Contacts With Extraterrestrials - Alternative View

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Contacts With Extraterrestrials - Alternative View
Contacts With Extraterrestrials - Alternative View

Video: Contacts With Extraterrestrials - Alternative View

Video: Contacts With Extraterrestrials - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, October

The Ainu believed that the space surrounding them was the habitat of an innumerable number of all kinds of supernatural beings - spirits, werewolves, demons, deities who came to the country from heaven …

- A. Spevakovsky. Spirits, werewolves, demons and deities of the Ainu (M., 1988)


The people's memory has preserved ancient legends about encounters with terrible monsters. In Russian legends, fairy tales, these creatures are endowed with reason. Those of them who have the ability to fly were called in times long gone, Fiery snakes, heavenly maidens, flyers, as well as giant "ravens with iron beaks" - the children of the most probably frightening character of Russian fairy tales Koshchei the Immortal. And all of them, according to popular rumor, were deadly to humans. That is why they were called monsters.

Russian people - heroes of legends and fairy tales - have always treated them not so much with apprehension, but with panic fear. How great the fear was can be understood by referring to the three-volume work of the outstanding folklorist of the last century Alexander Afanasyev "Poetic views of the Slavs on nature."

Afanasyev, in particular, writes: "Russian fairy tales tell about a flying ship that, like a bird, can rush through the air at amazing speed." When such a ship occasionally went to land, it always caused a panic reaction among the heroes of fairy tales and legends. The bell ringer was immediately equipped for the bell tower. He sounded the bell, and the whole village, to which the "miracle descended," flew away in a crowd into the nearest forest.

Strange and creepy creatures in Russian fairy tales, tales, traditions and legends are countless. Unclean power, evil spirits called them all together, popular rumor. However, here is what is very interesting: the evil spirits in fairy tales acted on a sledge train traveling, for example, along a forest road, in the same way as a "flying saucer" on a convoy of trucks. She stopped him. And there was no force capable of moving the horses from their place. She also knew how to drive other characters of fairy-tale plots into a state of stupor, known to you and me from the history that happened to our contemporary Mironov.

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Some heroes of fairy tales fell seriously ill after meeting with evil spirits.

In the tales collected by the first Russian collectors of folklore back in the 18th century, they talk about aching joints and bloody diarrhea. There are references to the same ailments that arose after a person's contact with evil spirits, and in fairy tales, legends, written down a century and even two centuries later. Those interested in the history of the issue, I refer to the works of folklorists Sadovnikov, Buslaev, Komovskaya, Zelenin, Khudyakov …

Symptoms of diseases of such, for example, heroes of Russian fairy tales as Ivashka, Yegorushka Zalet, Makarka Krivoy, Mark-Umnik, surprisingly resemble the clinical picture of a strange disease that knocked down the Smitnitsky couple from Tula. Remember I told you what happened to the Smitnitskys after their close encounter with the "flying saucer"?

Let's compare their message with folklore primary sources.

“And then Mark-Umnik went bloody shit for three days and three nights, and spent the whole winter on the stove, and only on Yanka Kupala he first went out into the yard and recovered afterwards …”

“And Yegorushka Zalet vomited to bloody mucus, and he honored the terrible virgin of heaven with his last words, and writhed. It lasted seven days."

Let us ask ourselves a question: has the appearance of such, let us say, strange creatures such as the "maidens of heaven", "flyers", that is, humanoid monsters flying with the help of devices such as "stupa", "pomelo", "flying ship" ", Or even without their help …

A tiny article entitled "The Man in Black" appeared in the journal "Technics for Youth" without any comments. It was a letter to the editorial office of citizen E. Loznaya from Kislovodsk. Loznaya described in it an incident that happened to her in the winter of 1936 in Kazakhstan.

“I was fifteen then,” she said. "Early in the morning I walked to school on a deserted country road."

