Traces Of Paleocontacts In Japan - Alternative View

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Traces Of Paleocontacts In Japan - Alternative View
Traces Of Paleocontacts In Japan - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of Paleocontacts In Japan - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of Paleocontacts In Japan - Alternative View
Video: Indus Valley Civilisation - the myths and reality of Mohenjo-daro and others. 2024, October

The theory of paleocontact says that the inhabitants of our planet have repeatedly come into contact with alien beings. It is curious that it is not at all necessary to go to remote regions of the Earth, such as remote corners of Africa or Latin America, for traces of such a paleocontact. Overpopulated and technically highly developed Japan is also very abundant in such traces.


It would seem that in Japan it is customary to call a kappa the most ordinary water one. Even this word is translated as “child of water”. Different myths paint his appearance in different ways. A kappa can look like a frog-turtle hybrid or a monkey with large fangs. Japanese aquatic animals live in rivers and swamps. However, there are also legends about the kappa of the sea, who drink sake and swim well. It is believed that kappa loves pranks, but usually does not harm the person.

But there are stories that the kappa pulls people passing by the water or swimming in the depths and drowns them. Until now, in Japan, children are frightened by kappa so that they do not go swimming without adults. At some lakes to this day, signs are installed warning that this evil spirits are found there.


People sometimes even managed to catch a kappa. The last such case allegedly occurred at the beginning of the 19th century.

Nowadays, Japanese cryptozoologists are studying reports of encounters with these waterbirds, and falsification masters sometimes fake their mummified remains or bones, using stingrays, monkeys, owls and otters for this.

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Ufologists are even more serious about the problem of not only existence, but rather the history of kappa. For example, they found out that in the Nara era and the Heian period that began then (between 700 and 850 years according to the Western chronology), some mysterious creatures appeared in Japan.

They were called kappa and were seen throughout the island nation. There are even images of such creatures created by artists dating back to this time.

As is clear from the legends that have come down to us from the early Middle Ages, these were humanoid creatures that lived mainly in swamps and rivers.

They kept upright, but on their arms and legs they had webbed-like flippers, and from there protruded long hook-shaped claws. Their huge ears, to which something like a capsule was attached, could turn. Their oblong eyes were triangular in shape.

A kind of circular disc was worn on the kappa's head, from which four long needles protruded. The heads of these creatures were relatively small, and most of all in their appearance was struck by a strange outgrowth, resembling a trunk.

"Mummy" mouthguard


It looked like a curved hose and stretched from the nose and mouth, which were obviously hiding behind him, somewhere back, behind his back. There he stuck into some kind of box, like a knapsack.

In an article published in the magazine Mainichi Graphic, Japanese natural scientist Komatsu Kitamura argued that these "reed people" could have come to Earth from space. Indeed, their striking resemblance to scuba divers or even combat jet pilots is striking. If we adhere to this point of view, writes the German ufologist Hartwig Hausdorff, then the "trunk" served as a breathing mask, the supply hose of which led to an air cylinder placed behind the back.

One can only guess whether the composition of the air inherent in our planet was unacceptable for these creatures, or whether they used breathing apparatus only for certain activities, for example, requiring increased physical activity. In any case, if we admit such a guess, then their headdress, which had the shape of a disk, in practice was certainly equipped with antennas and served them to communicate with each other.

Legends from that distant era report that the kappa lived in huge "pearls" that could float on water. From time to time they rose and flew at great speed across the sky. So the kappa were somewhat similar to the legendary gods from space? Or were they the remnants of some earthly civilization?



At the end of the Jomon era, the beginning of which is sometimes attributed to the 10th or 11th millennium BC, about 600 BC. e., people of this culture began to make strange-looking clay and stone figurines. The earliest of them are small in size and primitive looking. However, later on, their style seems to have suddenly changed.

All the small details of these figurines have now been carefully worked out. They also increased in size: most of the figurines created at this time reached a height of 20 to 60 centimeters. Previously, there were very tiny dogu with a size of just over three centimeters. Individual models made of bronze also appeared. Their clothing was covered with an intricate pattern of narrow and wide stripes and dots.

