialists worked here, and in the other someone a flock was the victim of a fatal accident. I’m still a researcher, not a psychic!

Occult Bomb

In August 1944, British pilots launched massive bombing raids on Konigsberg. The main target of the bombers was four medieval buildings in the historic center of the fortified city. It was here, at 13 Koenigsberg, that the employees of the secret laboratory of ancient cults "forged" the victory of the German weapon. The first two floors of the laboratory housed an extensive collection of religious objects - from Orthodox icons to Scandinavian runes.

The basement was equipped with a huge refrigerator with many baths, which contained ice and … the eyes of domestic animals brought from the slaughterhouse. The uninitiated can only guess about the purpose of such "alchemy". The developments of "Konigsberg-13" were an integral part of the German military doctrine. On instructions from the command, the British pilots bombed the area three times with super-powerful napalm bombs. But here's the paradox: six bombs that fell directly on the laboratory did not even explode!

V. Gromak

“Interesting newspaper. Incredible No. 24 2012