Suddenly, the girl saw a fast moving black dot in the sky. Further Loznaya recalls:

“After a few seconds it became noticeable that this is a humanoid figure in black, visible in profile. This man was, it seemed to me, of average height; the black clothes covered him completely like a jumpsuit. The head, or rather, something like a helmet, and massive “square” hands tightly pressed to the body stood out clearly … Behind the man's back was an oval-shaped object that looked like a backpack."

A few more seconds passed, the figure flew very close to Loznaya and was now clearly visible. But Loznaya could not see the face of the black man, "because instead of him there was a solid black surface." The flying "black man" emitted a loud roar, and then suddenly disappeared, as they say, out of nowhere. I would characterize the final point of the situation as follows: in the blink of an eye a “black man” flew out of our world, the “entry-exit point” worked here in a vanishingly small fraction of a second.

And here is another, no less interesting story - the testimony of Alexander Kovtun from the city of Cherkassy in Ukraine. In a letter sent in response to one of my publications to the editors of "Technics - Youth" addressed to me, Alexander writes about his "meeting with an alien", which took place when he was about twelve years old.

“I was playing in a secluded corner of our yard,” says Kov-tun, “when I suddenly heard a slight rustle. Turning around, I saw a disc-shaped aircraft of silvery-white color, descending behind me to the ground. A small ladder smoothly moved out of the hatch, which had suddenly opened. And they came out of the "disk" Two short men - two dwarfs, who did not seem to walk at all, but floated in the air. They dragged out of the "disc" into the yard an object that looked like a tank … And then one of the little men noticed me. He moved his hand, pointing something like a microphone at me, and I felt a wave of terror sweep through all my members. I was numb."

The story that happened to Mironov repeated itself, too, as you remember, during a close encounter with a numb UFO. With the only significant difference, however, that no one pointed any "microphones" at Mironov, but at Kovtun.

Our contactee describes the appearance of the UFO crew as follows:

“The clothes on the men were the same color as the skin of the ship. There was not the slightest hint of pockets or seams on it. Overalls, similar to scuba diving suits, passed into helmets that tightly hugged their heads. Where the faces should have been, tinted glasses were visible on the helmets.

Pay attention, again the characteristic, I would call it, "contact detail" is repeated - this time a detail that we know from the story of citizen Loznaya. The "flyer" she saw had a dark face too.

Kovtun writes further:

“Having fiddled with the 'reservoir' for a short while - having repaired it, perhaps? - the little men lifted him from the ground and headed towards the "disc". We sailed over the ladder in the air, and the hole in the side of the vehicle disappeared. In a few seconds, the "disc" lifted off the ground and flew away."

The feeling of paralyzing horror that filled every cell of Kovtun's body vanished. Alexander felt great again. However, this does not at all mean that someone else in an approximately similar situation will not get sick. Let us recall the story that happened in the Caucasus with the candidate of sciences Nikolaev.


The Nikolayev case shows that a close encounter with a UFO can be extremely dangerous for humans, and sometimes even deadly. For example, pensioner Burikov from Rostov-on-Don died after such a meeting.

Viktor Danilovich Burikov, the oldest Rostov journalist, died at the age of 80, having been ill for three months. Death occurred as a result of a slow, gradual paralysis of the arms, legs, and then the heart.

A month before his death, Burikov told his friends who had gathered at his bedside about the following:

- Guys, I know that I will die soon, and I have nothing to lose except life. Listen to me carefully. Doctors are wrong. I'm not dying of old age at all, but because aliens infected me with an unknown disease. Previously, I did not want to talk about it because I hoped to get well. And I didn’t want a rumor to roll around the city - they say, I fell into senile dementia, I’m talking all kinds of crazy nonsense. But I won't be able to recover, I realized. Standing on the brink of death, I want to tell you about the true reason why I found myself on this threshold.

I personally investigated the Burikov case.

Rostov-on-Don is my hometown. There, in the south of Russia, I was born and raised. My childhood friends still live there, my mother lived, who recently passed away. And I often, when everyday circumstances permit, visit my native land … Six months after Burikov's death, for the first time I heard from my fellow countrymen the rumors that were walking around the city about the dying confession of this unfortunate man.

