Scientist From NASA Says That Creatures From Other Planets Have Already Visited Our Planet - Alternative View

Scientist From NASA Says That Creatures From Other Planets Have Already Visited Our Planet - Alternative View
Scientist From NASA Says That Creatures From Other Planets Have Already Visited Our Planet - Alternative View

Video: Scientist From NASA Says That Creatures From Other Planets Have Already Visited Our Planet - Alternative View

Video: Scientist From NASA Says That Creatures From Other Planets Have Already Visited Our Planet - Alternative View
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NASA scientist Silvano Colombano claims that representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations have already been on the planet, but we could not observe this.

The reason for this state of affairs is the fact that humanity exists in the form that we know, for a very short time.


According to Professor Colombano, it cannot be ruled out that we do not know about their visits, because they are too different from us and how we represent aliens.

In his opinion, it cannot be ruled out that the reason for the failure of our search for aliens may be the assumption that this is also carbon-based life.

In his opinion, our civilization is simply too young for contact with others. We have received the main base of technical advances over the past few hundred years, and if so, all our attempts to predict the development of civilization for several thousand or a million years ahead are simply ridiculous.


If any extraterrestrial intelligence has already reached Earth, then most likely it is using technologies that we cannot even imagine.

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Therefore, in order to detect guests from space, we must demonstrate above average imagination. Many of the modern technologies that seem to us to be unchanged and developed on another planet may have long been forgotten.

In addition, if we assume that these organisms are not built on the basis of amino acids, that is, for example, carbon, but silicon, then we cannot even predict what we can deal with. We may simply not be able to ask ourselves whether what we see is a representative of an alien civilization or something like bacteria.