Pandemic As An Instrument Of Globalism? - Alternative View

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Pandemic As An Instrument Of Globalism? - Alternative View
Pandemic As An Instrument Of Globalism? - Alternative View

Video: Pandemic As An Instrument Of Globalism? - Alternative View

Video: Pandemic As An Instrument Of Globalism? - Alternative View
Video: Corona's consequences – how the pandemic is changing globalization | DW Documentary 2024, June

In order to change the life of the planet at once, a special tuning fork was needed.

In terms of its functionality, WHO is just a "health department" of an international public organization called the UN, but its powers are unlimited. If in the old days it could only recommend something, then an amendment to its own Charter of 2005 allows it to issue “orders” in emergency situations, which are binding on all countries.

In 2005, it also introduced key changes to the definition of a pandemic - it canceled the previous criteria (percentage of deaths among those infected), introduced the International Health Regulations (IHR) and a scale of six phases of the emergence and development of epidemics.

In 2009, WHO declared swine flu (A / H1N1) a pandemic, but the alarm turned out to be false, the vaccines purchased by the states were not useful, after the scandal the scales were abandoned, and now they simply declare a pandemic “a situation of threat to public health at the international level” (Public Health Emergency of International Concern, PHEIC).

The reason for this now is not the danger itself, but only the risk of its occurrence; the decision is made solely by the IHR Emergency Committee; the criteria for introducing a pandemic regime no longer exist.

At the time of the announcement of Pandemic 2020, there were only 16,000 infected and 4,600 deaths worldwide, and the official statement did not explain anything: “WHO is assessing this outbreak around the clock, and we are deeply concerned about both alarming levels of spread and severity and alarming levels of inaction. Therefore, we made an assessment that # COVID19 can be described as a pandemic."

The world that we know will cease to exist

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On March 30, at the height of the coronavirus hysteria, the international media introduced the world to a man "who wants to stop the pandemic" - Larry Brilliant, which he spoke about back in 2006 at a TED conference.

Since 1984 TED conferences (from English technology, entertainment, design) have been held annually in the USA by an "American private non-profit foundation". TED's official mission is “ideas worth spreading”; speakers - status persons known all over the world; the cost of a ticket for listeners reaches 10 thousand dollars, and for “wish to change the world” the winner is awarded a single prize of one million dollars.

TED is essentially a focus group for rolling out globalist projects and a platform for broadcasting new value attitudes. For example, in 2012 there was a well-known scandalous report by Bill Gates on population reduction through vaccines, and in 2018, a report by Miriam Heine from the University of Würzburg on the legalization of pedophilia.

He called for the creation of an "International System for Absolute Early Diagnosis of Diseases" based on the existing Global Public Health Information Network (GISH). Its employees, using Chinese search engines (because “dangerous viruses do not have the task of appearing among the English-, Spanish-, French-speaking population”), by monitoring hundreds of thousands of sites in seven languages, “discovered the beginnings of an SARS pandemic, the WHO said. eliminated it."

But to create a new system, it will be necessary to increase the number of viewed sites to 20 million, and the number of languages to 70, create a function for confirming outgoing messages using CMS and instant messengers, satellite surveillance, visualization with excellent graphics.

And then there will appear "an early warning system freely available to everyone in the world in his own language, transparent, non-governmental, not belonging to a particular country or company, located in neutral territory, with backups in different time zones and on different continents."

Larry even gave his brainchild "value" foundations, calling on "to make GISOS a part of our culture and society and the moral force of the world", i.e. create a global system of Internet surveillance of the population, "big brother" and make it a new moral standard.

He said that "WHO has divided the development of the pandemic into stages, and we are now at the third stage of the pandemic threat, and when WHO confirms that we have moved to the 4th stage, the world as we know it will cease to exist."

His description of the post-pandemic future is worth citing literally: “If a pandemic occurs, a billion people will become infected. At least 165 million people will die. There will be a recession and depression in the world because our just-in-time delivery system and the tight tape of globalization will break, and it will cost our economy from 1 to 3 trillion dollars, and everyone will feel it harder than the death of about 100 million people, because an unimaginable number of people will lose their jobs and medical benefits, and that the consequences will be unimaginable."

He lamented that “it's getting harder because travel is getting easier. There will be no planes in the air. Will you fly an airplane with 250 strangers coughing and sneezing when you realize that some of them are carriers of a disease that can kill you, against which there is no vaccine or antivirus?"

Life after the pandemic

Another document entitled Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development (The Rockefeller Foundation, Global Business Network. May 2010) sheds more light on such accurate predictions.