I managed to find and interview three of Burikov's acquaintances who were listening to him. All of them in their stories emphasized the fact that, despite his advanced age, Burikov was a man of a sharp mind, with a good memory and enviable clarity of speech. My interlocutors insisted: until the very last moment, the dying person behaved like a sane person.

The journalist described in detail to his friends the place where he met the crew of the "flying saucer". Together with his relatives, Burikov, according to his story, went on that memorable October day in 1984 to the left bank of the Don. This coast with its beaches is a traditional resting place for Rostovites living on the right bank of the river - on the so-called Rostov hills, where, in fact, the city of Rostov is located. A passing reference: along the endless beach on the left bank of the Don, a grove stretches, almost as endless.

The weather was wonderful - it was Indian summer. While his relatives were busy with their bags, laying out simple food on the grass, Burikov went for a walk through the grove alone.

He passed one clearing in the grove, the second, went out to the third and … gasped! In the middle of the clearing stood, leaning on three slender legs, a disc-shaped aircraft seven or eight meters in diameter.

The testimony of my informants contained the precise coordinates of the section of the beach, on which Burikov's relatives had a picnic that day. They also contained a clear orientation of the direction in which Viktor Danilovich, according to him, was moving along the Grove, until he came across that very clearing and a UFO on it.

Following the information I received, I set off in the footsteps of Burikov. And pretty quickly I found the clearing I needed.

I categorically affirm that the clearing to which I, following Burikov's tentative route through the grove, finally came out, was exactly the same one. I surveyed all the glades and glades of the grove within a radius of about two kilometers around that clearing. But only on it did I find the "thing", which to this day I find a wonderful confirmation of the story told on his deathbed by a Rostov journalist.

However, first - a few words about what happened to Viktor Burikov in that ill-fated meadow.

So, Burikov saw a "flying saucer". In its side, an open hatch was visible, from which a short ladder was lowered to the ground. At that very second, he felt his whole body as if filled with lead. “I want to move my arm or leg, but it doesn't work,” he later recalled.

Familiar symptoms, isn't it?

The next moment Burikov felt himself being caught from behind under the elbows and, without hesitation, carried in the direction of the "plate". Out of the corner of his eye he saw - he was being carried by unusually tall, over two meters tall, guys in light-silver overalls, wrapped around their bodies like a glove on a hand. Suits without any hint of a seam or joint passed into helmets that were tight-fitting heads. The faces were protected by transparent glass.

The colorlessness of the glasses and even the growth - that's all that distinguished the "Burikov's aliens" from the dwarfs met by Alexander Kovtun … Unfortunately, Burikov did not give a detailed portrait of the UFO operators who took him by the elbows. He called them "handsome men with blood-red pupils."

Viktor Danilovich was brought into the "plate" and lowered face down on the floor. There was a barely audible rumble. According to Burikov's sensations, the "plate" flew … No more than three or four minutes passed, Burikov assured his friends in the future, and then the hum stopped. The elderly journalist was again grabbed by the elbows and carried out of the UFO.

The landscape that opened up to his eyes, Burikov defined as similar to the Caucasus. Mountain peaks towered around, and between them ran a narrow valley. A shallow mountain stream ran along the valley. And on its banks stuck out here and there "flying saucers", many "saucers" - about seven or eight, like two drops of water similar to the one on which Burikov was brought here, "to the Caucasus". Among them were the "Martians" in light silver suits. One of them approached the journalist and started poking him in the head with some kind of wire, twisted with a screw, which looks like a corkscrew.

- The feeling was like this, - said Victor Burikov later, - as if the wire penetrated through the frontal bone directly into the brain. At the moments of her touch on the forehead, fiery streams pierced my head.

Then the old man was again dragged into the "plate" and again, mind you, unceremoniously thrown, still immobilized, face down on the floor. Less than five minutes later, Viktor Danilovich stood on all fours in the middle of that damned clearing from which he had been kidnapped earlier. He twisted his head, dazed, feeling the leaden weight slowly fall from his body. There was a hum behind him.

