The Origin Of The Solar And Lunar Dynasties Of Indian Kings - Alternative View

The Origin Of The Solar And Lunar Dynasties Of Indian Kings - Alternative View
The Origin Of The Solar And Lunar Dynasties Of Indian Kings - Alternative View

Video: The Origin Of The Solar And Lunar Dynasties Of Indian Kings - Alternative View

Video: The Origin Of The Solar And Lunar Dynasties Of Indian Kings - Alternative View
Video: Kings and Dynasties of India - Rulers of India and More History Videos - Mocomi Kids 2024, October

According to the genealogies cited in the ancient Indian books, Indian kings originated from the two most ancient dynasties - the Solar and Lunar. The founder of the Solar Dynasty was Ikhshvaku, who reigned in Treta-yuga when people lived for ten thousand years. Ikhshvaku was the son of Manu Vivasvat, whose father was the sun god (aditya) Vivasvat. He lived in Satya-yuga ("golden age"), when the life span was one hundred thousand years.

Aditya Vivasvat. An engraving from an old book
Aditya Vivasvat. An engraving from an old book

Aditya Vivasvat. An engraving from an old book.

The progenitor of the Lunar Dynasty was the moon god Soma, or Chandra, who lived in Satya-yuga ("golden age"). The first king of the Lunar Dynasty was Pururavas, the son of Budhi (planet Mercury) and the grandson of Soma, who ruled in Treta-yuga.

In the work "White Island," High Gobi Civilization "and Jambudvipa, it was shown that the descendants of the ancient inhabitants of Hyperborea - the Adityas and, possibly, the Gandharvas, Apsaras, Vidyadhars, Charans and Siddhas and representatives of the" High Gobi Civilization "belonged to the Solar Dynasty. In the book "The Disappeared Inhabitants of the Earth", in the section "Demons of the Serpent - the Most Ancient Inhabitants of the Earth", I referred to the Lunar Dynasty of the descendants of the serpent people - the nagas.

of the Pururavas dynasty married apsara Urvasi, and the princess - nagini from the Lunar dynasty married a prince (aditya?) from the Solar dynasty. These marriages gave rise to the development of many tribes and royal families (Gandharas, Kekayas, Madras, Yaudheis, Sauvirs, Usinaras, Angi, Vanga, Kalinga, Pundra, Khayhai, Bhoji, Vidarbhi, Chedi, Bharata, Panchala, as well as Yadavi - clan, k who belonged to Krishna himself and whose capital Dvaraka was destroyed during an air attack by Daitya Shalma shortly before Krishna's death).

Soma Chandra
Soma Chandra

Soma Chandra.

Now let's remember that the Adityas, Gandharvas, Apsaras, Vidyadharas, Charanas and Siddhis lived in the Far North, where the sun never set over the horizon. The country of the snake-people was located in lower latitudes (and here), at which day alternated with night, and the length of the day, apparently, was 4-4.5 hours.

Perhaps this was the reason for the division of the inhabitants of the "golden age" into two dynasties. The Adityas, along with their retinue, living with an eternal day, began to belong to the sun gods or the Solar dynasty, and the snake is people in whose life the night and the brightly shining moon played a big role (it does not matter if the same Moon that is shining now, or some other heavenly body) - to the lunar or dark gods, or to the Lunar dynasty.

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Author: A. V. Koltypin
