Nibiru And Phaethon: New Facts In The Riddle Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

Nibiru And Phaethon: New Facts In The Riddle Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View
Nibiru And Phaethon: New Facts In The Riddle Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

Video: Nibiru And Phaethon: New Facts In The Riddle Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

Video: Nibiru And Phaethon: New Facts In The Riddle Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View
Video: Tunguska Event | 100 Wonders | Atlas Obscura 2024, July

The Tunguska phenomenon is the most mysterious event that has ever happened on Earth. Scientists still do not agree on what happened in the taiga 109 years ago.

Despite the more than a hundred years of age of the Tunguska meteorite, people do not stop studying it. Over the years of research, scientists have found a lot of interesting facts and made many in their own way plausible discoveries. Currently, a new scientific explanation has appeared associated with the Tunguska riddle. So what happened in the area of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River over a century ago?

According to the theory of scientists from the University of Bern in Switzerland, the Tunguska meteorite was previously part of the disappeared planet Phaethon. And the fact that the planet turned into an asteroid cloud is to blame for the mysterious space wanderer Nibiru or planet X. Having gathered together all the data already available about the Tunguska phenomenon and the still unexplored planet, cosmologists came to the conclusion that it was the collision of Phaeton with planet 9 that served cause of a cosmic catastrophe on a global scale.

Modern science knows that the largest cluster of asteroids in our solar system is concentrated in the Oort cloud. Scientists are sure that these space stones appeared there thanks to the "meeting" of Phaeton and Nibiru. Recall that according to the data of the Swiss astronomers Christoph Mordasini and Ester Linder, planet X was attracted by our star about 4.5 billion years ago.


The composition of the atmosphere of Nibiru is strikingly different from that of the earth, it mostly contains helium and hydrogen, the temperature of which is -226 degrees Celsius. Under its gas shell, presumably, there is a layer of water ice with a temperature of - 63 degrees Celsius, which lies on a thin layer of silicate mantle, and an iron core with a temperature of up to 3400 degrees Celsius is hidden under it. According to the calculations of scientists, the planet gives off more energy and heat than it receives, because of this, the layer of ice on the surface is constantly increasing.

Captured by the Sun, planet X began to move in our solar system, where the planets were still at the stage of formation, against their usual direction. On the way to Nibiru was Phaethon, the surface and composition of which had already acquired solidity and form stability by that time. Located between Jupiter and Mars, the planet has become a natural cosmic barrier in the path of a more massive moving object.

According to the astronomer Thomas Van Flandern, Phaeton also had a massive ice crust, similar to the coating of Nibiru. Under the surface of this cold layer on Phaeton, various reactions took place, as a result of which gas accumulated in ice cracks. At the moment of the collision with Nibiru, the young planet shattered into pieces of irregularly shaped material, sometimes consisting of ice. After a while, larger pieces of the dead planet Phaethon, asteroids and meteorites, formed the Main asteroid belt of our solar system between Jupiter and Mars. A different fate awaited the ice fragments, they were thrown far beyond the planetary system and they formed a system of long-period comets called the Oort cloud.

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The Tunguska meteorite was one of these comets, the remains of Phaeton, which fell into Siberia 109 years ago. The fact that the explosion of the object took place at an altitude of 8 km from the surface of our planet is explained by the fact that the asteroid, already heated by the accumulation of steam under the ice surface, could not withstand the final heat of temperatures. The glow in the atmosphere is also explained by the powerful ejection of steam from the overheated cosmic body disintegrating into pieces.

Scientists also managed to explain the powerful earthquake that accompanied the Tunguska anomaly. It is known that the area in which the meteorite fell is rich in swamps, where methane gas accumulates. The explosion and fall of the space object caused the natural vibration of the earth's rocks and the release of this gas, which led to seismic global fluctuations of significant amplitudes. The energy of the explosion that sounded in Siberia is compared to the power of 185 blows to Hiroshima.


The Tunguska phenomenon also has other, earlier theories about what happened. Scientists from all over the world have come and continue to come to the area of the anomaly. One of the radically opposite theories about what happened on the banks of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River is the assumption that a UFO crashed in these places. Some friendly alien civilization, protecting the Earth from various space stones, decided in those distant times to prevent the fall of the Tunguska meteorite and sent a group of "rescuers" to the flying potentially dangerous object, which was supposed to simply split the meteorite. However, the UFO had some kind of technical malfunction, and the ship did not fall to the Earth, thus preventing the fall of the space object.

Some time later, the aliens repaired the alien ship and departed, completing the mission. However, the alien guests left behind some metal parts that scientists discovered near the crash site. Also in that place, mysterious pieces of an unknown material resembling mica were found, on which inscriptions in a previously unknown language were clearly guessed. This convinced the adherents of the crash of the alien ship that the Tunguska phenomenon has precisely an extraterrestrial humanoid explanation.


Despite the fact that modern science has great technological capabilities, the Tunguska mystery has not yet been completely solved. Perhaps, in the future, science will provide answers to questions of interest to mankind for more than 100 years.