With considerable difficulty, Burikov looked around.

The "flying saucer", pulling in three thin legs - landing supports, slowly took off three meters above the meadow. It hung in the air for a while, and then went up like a candle, disappeared into the sky in a matter of seconds … Viktor Danilovich hobbled away, groaning. All the bones in his senile body ached, a ball of fire pulsed in his head. Nausea rolled in waves. Neither the next day, nor a week, nor a month later he did not feel better.

Three months later, Viktor Burikov died.

Here is what is striking: the entire operation to capture a human individual, deliver it to the base of "flying saucers", study the brain using the "wire" and return the individual to its original place, the UFO operators spent no more than fifteen minutes. The pace is such that one gets the impression that the alien capture group acted according to a well-developed scenario, using a technique that was probably used by this group (and maybe other similar groups) already many times.


Well, now I'll tell you about what I discovered in that very clearing. I saw on it a clearly visible bald patch in the grass - a perfectly round bald patch.

The grass in the clearing was not very thick. A miserable bristle, faded, drooping, barely covering the ground. But in that place she was generally a little alive. Yellowish, slightly greenish, weak blades of grass barely grew out of the sandy soil, covered with finger-width cracks. It was something like a "blind spot", a "black spot". The height of the grass around the “zone” was about 25 centimeters. And on the “dead place” - no more than 10 centimeters.

This round bald spot was surprisingly clearly visible in the clearing.

I measured the "zone" with a tape measure. The spot diameter turned out to be 7 meters 36 centimeters. Apparently, the spot was the so-called classic UFO landing site, or, in the language of Western ufologists, a "flying saucer nest." The object landed, then flew away, gasifying the ground beneath with some kind of extraterrestrial energy rubbish.

I looked around carefully, reminding myself that a UFO had landed here at least twice. He walked slowly through the clearing back and forth and soon found on it what he was looking for - the second "bad place."

The diameters of both spots converged to within a centimeter. The distances between the three dents scattered along each of the circles also coincided. These rectangular dents were about 12 centimeters deep each. And on that and on the other "zone" they were located as if at the tops of invisible equilateral triangles.

The dents were identified unambiguously: traces from UFO supports! And they were another, as they say, exemplary sign of the landing site of the "flying saucer".

I bent down and turned a bunch of grass out of the soil. He shook it several times, freeing the cobwebs of rhizomes from the ground. Strong healthy roots - root to root. This was the vegetation I took outside of the "black spots". Or, as ufologists say in such cases, against the background of the contact zone.

Then I did a similar operation directly at one of the two UFO landing sites. The roots were short, abnormally brittle. They were covered with some kind of black specks. The undead earth nourished them. That's really really - a bad place!

By the way, my colleagues, ufologists from Moscow, conducted an extensive instrumental study of hypothetical UFO landing sites in the Moscow region. An initiative group for the study of anomalous phenomena, headed by F. Siegel and A. Kuzovkin, took soil analyzes inside exactly the same circles. So, these circles each time had a central spot. Around him scattered on the soil within each circle, like ripples on water, rings. Both the central spot and the rings were identified by dowsing. Dowsing frames in the hands of a person, brought into the anomalous zone of the "black spot", were immediately taken to spin like propellers. Over the rings inconspicuous to the eye and over the central spot, they spun much faster - sometimes even with a whistle. And in the intervals between the rings they revolved much slower.

The author of the book maintains regular postal contacts with his colleagues - members of various scientific organizations, societies living in other lines. Quite often the correspondents of A. Priima turn to him with a request to send any of his articles for its publication in a magazine published by one society or another.

For example, Karl M. Winter, director of an Austrian organization called the Council of Justice, writes the following: “The other day we again received a magazine from our friends from Germany with your next article published in it. At our request, these friends gave us your address. We have a big request for you. Could you also send in some of your own article about anomalous phenomena in Russia? And we will publish it here in Vienna. We guarantee the publication fee. Thanks in advance.

