About The Realism Of Lucid Dreams - Alternative View

About The Realism Of Lucid Dreams - Alternative View
About The Realism Of Lucid Dreams - Alternative View

Video: About The Realism Of Lucid Dreams - Alternative View

Video: About The Realism Of Lucid Dreams - Alternative View
Video: 4 Easy Steps to Lucid Dream Every Night! 2024, October

Many people who practice lucid dreaming techniques note that over time, the brightness of perception and awareness may even exceed what we experience while awake. At the same time, the world around us often turns out to be so similar to the world of everyday reality that a doubt may arise: are we really in a dream. And, nevertheless, the possibilities to distinguish lucid dreams from reality exist due to the different laws of these worlds.

Here is what Charles Morley writes about all this in his book Lucid Dreams. How to choose and manage your dreams :

So, the main conclusion that should be made here is that no matter how real lucid dreams seem to us, they are an illusion in relation to external reality, since they are associated with travels to the worlds of our inner universe. It often happens that people are completely immersed in the illusions of these inner worlds, leaving the reality of the outer world. Of course, in a sense, we can influence ourselves in this way. For example, to be cured of a disease or to master the necessary skills that help us in the world of external reality.

But, nevertheless, all the "great teachers", gods and heroes of antiquity, whom we meet in the worlds of lucid dreams, are products of our own consciousness. That is why, we should not blindly trust the information that we receive from them regarding the outside world. Imagine yourself after receiving such a message as a "prophet" and start broadcasting on behalf of various "higher powers" is still not worth it.

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Another illusion is the belief of some would-be esotericists of the middle level that having fenced off from the outside world in the shell of the worlds of the inner universe, they supposedly become invulnerable to the forces acting in the outer universe. But the fact is that our consciousness is a small partial of the Consciousness of the Universe and the ability of the Universe to influence us and reality is incomparably greater than our ability to influence the Universe and the reality of the world. And only the limited consciousness of those who, having gone into the inner worlds of their own, imagined themselves as a great messiah, prophet or arhat, does not allow them to understand this simple truth.

We are really able to influence the events of our own destiny as our consciousness expands and develops. But not at the level when a person hides in the inner worlds from the difficulties of the outer world. Therefore, despite the fact that the practice of lucid dreaming contributes to the development of awareness and wakefulness, the moment inevitably comes when it is necessary to begin to master a qualitatively new level, which is very different from the level of lucid dreams - real out-of-body travel associated with the real forces of the external universe. But jumping to this level without fully mastering the practice of lucid dreaming is also not worth it.

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