The Secret Of The "Petrozavodsk Phenomenon" - Alternative View

The Secret Of The "Petrozavodsk Phenomenon" - Alternative View
The Secret Of The "Petrozavodsk Phenomenon" - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The "Petrozavodsk Phenomenon" - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The
Video: TED PetrSU. Nadezhda Shablikova 2024, June

Forty-four years old in 2020 turned one of the most famous UFO phenomena in the world, which affected not only most of Russia, but also the Scandinavian countries with its "presence" to Karelia and, in particular, to Petrozavodsk.

In the Moscow newspaper "Socialist Industry" on September 23, 1977, an interesting article was published - "An unidentified phenomenon of nature":

This is the full content of the article in the newspaper "Socialist Industry".

The same note was published in the Petrozavodsk newspaper "Leninskaya Pravda" on September 24, 1977. Please note that the article in the local newspaper was published not only four days after the event itself, but even later than in the central newspapers.


Promotional video:

In the same issue of the Petrozavodsk newspaper Leninskaya Pravda, another article on this matter was published, but not reprinted, but its own:

And one more emotional detail that did not make it into the newspapers. When the ambulance was in the beam of light emitted by the "star", everyone "was seized by a feeling of fear and doom." The driver stopped the car and moved it from its place only after the "star" had gone and the glow had gone out.


Many residents of Petrozavodsk watched the "space alien": a woman in the booth of a pay phone; another, hurrying to the pharmacy; brigade of port workers …

The name of the woman in the pay phone booth is Tamara Tikhonova. Here's what she said:

This interview did not make it into the newspapers.

The next eyewitness of what was happening, A. Pavlenko, said (but this was also not published in the newspapers) that “I saw some strange object of a spherical shape, which was descending in a spiral, and then hovered over the Severnaya Hotel. This ball emitted a hum and flickered. It hung for about 5-7 minutes, then the hum intensified, and the ball flew towards Lake Onega."


In the same note above, there are the words: "the study continues, the observations obtained in different cities are compared." That is, this event was observed not only by residents of Petrozavodsk.

From the same materials, I will give only one more testimony. The observation was carried out from an area located several tens of kilometers from the city of Sortavala. The eyewitness was A. P. Novozhilov, an employee of the Institute of Lake Science of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

At this time, two more people approached, who also observed the phenomenon. All three climbed the hillock and looked at the glow and the place of the "fall" of the separated body …

To this it remains only to add that when this body "fell" there was no explosion, otherwise the observers would have heard it. Therefore, one must think that this body did not fall, but a village!


And one more small message, taken from an article by Professor M. Dmitriev, published in the journal "Aviation and Cosmonautics" No. 8 for 1978:

Please note that these problems did not occur in one computing center, but in several, most likely in all computing centers in the region. In all, without exception, works on UFOs, this is precisely the phenomenon that is noted - interruptions in motors, shutdown of electrical and radio systems, etc.


This could end the description of this case, if not for one nuance. Many Petrozavodsk residents who were absent from the city during this event, returning home, found that the glass of their windows was pierced with some kind of melted through holes with a diameter of 50 and 70 millimeters. By constructing a reverse parallax along these penetrating holes, we obtained a more or less accurate hovering height of the object - 14 kilometers.

These are the mysterious events that took place over Petrozavodsk. This riddle still remains unsolved, and it has not yet been possible to explain it by "earthly" laws.