Renowned researcher Karl Nagaitis, chief postal coordinator at the London UFO Research Center, writes, in part: “Your latest article in our magazine made a strong impression on the readers. We received a lot of approving responses to it … Dear Alexey! We kindly ask you to send us another new article of yours - preferably with photo illustrations."

The Press Service of the American Association for Research and Education, or the Edgar Cayce Center, from time to time sends A. Priyma books and booklets describing the daily activities of the association. Here is an excerpt from a letter to A. Priyma sent by the press service of the association: “We have received your new book published in Moscow. Thanks a lot for her. Unfortunately, none of us knows Russian, so we assigned the book to the Foreign Literature Department of our library. From now on, our library already contains several of your books published in Moscow and sent to us by you … For your information, among the patients receiving inpatient treatment at the clinic of our association, there are Russian people - all of them are immigrants from Russia who live in the USA. So, your books are popular with these people. Each of them,staying sometimes for a long time within the walls of our clinic, I read each or almost each of your books available in our libraries. And everyone gave our librarians an oral positive feedback on what they read."

Malcolm Robinson of the Society for Investigations of Strange Phenomena, publisher of the magazine Espionage of the Mysterious, Scotland, once brought a rather detailed letter in which he spoke about the activities of the society. The letter ended with a request “to send any article, Aleksey, for its publication in a magazine published by our society” … Later on, the correspondence between M. Robinson and A. Priima became a matter of duty.

Significant magnetic anomalies were also found here.

But analyzes of soil in "dead zones" and against their background are of particular interest. UFO landing site near the village of Podrezkovo near Moscow: the amount of lead in the "zone" in comparison with the background exceeded the background norm by 14 times, mercury - 8 times, manganese - 6 times. The UFO landing site near the village of Rastorguevo, Moscow Region: the discrepancies in the content of elements in it, in comparison with the background, were 3 times for copper and zinc, 5 times for the north, 7 for lead, and even 20 for molybdenum. time.

A short stay inside the zone of contact of the "flying saucer" with the earth's surface affected the health of the researchers. Headaches began, the temperature rose, weakness and nausea were felt. For a long time, F. Siegel recalled in a conversation with me, working capacity was lost.

The symptoms came to naught only after a very long time. Let me give you a concrete example: after visiting “Burikov's glade,” my head just broke all day, and my joints were sensitively twisting. Meanwhile, I briefly, one might say, only briefly penetrated into both "zones" that were in that glade, when I measured them with a tape measure, fixed the depth of the holes from the supports in the ground, turned the grass out of the ground along with the soil …

The reaction of the human body to contact with such zones resembles, you see, the symptoms of Viktor Burikov's disease, albeit in a sharply weakened form. As well as the symptoms of the Smitnitsky couple's illness and the symptoms of diseases of the fairy-tale characters of Mark the Smart, Yegorushka Zalet.

The most important thing in the history of Burikov's meeting with UFO operators is not his vague descriptions of the appearance of extraterrestrials and not even a story about his visit to the base of "flying saucers", but the fact of abduction. The very fact!

The man was kidnapped. They did not ask him for consent, did not make ceremonies when meeting with him. They took him by the elbows and threw him face down on the floor of the foreign sloop. Then, just as unceremoniously, they dragged out of the sloop and examined them like an experimental guinea pig.

No preliminary curtsies. No subsequent apologies for the disturbance.

Using the example of "Burikov's case" I wanted to illustrate a thought that I find important: UFO operators do not see the point in considering us, humans, as equal partners in dialogue. In other words, they don't take us seriously. I have a whole bunch of reports about the seizures of people by aliens from unknown distances in the Pamirs, near Chita, in the Murmansk region, etc. Any of the messages convinces us that UFO research teams - let's call them that - catch people like … Well, let's say, like bird watchers catch birds, ring them, then release them.

We are being examined. And they examine it quite shamelessly - copy by copy. The aliens are not interested in what feelings the examined specimen experiences.

