The Principles Of Hermeticism And Modern Science - Alternative View

The Principles Of Hermeticism And Modern Science - Alternative View
The Principles Of Hermeticism And Modern Science - Alternative View

Video: The Principles Of Hermeticism And Modern Science - Alternative View

Video: The Principles Of Hermeticism And Modern Science - Alternative View
Video: Hermetic Health (Hugo Rodier) 2024, June

One of the most famous books among the researchers of esoteric knowledge is the book of Hermes Trismegistus "The Emerald Tablet", which sets out the basic principles of such a direction of esoteric knowledge, which is called "hermeticism". And one of the most famous quotes in this book is the following statement:

The universality of our Universe is precisely in the similarity of man to the micro and macrocosm. It is in similarity, but not in identity. That is why the Creator of the Universe cannot have human features, as the Abrahamic religions of the "biblical project" draw him. This similarity consists in a multidimensional structure. For as the Universe is multidimensional, having many worlds and dimensions, so is the multidimensional structure of man (energy bodies) and microcosm. And modern science is finally beginning to realize this.

It is no coincidence that Russian scientists, Doctor of Technical Sciences V. Tikhopla and Candidate of Technical Sciences T. Tikhoplav believed that the study of the principles of hermeticism could help modern science to get out of the technocratic impasse in which mankind found itself due to the "closeness" of esoteric knowledge and its complete or partial ignorance by modern scientists. In their book Planet of Free Choice, they cite 8 principles of hermeticism that should be recognized by modern science. Here they are:

1. God is; science should be guided by what in the philosophy of Hermeticism is called the all-encompassing word "All";

2. The world is infinite and infinitely complex, but we wallow in a negligible part of it, accessible to our perception;

3. The world is built hierarchically and is subject to uniform principles, uniform laws;

4. The only way for the existence of the World is movement, vibration, subject to a certain rhythm.

5. The world is polarized, because without a potential difference, not a single process not only goes on - it simply does not exist.

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6. The world is built on the basis of cause-and-effect relationships and "his majesty" case is a fiction.

7. In the World, everything is subject to the interaction of active and passive principles that manifest themselves under any conditions of the hierarchy;

8. All these principles are universal and work together, they are necessary and sufficient for the created universe.

The crisis in modern science is precisely the result of the long-term stagnation of the scientific paradigm at the primitive level of a purely materialistic view of reality, which does not allow understanding and comprehending the essence of many processes occurring in the Universe. And instead of denying such phenomena or unfoundedly declaring "superstition" and "charlatanism", real science should study them. Well, if these phenomena contradict the long-obsolete scientific paradigm, then it is not necessary to discard them, but to change the paradigm itself, allowing it to accommodate more expanded horizons of knowledge about the surrounding reality.

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