What Are The Benefits Of Lucid Dreaming? - Alternative View

What Are The Benefits Of Lucid Dreaming? - Alternative View
What Are The Benefits Of Lucid Dreaming? - Alternative View

Video: What Are The Benefits Of Lucid Dreaming? - Alternative View

Video: What Are The Benefits Of Lucid Dreaming? - Alternative View
Video: What Are the Benefits of Lucid Dreaming? 2024, June

Those who have heard something about lucid dreams already have an idea of them as dreams in which we are aware that we are in a dream. It would seem what practical benefit can be from such altered states of consciousness? But it still exists, because waking up in our dreams, we begin to achieve much greater awareness in the everyday world, using much more efficiently both the waking time and the dreaming time. In addition, we spend almost a third of our lives in sleep, and for the most part, this is a wasted time for our consciousness. Meanwhile, using lucid dreams, it is possible to learn different skills and abilities even much more efficiently than in the waking state, because the capabilities of our consciousness are no longer limited to the filter of perception of our physical organs.

By the way, all this was noticed by the researcher of lucid dreaming Charlie Morley, who in his book “Lucid Dreaming. How to choose and manage your dreams”writes:

I must say that in our world there are forces that our awakening and the achievement of awareness can very much prevent us from maintaining the darkness that they have imposed on the consciousness of most of humanity. That is why the topic of lucid dreaming, despite its undoubted benefit for the people themselves, is diligently hushed up and discredited by these forces. But the servants of these forces quite actively use such practices to solve the problems of their masters. That is why, sooner or later, each dreamer begins to collide with some kind of force that opposes his awareness in a dream state, and hence a true awakening in everyday reality. But the action of this force is by no means such an insurmountable obstacle as it might seem. And if you work out the intention of such "awakening", then sooner or later it will happen.

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