Apparently, they don't give a damn about the fact that another specimen can get sick and even die after contact with them. Indeed, in case of need (I am trying to understand this, to reconstruct the logic of their behavior) one can easily find there, below, under the belly of a "flying saucer" hovering over the Earth, another similar specimen from the detachment of talking primates.

I understand that I am drawing a gloomy, to put it mildly, picture. From the reading of contact situations of this kind I suggest, the mood spoils right away. However, alas, I do not see any other reading of the same “case of Viktor Burikov”.

It is one thing when a UFO crew lands their vehicle in order, for example, to carry out some emergency repair work. Here, the aliens are not up to fiddling with a separate human individual. An accidental witness to the landing is simply temporarily immobilized without harm to his health, as was the case with Kovtun. And the story of Burikov is a completely different matter. Reflecting on it, it is not easy to get rid of the thought that almost any, perhaps, "flying saucer" lurking in some secluded place - whether in a forest glade or in a steppe ravine - is a trap set on a person.


"Burikov's case" is correlated with the data of American ufologists. One of them, D. Jacobe, in his book "UFO Disputes in America" tells the story of Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson. The story is remarkable in that both of its participants were then, at the insistence of the police, who suspected a trick in their testimony, were hypnotized. But even under hypnosis, they showed the same thing that they were talking about earlier, shaking with fear, in the police station.

Parker and Hickson were fishing when they were suddenly attacked by humanoid monsters with conical appendages where the nose and ears should have been. As Jacobe points out, the monsters “floated above the ground instead of walking; their legs didn’t move.” The aliens dragged the distraught fishermen into the "flying saucer".

Jacobe writes:

“While the two aliens held Hickson, an object appeared in front of him that looked like an eye and seemed to be not attached to anything. The aliens gave Hickson different positions in front of the object, as if it were some kind of research apparatus … Twenty minutes later they released it outside and put it on the ground. He could not stand and fell. He saw Parker crying next to him."

Noteworthy is the obvious parallel between the behavior of the kidnappers, fishermen, and the kidnappers of Burikov, even though they do not look alike in appearance. Burikov was examined with the help of some kind of "wire" that looked like a corkscrew. Hickson was "shone through" with a kind of "eye." The devices are different, but they have the same purpose - the examination of a human individual.

The conclusion suggests itself: different, I admit, researchers from different, I also admit, planets or from different worlds, outwardly dissimilar and using outwardly dissimilar instruments, are doing the same thing on Earth. They study humans as a biological species.

Something very, very strange for representatives of other civilizations, unexpected or, at least, extremely amusing should be in a person, in you and me, if such a big and at the same time many years of fuss goes around homo sapiens. You will be convinced more than once on the pages of this book that for many, many years, very different, dissimilar extraterrestrials arranged, and to this day arrange a natural scientific research "round dance" around a human individual … you immediately have another example - "the case of Logachev."

Professional hunter Vladimir Logachev went wild boar hunting one summer. After a long search, he managed to track down and shoot the animal. But the wild boar, struck down by the bullet's mark, for some reason did not fall to the ground, but began to sway strangely from side to side. The puzzled hunter went to him and the next moment he saw - sticking out in the bushes "flying saucer", shrouded in a gray-blue haze. And next to it there are three in suits that look like scuba divers. This trinity immediately went unanimously towards Logachev, and he felt how some force tore him off the ground. In spite of his will, the hunter swam through the air towards the aliens.

A multi-page publication by A. Priima in the English magazine Zagadki - in two issues in a row. The author of the publication tells, in particular, about the tricks of the so-called "evil spirits" in the vastness of modern Russia.

In the "flying saucer" he was seated in an armchair and a large screen was placed in front of him. And Logachev - without that, carefully speaking, amazed - in the next second, his eyes went up to his forehead in surprise. He saw scenes from his own life float across the screen. They were replaced in sequence: childhood - adolescence - youth … At the same time, Logachev experienced some strange sensations in his head … Having removed, as I understand it, the biographical information that interested them from the human brain, the UFO operators let the hunter go on all four sides.