It contains four predictions of Peter Schwartz, founder and chairman of the Global Business Network, using the developments of the RAND corporation - Lock Step, Clever Together, Hack Attack, Smart Scramble, the choice of which, according to the authors, civilization makes, depending on what role it plays. will take technology in his life.

The start of this scenario should also be a pandemic of an unknown virus, then there will be a panic of people, a massive rush in pharmacies and stores, the purchase of food and medical masks, the bankruptcy of air carriers, the death of international tourism.

Further, the United States will abandon quarantine and will not prohibit flights, which will lead to an intensification of the epidemic, but China and some other countries, on the contrary, will quickly introduce mandatory quarantine, immediately close all borders, impose mandatory masks on the population, and begin to check body temperature at the entrances to train stations and supermarkets.

The result of the pandemic will be the restriction of the movement of citizens, the constant wearing of masks, mandatory thermometry, the destruction of the international mobility of people and goods, the destruction of the economy, the creation of a system of total control over the movement of citizens, the state of their health and finances, and the strengthening of the power of national governments.

States will expand the spheres of control over life, introduce biometric identifiers, tightly regulate vital industries, improve order and economic growth, but block entrepreneurial activity.

Developed countries and monopoly companies will increase the share of research and development, while strictly protecting the associated intellectual property. Russia and India will introduce strict internal standards for the control and certification of IT innovations, and the US and EU will make a breakthrough in the development and diffusion of technologies around the world.

Planned innovations in a post-pandemic society include functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanners at airports and public places to detect abnormal behavior (antisocial intent); creation of new, "smart" packaging for food and drinks, taking into account pandemic threats; health screening as a prerequisite for leaving hospital or prison; telepresence technologies for population groups whose travel is limited; nation states' own independent regional IT networks that mimic China's firewalls with varying degrees of government control.

But over time, the severity of many strict rules will cause inconvenience and discontent even among supporters of stability and predictability, which will cause riots in countries against governments and their national borders.

In January 2020, the UN Secretary General named “the four world-threatening horsemen of the Apocalypse” - “the highest geostrategic tensions, the climate crisis, the growing global mistrust, the dark side of the digital world” - and four Schwartz scenarios from the Rockefeller Foundation project fit perfectly into them.

The right to a number instead of a name

Technologies play the main role in the scenarios - in 2017, the largest transnational structures (Accenture, GAVI, Rockefeller Foundation, UN, Microsoft, Mercy Corps, Kiva, ICC, FHI360, CITRIS Policy Lab, Copperfield Advisory, Chapman and Cutler LLP, etc.) the ID2020 Alliance was established. It implements the global project “ID2020” within the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

The goal of the project is to endow every person on the planet with a digital identifier (ID), and the leadership of the Alliance intends to “act fast” and reach as many people as possible.

The Alliance Manifesto states that identification is a “fundamental and universal human right,” and the need for it is identified as the main problem for 1 billion people. Obtaining an ID (assigning a number to a person instead of a name) is presented by the authors as a basic, inalienable right of the individual, i.e. a new “value”, quasi-sacredness, is created, which allows the concept to be removed from criticism and stigmatize opponents.

The ID must include all information about a person: passport, education, address, place of work, finance, health, biometrics, which will be stored in a distributed database using blockchain technology.

In a pilot mode, Project ID2020 has already successfully worked with homeless people in Austin and refugees from Myanmar in Thailand.

The ID is the person's number, which overrides the person's name given at birth. At the Nuremberg Trials following the Second World War, assigning a number to a person was recognized as a crime against humanity that has no statute of limitations.

At the annual summit of the ID2020 Alliance in New York in September 2019, when launching a joint project with the government of Bangladesh, another important purpose of ID was announced - control over the compulsory vaccination of every person, which GAVI is engaged in.

The inevitability of total vaccination

The founder of GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations) is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in partnership with the World Bank, WHO and vaccine manufacturers; its goal is the mandatory vaccination of every newborn child in the developing world.

The vaccine industry has been repeatedly caught by the hand in covering up the dangerous effects of vaccines associated with their constituents and toxic preservatives, such as autism, intestinal damage, neuromuscular deformities, cancer and sterilization.

The Rockefeller Foundation worked with WHO in 1972 to vaccinate against tetanus in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines, and as it turned out later, human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG in the vaccine, in combination with tetanus toxin, causes abortion. Also, we must not forget the well-known fact that the basis of all vaccines are abortion materials, i.e. cells of killed unborn babies.

In January 2010 at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Gates announced that his Foundation would commit $ 10 billion (about € 7.5 billion) over the next decade to develop and deliver new vaccines for children in developing countries.