One of the most notable features of these figures was that the eyes of the creatures depicted were hidden behind a modern-looking "visor" that resembled glasses. The whole head seems to be squeezed into a helmet. If you look at this through the eyes of a person of the scientific and technological revolution, then these anthropomorphic figures, called dogu, are more like pilots in work overalls and a corresponding helmet. Even more correct - they look like astronauts.


When the first dogu statuettes were discovered in the 19th century, scientists were surprised that their clothes unambiguously resemble something technical. Their eyes seemed especially mysterious to archaeologists. So, in some figures they were marked by oval protrusions with a slot in the middle, while others had a rectangular window there.

This prompted the researcher Sogoro Tsuboi in 1894 to express the opinion that these oval protrusions remind him of glasses - like those worn by the Eskimos. These goggles have a customizable eye slot to protect against glare reflected by the snow. However, since at the end of the 19th century, these strange figurines were considered images of ancient Japanese samurai warriors, dressed in armor, Tsuboi's guess was not paid any attention.


Only 60 years later, these figures were again in the spotlight. Soviet writer Alexander Kazantsev, in whose home collection there were three dogu figurines, described them in 1962. And after Erich von Dänicken spoke about them in his book "Return to the Stars", the dogu became famous all over the world.

In the meantime, other people became interested in this costume of the Jomon era. Scientists Matsumura and Zeissig, who were friends with the writer Kazantsev, independently of anyone else, came to the conclusion that the clothes of the dogu figurines and their headdresses, resembling helmets, represent a detailed image of space suits worn by aliens who arrived from other planets.


Zeissig and Matsumura then sent all the detailed documentation, photographs and drawings, as well as their findings, to NASA. There, their reports were not at all treated as opuses by some eccentrics or jokers, and in turn they dared to make a bold experiment.

NASA officials commissioned Litten Industries, a Los Angeles-based company, to build a spacesuit from these samples. They sent the following reply to Messrs. Matsumura and Zeissig:

“Our observers are of the opinion that the hypotheses about the costume depicted on the documents you sent are of great interest. The exact same suit was made and shipped to NASA's General Directorate for Astronaut Gear; now it must undergo additional modification. Further, we inform you that at the initiative of the aforementioned directorate, in the manufacture of the rigid astronaut suit, all the features you listed, shown in the attached photographs, were taken into account, such as: connecting devices, special frames for eye holes, movable hinges and ball locks, as well as plastic handles for maintaining pressure.

How realistic and at the same time fantastic the figures that served as prototypes for the dogu statuettes must have looked if NASA ordered to make a real spacesuit designed for work in outer space after their model!

The contact between the ancient Japanese and these humanoids during the Jomon era must have been quite intense. After all, dogu in large numbers - to date, about 3,000 of these figurines have been found, and according to other sources their number reaches no less than 15,000 - appeared on the main of the Japanese islands - Honshu, especially in the town of Kamegaoka, Aomori Prefecture, and in Miyagi Prefecture.

Numerous finds have also been made in the Kanto Plain, northeast of Tokyo, and near the city of Aomori, in the northernmost part of Honshu. We should not forget also similar figurines made by the Ainu on the island of Hokkaido.

Of course, in Japan, all these finds, belonging to the early period of the country's history, are given much more attention than outside the island state. In the 1960s, one of the Japanese experts, Isao Wasio, made a special assumption, stating a striking similarity between the characteristic features of dogu figurines and the details of clothing of modern astronauts:


“In both cases, the gloves are attached to the forearm with a round, ball-shaped lock; the eye ovals can either be completely open or narrowed to the size of a narrow slit. On both sides, small levers are visible, with which you can adjust the width of the slot. The "crown" on the helmet is probably an antenna, and the designs on the suits are not ornaments at all, but devices for automatic pressure regulation."

What can Japanese myths tell about those creatures that served as the prototype for such figurines? Little. But Hartwig Hausdorff draws attention to the fact that these astronaut-like statuettes appeared in 600 BC. e. At the same time, the god Ninigi no Mikoto descended from heaven, and Emperor Jimmu-tenno ascended the throne, becoming the first in a long line of "heavenly rulers."

However, there are researchers who pay attention to the fact that the dogu can also resemble the deep-sea equipment of a diver, and on this basis they suggest their relationship to a certain underwater civilization.