Spirits And Ghosts - Alternative View

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Spirits And Ghosts - Alternative View
Spirits And Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: Spirits And Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: Spirits And Ghosts - Alternative View
Video: The Science of Ghosts | Earth Lab 2024, July

In 1852, the incredible happened in the British town of Wells. The Rochester family, consisting of parents and two daughters aged 14 and 11, moved into a large old house. After a while, the tenants discovered that someone's presence was clearly felt in their mansion - how the running chandeliers on the ceiling rotated, the floors creaked, and some kind of knocking was constantly heard.

Parents of girls have repeatedly tried to get rid of evil spirits with the help of priests and exorcists. But, alas, everything remained the same. Only Lizzie, the eldest of the daughters, managed to establish contact with the spirit. She invited the spirit to play - to knock once if the answer to her question is "yes", twice - if "no". The invisible man answered her, and contact was established. So Lizzie found out that the noise is produced by the spirit of the former owner of the house, who was considered missing. The spirit announced that his master had been killed, the corpse was in the basement, and called the name of the killer. The police arrived and found the remains, the killer was arrested, and the Rochester family, which neighbors were quick to accuse of witchcraft, were forced to move to America.


So, the Rochesters disappeared, but the researchers of the phenomenon remained, who tirelessly looked for ways to communicate with the spirits-knocking (as they were then called). The method invented by 14-year-old Lizzie was refined and called alphabetic typtology. However, the initial version of communication (one blow - letter A, two blows - letter B) turned out to be very long: it took the medium several days to receive the message. Researchers reduced the number of blows: A, B, C, D, D - 1 blow, E, F, Z, I, K –2 blows, etc. The spirit additionally confirmed the loudly called letters with a blow. It was faster that way, but this spiritualistic telegraph was also inconvenient. Many researchers received whole messages from spirits, which told about the structure of other worlds, life after death. Spiritual messengers published detailed reports,and therefore a very fast way of obtaining information was needed. And they found him.

The most popular and comfortable was the table of Mademoiselle Emile de Gerardine, which was a small circle on legs with an alphabet written along the edge. On top of it was attached a smaller circle with a mark, freely rotating around its axis. Fingers were placed on this upper circle, a question was asked, and the disk rotated, indicating a letter with a mark.

Since communication with the knocking spirit in private led to serious illnesses of mediums, the researchers began to join forces to hedge. People had to sit around the table, hands joined together and thereby creating a circle of power, known from ancient times as a powerful magical protection technique. Hands should be kept above the table, slightly touching the pads of the fingers. When the spirit appeared, the table began to crackle and rotate or rise. He knocked out blows with his foot.

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In Russia, the fascination with revolving tables has become fashionable since the middle of the 19th century. Aristocratic circles kept diaries of seances for posterity, recording the revelations of spirits in them. The spirits were summoned by the entire creative elite of the Silver Age - Bryusov, Blok, Bely, Scriabin …

Vsevolod Krestovsky (author of the novel "Petersburg Slums") wrote a story about how he and his friends in the regiment were engaged in spiritualism. Several skeptical officers decided to prove that there were no spirits, and, joining their hands, sat around the table. The table immediately began to rotate, and then, lifting off the ground, it stuck to the ceiling. The officers tried to return him to the ground, fearing the anger of the regimental authorities, but to no avail. When the table began to be grabbed by the leg, he began to kick, and to top it off - chase and beat the most serious skeptic. In Krestovsky's story, everything ended well - the table descended from heaven to earth and the incident was soon forgotten. However, calling spirits unnecessarily can lead to more serious consequences.


According to the generally accepted hierarchy, a spirit of any level can communicate with people by knocking. However, the higher spirits do not use such a primitive method. They choose a person who is able to contact them without the help of material carriers. Thus, the famous philosopher Emmanuel Swedenborg, the father of the doctrine of spiritualism, received revelations by communicating with spirits directly. He traveled in their world and saw fiery messages. The essence of the spiritualists' teaching looks something like this: the higher powers, wishing that some new revelation would reach humanity, instruct the spirits to bring Knowledge to people through numerous mediums. Swedenborg was one of them. The writer Vera Kryzhanovskaya and the mystic Helena Blavatskaya could communicate with the spirits, falling into a trance and writing down hundreds of sheets of paper “under dictation”.


Paracelsus in "Treatises on Magic" gives the following hierarchy of spirits: air - sylphs and fairies, earthly - pygmies and gnomes, water - undines, fire - salamanders. These spirits each live in their own state and have difficulties in transitioning to another element. Just as people cannot do without air for a long time, so these spirits cannot do without their own elements. Some spirits, for example Undines, are surprised to hear about people, in much the same way as people are surprised by Undines. They have more advanced brothers who guess about the existence of people, and some may even appear to call the mediums.

As people “have a black sheep in the family”, so the spirits have freaks - giants, dwarfs, sirens, manta rays and tsintils. Sirens - water freaks - evolved from the convergence of sylphs and gnomes, dwarfs are just a species of degenerate gnomes, giants are the result of the degradation of sylphs. And about mant and tsintil, evil tongues say that they originated from the passionate love of man and spirit.

What do spirits do? Each with his own business. Dwarfs guard the natural resources of the Earth - oil, coal, metals, which people are diligently looking for. They arrange everything they can to prevent people from getting close to treasures - for example, landslides and explosions. Sirens warn ships about death, manta rays and tsintils - about the coming famine, dwarfs - about fires, natural disasters and epidemics, and giants - about wars. Elemental spirits protect the earth and are indifferent to people, and their outcasts try to save people as much as they can.

If an elemental spirit takes pity on a person and does not destroy him, then he is doomed to perish himself. This is how the “sent to prison” appear - the “barabashka” and “poltergeist” attributed to one place. The former tend to knock, while the latter explode or carry objects from place to place. Being in a “prison”, the spirit must realize its mistakes, then it will be released.

Incubi and succubi are a separate category of spirits. They use the sexual energy of a person, entering into intimate contact with him at night. People often fall under the spell of these demons, as incubi and succubus use unfulfilled desires of a person in the personal and intimate sphere. Incubi seduced nuns in monasteries, and succubi subdued monks. They tempt ascetics and faithful spouses. They come to modern apartments and pretend to be either the future husband, or the deceased spouse. Initially, such communication gives a person strength, but then leads to quick death. After all, it is important for a demon to get not only energy, but also a human soul.


If an annoying spirit interferes with your life, declare war on it. First, find out which element it belongs to. If fiery, place water in the place where it most often appears. If water-based, light a fire in the house more often, turn on the light, wear yellow and red clothes. In short, surround yourself with symbols of the opposite element.

And remember the main thing - the appearance of spirits without your call indicates that you or someone from your family is tormented by unresolved problems. A harmonious and strong person is not afraid of either gnomes, or bums, or any other evil spirits.

