Scientists Will Start Searching For Aliens At A Distance Of 20 Light Years From Earth - Alternative View

Scientists Will Start Searching For Aliens At A Distance Of 20 Light Years From Earth - Alternative View
Scientists Will Start Searching For Aliens At A Distance Of 20 Light Years From Earth - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Will Start Searching For Aliens At A Distance Of 20 Light Years From Earth - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Will Start Searching For Aliens At A Distance Of 20 Light Years From Earth - Alternative View
Video: Light seconds, light years, light centuries: How to measure extreme distances - Yuan-Sen Ting 2024, July

A special e-mail will be sent to those space objects where life forms comparable to humans may be located.

A new attempt to establish communication with extraterrestrial civilizations will be undertaken by specialists from the SETI Research Center at the University of California at Berkeley. As its representatives told the world media on Sunday, the program, which is to be finally approved in the near future, involves sending a special electronic message to those space objects where there may be forms of life comparable to human beings.

According to them, the search area is determined at a distance of up to 20 light years from Earth, or 190 trillion km.

“I do not exclude that there are numerous civilizations in space, but if none of them signals its existence to the outside world, then no one will ever hear anything,” said one of the leaders of the Research Center, David Black.

He said that the choice of the content of the message is still underway, which will be sent from Earth in an attempt to establish contact with brothers in mind.


Photo: EPA / NASA / JPL-Caltech / T. Pyle

“We have not yet decided whether the message will be the result of the work of a small scientific team, or we will invite all of humanity through the Internet to write it,” the scientist said.

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The SETI Institute, created in the fall of 1984, is pursuing persistent, yet unsuccessful searches for extraterrestrial civilizations. Over the past 30 years, its specialists have tried to detect signals from other civilizations in space using radio and optical telescopes.

Now they have decided to expand their scope of activity and start sending signals into outer space to inform our part of the galaxy about their existence.

Meanwhile, a number of scientists have already expressed their objections to such projects. Thus, the Briton Stephen Hawking said that the attempts of humanity to communicate its existence to the outside world are "very dangerous."

“If aliens visit us, the result will be a repetition of what happened to the natives of America after the ships of Columbus reached it,” he said. At the same time, Hawking is sure that extraterrestrial civilizations exist and a number of them are at a higher technological level than the terrestrial one.