Returning home from the forest, Logachev did not conceal what had happened to him. He talked about what had happened to everyone in a row - who only agreed to listen to him.

This story has an unexpected tragic ending. A few days later, Vladimir Logachev mysteriously disappeared. Again he went hunting in the forest and never returned.

Traceless disappearances of people forever … They worry me much more than temporary disappearances: "the case of Frank Fontaine", "the case of Burikov."

Where do people go?

Where did the same Logachev disappear?

The following explanation for his disappearance comes to mind: something in the memories of Logachev scrolled on the screen, pumped out of his consciousness by the UFO operators, so intrigued these very operators that they, perhaps, decided to eventually snatch Logachev from Earth. For some reason they needed it, for some reason they wanted it to be always at their fingertips, like … How curious, perhaps, a sample of terrestrial fauna?

The crew of the "flying saucer", suppose, found an opportunity to meet him again in the forest, and this meeting turned out to be fatal for the hunter. Logachev disappeared without a trace for you and me, for his family and friends.

No less tragic was the ending of the story that happened in our days with the US Air Force combat fighter.

The plane was making a training flight when the ground base informed the pilot that a UFO was moving parallel to it. After a couple of seconds, the radar images of the fighter and the UFO merged into one point. The fighter did not return from the flight to its airfield … Ground searches for the aircraft wreckage and the pilot's body did not yield any results.

Another example, also from American life. The fighter, taking off from the US Air Force Otis Base, attempted to intercept a UFO that appeared over the base. At the moment of rapprochement with the "flying saucer", the same thing happened to the interceptor as to the Soviet aircraft in a similar situation. Remember, I talked about the "AN-24", whose engine stalled when a "saucer" appeared in the sky nearby? So the engine of the American fighter also stopped. The plane began to dive. Operator Lieutenant Barkov and pilot Captain Suggs were forced to eject. Moreover, Suggs left the interceptor three seconds before the vehicle hit the ground. I will quote an excerpt from an official document: “The search for an aircraft that was supposed to crash near the landing site of the pilot and the radar officer, the most persistent searches, for three months,from the ground and from the air … in a densely populated area at the height of the tourist season they gave nothing. Nobody saw the flame, heard the explosion, and meanwhile the fuel tanks were almost full."

One page from a large article by A. Priima, published in the Japanese magazine "Flying Saucer". Above in the photo, in the center - A. Priyma. Together with his colleagues, he conducts quite complex, including instrumental, research in one Moscow apartment, where an uninvited "tenant" - a certain invisible person - has settled.


In the statistical study of the Moscow ufologist A. Kuzovkin "On the remote effects of UFOs", along with descriptions of engine stops at Soviet airliners when encountering UFOs, there are also descriptions of certain celestial holes similar to "spots in the sky." I wrote about these “spots” earlier … Here they are: “A hole appeared in the sky, and the flying object disappeared in it, as if it had been sucked in there”; "At the place where the UFO disappeared, there was a gaping hole in the sky, from which, following the disappearance of the object, two large gaseous exhausts flew out." Or - again: "The sky seemed to split in two, and a bottomless hole opened in it."

Is it not into such a "hole", "failure" and "sucked" American fighters?

In the "behavior" of UFOs when encountering planes that later disappeared, there is a similarity, a certain, I would say, behavioral stereotype. Well, the assumption that UFOs play the role of a decoy at such meetings just naturally asks. Let's suppose: for some reason - it doesn't matter for you and me - people from other worlds needed a fighting flying machine of earthlings. And now a UFO is sent to the area of one or another airbase, which lures the fighter towards itself. He, like a well-trained greyhound, takes the trail of the "flying saucer" and rushes with a roar to approach it. A second later, a "hole" opens up in the sky, where the plane crashes, and a UFO flies in after it … "A spot in the sky" grows cloudy, drags on and quickly disappears.

An hour or two later, the first search parties appear in the disaster area. But the search for aircraft wreckage is, of course, futile.

