Goodbye Unwashed Europe! - Alternative View

Goodbye Unwashed Europe! - Alternative View
Goodbye Unwashed Europe! - Alternative View

Video: Goodbye Unwashed Europe! - Alternative View

Video: Goodbye Unwashed Europe! - Alternative View
Video: What’s so great about Britain's National Health Service? 2024, October

In the context of fictitious historical myths about the “savagery” of the Vedic Rus and Vedic Rus, a false idea is imposed on us that Europe has always been a kind of “center of the civilized world” that has made the rest of the world happy with the “blessings of civilization” and, in particular, helped the ancient Slavs and Russians to receive their own writing and statehood. However, the true picture of our history is very different from the opinion of its falsifiers, for even in much later times of the Middle Ages, Christian Europe was a rather miserable sight as a civilization mired in mud and unsanitary conditions.

Here is how N. Pavlischev describes medieval Europe during the time of Yaroslav the Wise on the example of France in his book "Forbidden Russia":

This is the very "civilization" that Christianity and "enlightened" Europe could bring us, but thank God they did not. For all these myths remained an invention of the falsifiers of history, since in reality everything happened exactly the opposite. It was the Russian troops that reached Paris during the time of Napoleon who taught the Europeans to cleanliness and elementary sanitary standards, about which Christianized Europe had a very distant concept. While since the time of Vedic Russia, our people steamed in the baths.

But not only the baths themselves were condemned by the Christian church, how much the tradition of men and women walking together in the baths that existed in Vedic times. This is how the Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov describes it in his book "The Secret Chronology and Psychophysics of the Russian People":

In general, judge for yourself who actually brought “civilization” to whom, and who brought the Pharisaic culture and religion of total filth and unsanitary conditions, which made it possible to feed the dark Satanic egregor of Amun-Set-Yahweh-Jehovah-Satan with diseases, suffering and death in epidemics many people, not to mention the Inquisition and religious wars. And it is not surprising that up to now almost all Western politicians suffer from "double standards" in relation to Russia and our peoples. After all, only with the help of outright lies is it possible to make people believe in a falsified story. And only a spiritually flawed person with signs of a progressive mental illness can worship the West and scold everything Russian.

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