The Sumerians Are A Civilization That Appeared Out Of Nowhere And Went Nowhere About 6000 Years Ago - Alternative View

The Sumerians Are A Civilization That Appeared Out Of Nowhere And Went Nowhere About 6000 Years Ago - Alternative View
The Sumerians Are A Civilization That Appeared Out Of Nowhere And Went Nowhere About 6000 Years Ago - Alternative View

Video: The Sumerians Are A Civilization That Appeared Out Of Nowhere And Went Nowhere About 6000 Years Ago - Alternative View

Video: The Sumerians Are A Civilization That Appeared Out Of Nowhere And Went Nowhere About 6000 Years Ago - Alternative View
Video: Sumerians and their Civilization Explained in 7 Minutes 2024, October

There are enough mysteries in the official history, but the Sumerian civilization is such a civilization about which something seems to be known, but at the same time this information does not really fit into the ancient history, especially about 5-6 thousand years ago.

So, if someone does not know, the Sumerian civilization appeared about 6000 years ago in the area of Mesopotamia, although this is only "official" information.


In another version, it is believed that the Sumerian civilization existed on Earth long before the time assumed by the official history, plus everything, they could have simply simply come from another planet.

And in fact, the alternative version of their long-term existence sounds much more logical and explains a lot than the official history.


Because, if you believe the official history, then 6000 years ago, it is not clear from where a whole civilization appeared that had knowledge about space, which humanity has confirmed relatively recently with the help of various devices and technologies.

I will not dwell on this for a long time, but from the ancient information of the Sumerians, a planet existed between Mars and Jupiter, and these were not just their guesses, but accurate calculations and information, as, in principle, about the entire solar system and even beyond.

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The question of how any ancient civilization 6000 years ago could have such information remains unanswered. That is, in fact, the Sumerian civilization was developed worse than humanity at the stage of development 300-400 years ago.

And yes, this, of course, is explained not only by deep knowledge of astronomy. They had developed metallurgy, physics, mathematics and many other knowledge in the sciences.


In other words, by all indications there is an obvious conclusion that this is a fully developed civilization, it would even be more correct to say highly developed, especially for that time.

And now the most important thing - Where could they get all this knowledge? Considering the fact that, according to history, an entire civilization almost immediately appeared with all this knowledge, which, of course, sounds funny.


Two versions that are as logical as possible and you do not need to invent anything new - it was the Sumerians who gave this knowledge, or they themselves were a highly developed civilization on Earth.

Both versions are plausible, considering the fact that the Sumerians described another planet and their so-called "gods" - the Anunnaki. The next even more interesting question - Where did civilization disappear with such knowledge and, accordingly, high capabilities?


It does not matter whether they received knowledge themselves or gave it, the fact is that according to the official history, the Sumerians disappeared about 4-5 thousand years ago. Where, it is not really known, in fact, as well as where they came from.

Although there are various versions from the story, they are essentially not confirmed by anything. The most obvious version is that civilization was destroyed by nature, if I may say so, but in any case, this cannot be proved.


In general, I am skeptical about any history, even the 10th-15th centuries, and even more so earlier, many thousands of years ago, since anyone who wrote history in his time could interpret everything in different ways.

But the point is that some sources of information have been preserved from the Sumerians in the form of tablets, manuscripts, etc., from which it can be concluded that civilization at the current level could exist and, in principle, this is quite obvious.


What is the essence of this article? In what is considered by many, "the very first civilization", according to history itself, possessed knowledge that they did not have in the same, XV-XVI century AD, for example.

But it is obvious that this is absurd, which for some reason cannot be explained by history, while the Sumerian civilization itself is no longer particularly paid attention to. Although, as far as I know, people even learned some scientific discoveries from Sumerian sources of information, which again sounds funny.


In general, in any case, what happened thousands of years with a possible advanced civilization and where it disappeared is almost impossible to find out for sure, although this is hardly necessary for the official history.

On this, in principle, you can end. Most likely, some part of the people, in principle, already knew everything about what I wrote, but I'm sure this is not all. In general, I hope it was interesting, since now I only write what I like at the moment.