This is the kind of conjecture I have, which I dare not call a hypothesis. At the same time, let me ask you, reader, do you have any other reading, interpretation of the traceless disappearances of terrestrial aircraft directly in the air ?! For me personally - no.

And here's some more information to think about.

At all large railway stations and at all airports, as well as near every police district department in our country, there are so-called "Information stands of the police". The bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs hang up on them two types of wanted leaflets - "A criminal is wanted" and "Help to find a person."

Messages of the confused militia, discouraged by the frequent disappearances of people, do not shine with the liveliness of the style. All of them, as a rule, end like this: “Left home and disappeared …”, “Left and disappeared …” In recent years, such announcements about the search for missing persons began to appear frequently on the pages of our newspapers, as well as read on radio and television.

Making extracts from announcements on the stands of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, clippings of similar announcements from newspapers, I have compiled a very extensive collection of reports on disappearances in about five years. I collected a frighteningly huge amount of factual material, suggestive … After analyzing it, I set aside, so to speak, all the missing women under the age of 50, all girls and girls, as well as boys. All of them together, I conditionally recorded at the expense of sex maniacs.

Suppose, I suggested, that after brutal rapes, including sodomy with boys, the corpses of the raped were buried deep in the ground by the rapists. So there are no traces left.

Let us also assume, I continued to argue, that every young man and man who disappeared in the country was killed by their personal enemies or professional criminals. Revenge. Jealousy. Contract murder. Or a robbery. The corpse is again buried deep in the ground … Who is left with us?

And only women of advanced age remained. Housewives, faithful keepers of the home, pensioners. People who are absolutely not inclined to risk and the search for adventure, are unlikely to be of any interest from the point of view of practical profit - how much can you take from pensioners? And besides, excuse me, sexually unattractive …

Nevertheless, by my calculations, in five years in the country, there was about one housewife over the age of 50 for every nine missing people! Just think about it. Middle-aged ladies dissolve from year to year in the air, like ghosts. They disappear from city streets or villages, like a predawn fog.

Who needs them ?!

Well, for example, Anna Stepanova. 67 years old. Average growth. Brown eyes, lean physique, no special signs. She left the house and disappeared. The leaflet announcing her disappearance ends with a stencil appeal: "If you have seen this woman or have information about her whereabouts, report to the nearest police station." Where, one wonders, has she gone, this elderly Stepanova?

Let's check again on foreign material.

Around the same time that our pensioner went missing, the English magazine "For Women Only" appealed to its readers to help in finding Betty Wilson. Mrs. Wilson is a housewife, mother of three grown children, a woman of more than average, I emphasize, wealth, and not a rich woman. The magazine published an article describing her disappearance and the unsuccessful search for the missing. Next to the article is a photograph of a very middle-aged lady, scary, I will emphasize this, too, as a mortal sin, that is, decidedly non-sexual in appearance. The article reports: Mrs. Wilson went shopping at the grocery store nearest to her house and fell through the ground.

"Please help me find my wife!" - calls out from the pages of the magazine Mr. Wilson.

Where did the English pensioner Wilson go after the Russian pensioner Stepanova?

Maybe some gang of thieves stole her - is that what it turns out? The gang is elusive, fearless, dexterous, acting with amazing professionalism, leaving no traces behind. A gang, which is only engaged in catching here and there elderly housewives. And is it the only thought that immediately comes to mind, housewives? Are they the only ones? After all, no one knows where every year, thousands and thousands of people of all ages disappear in our same country, let's say …

Wasn't Mrs. Wilson, against her will, sent after Stepanova along the same route along which the hunter Logachev was sent at one time, and the US Air Force planes were sent along with him?

On this mysterious and eerie route, return tickets, apparently, are not issued. A person follows it only one way. It should be irrevocably - to the worlds, according to my version, others, to the "alien states" for an indefinite rendezvous with extra-earthlings.

I would not want to be in the place of such a person.

From the book: "At the crossroads of two worlds." Priima Alexey
