Strange Pictures With Hidden Meaning, Which Is Not So Easy To Understand - Alternative View

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Strange Pictures With Hidden Meaning, Which Is Not So Easy To Understand - Alternative View
Strange Pictures With Hidden Meaning, Which Is Not So Easy To Understand - Alternative View

Video: Strange Pictures With Hidden Meaning, Which Is Not So Easy To Understand - Alternative View

Video: Strange Pictures With Hidden Meaning, Which Is Not So Easy To Understand - Alternative View
Video: Can You Find The Meaning In These Pictures - Pictures With Deep Hidden Meanings 2024, October

If the strange paintings in your mind are surrealism, then you will be surprised, because the following canvases do not fit this template at all.

Next, we have collected several controversial works of artists of all times, which even art critics can not easily explain.

The Glove, Max Klinger

Strange pictures about a young man in love with a glove were written by the German artist Max Klinger, from whose works a lot was later learned by painting of the 20th century, in particular surrealism. It is surprising and strange, but they say that once he saw a woman drop a glove, and this prompted him to create a whole series of engravings on this topic.


"Madonna and Saint Giovannino" by Domenico Ghirlandaio

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It's time to talk about the strange paintings of artists who have depicted UFOs for many centuries. On this canvas by Ghirlandaio, you can see a strange disk-shaped object that flies behind Madonna - perhaps it is from him that she is trying to hide the baby.


"Spirit of Water", Alfred Kubin

Alfred Kubin wrote strange and mysterious paintings in the styles of expressionism and symbolism. He embodied the darkest fantasies in his works - and one of such works was the depiction of this terrible spirit. But who is he? Probably, this creature personifies the destructive side of the water element, which brings death to sea vessels.


"Portrait of the Arnolfini Couple" by Jan van Eyck

Quite mysterious paintings, in principle, were painted by this master of the painting school of the Northern Renaissance, but this masterpiece became one of the most famous and complex works of that period. If you look closely at the wall behind the Arnolfini couple, you can see in the small mirror the reflection of both the spouses themselves and two people who look at the couple from the perspective of an artist. They say that van Eyck depicted himself in the place of his spouse - so who, then, are those figures from the mirror?


Spring, Sandro Botticelli

One cannot help but recall this masterpiece by Botticelli, speaking of strange pictures of the world with many symbols. Critics tried to interpret the canvas in different ways: some consider it to be a depiction of the mythological garden of the Hesperides, others are sure that the artist's contemporaries are depicted on the canvas, others associate the painting with the philosophy of Neoplatonism, but they still cannot come to a consensus.