In 2017, there were materials in the media that "Bill Gates is funding the possibility of new pandemics in the world."

In October 2019, he demonstrated a pandemic simulator at Johns Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland (which performed the world's first sex reassignment surgery). At the same time, accompanied by the words that a "new flu" similar to the pathogen of the "Spanish flu" in 1918, begins in the east of China, "will kill 65 million people, so the world's governments should prepare in advance for this as seriously as for war." And soon, COVID-19 first appeared in Wuhan.

It is believed that Bill Gates has abandoned his dominant role in the computer industry and switched to "fighting epidemics", but it is becoming increasingly clear that at this stage he is only bringing two key mechanisms of control of society converging.

Probably, now he will begin to reduce the population with the help of a long-prepared "antidote to viruses", the introduction of which, at the request of the WHO, will be mandatory for every person, to be implemented in nation states, this will be, even forcibly, but "exclusively in the interests of universal well-being" …

In January 2020, at a discussion on epidemics hosted by the Massachusetts Medical Society and the New England Journal of Medicine, Bill Gates revealed that from time to time, a deadly new disease emerges somewhere, after which it begins to sweep across the globe. The danger is growing due to the fact that pathogenic microorganisms mutate more and more rapidly, the military is engaged in the development of infections, and there are leaks of the virus from the laboratory, and bioterrorists are ready to attack. It is also bad that people are very fond of traveling by plane, jumping from continent to continent for hours.

As you can see, the key positions are the same again.

Then the developed countries ended up simply donating unnecessary vaccines to WHO (France - 91 out of 94 million purchased doses, Great Britain - 55 out of 60 million, as well as Germany and Norway). In other words, governments paid for the production of dangerous vaccines, and WHO donated them to poor countries as a philanthropist, despite the fact that the greatest threat in poor countries is now posed by cardiovascular diseases, not viruses.

But vaccination is also a mechanism for the chipping of the population that is being prepared at the global level, and Bill Gates has already rushed to justify himself in the media that the nanomicrochip injected into a person will “only make it possible to answer the questions of whether this person has been tested for the virus, and whether he was given a vaccine."

New architecture of the world

WHO Director-General Dr Tedros said the world must move towards digital money because physical paper and coin money can spread diseases, especially endemic ones like the coronavirus.

To store digital money, a digital platform is enough, and to manage a digital wallet - remote access to the contents of a chip on which all personal information of a person (ID) will be recorded, including data on his vaccinations and finances.

By the way, one of the four scenarios described by Schwartz provides for the revival of feudalism as a result of the decline in the potential of the state, and the authors of the global project "Digital Economy" have been talking about digital feudalism as a concomitant factor in its implementation since 2017.

On March 26, 2020, a virtual (for the first time) emergency G20 summit was held, which was dedicated to the fight against the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the global economy.

On the eve of it, former British Prime Minister, UN Special Envoy for Global Education James Gordon Brown called for "to overcome the double medical and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic" to formalize a "global emergency body" with enormous powers - the world government - and to include the UN in it, as well as to replenish for this purpose the accounts of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Earlier, Brown made a similar appeal in the context of the economic crisis of 2008, and the WHO, on behalf of which he speaks, is already called part of the world government.

In addition, the fight against the pandemic promises good dividends: the G20 countries have agreed to invest $ 5 trillion in the economy to overcome its consequences.

Speaking at the summit, UN Secretary General António Guterres continued this line, saying that in order to defeat the coronavirus, the leaders of the G20 countries must develop a joint "wartime" plan: suppressing the spread of the virus, minimizing economic consequences and building a more sustainable global economic system in the future. …

Against the background of mysticism and sacredness

The epidemic in Italy did not leave the news strips of the world media - "overcrowded morgues, unable to cope with the load of crematoria, church bells ringing continuously for the dead, military trucks carrying 65 coffins with bodies for cremation somewhere along the frozen streets of Bergamo" - panic and horror in the minds of people.

The pandemic regime proclaimed by WHO and the introduction of quarantine in nation states have aggravated the information pressure on people: in the limited space of dwellings, TV and the Internet become the main source of knowledge and emotions, and the mass consciousness turns off logic, like a rudiment.

All these details also hypnotize society and deprive them of strength - what is the use of resisting if everything has long been predicted and just starts to come true?

Shock is a great way to lose self-control. The adoption of obviously "illegal" laws is a convincing basis for a person's refusal to resist the absurd.

The quarantine that suddenly fell on humanity in all nation states has a single nature and a single scenario: closing borders, masking gloves, restricting movement, one-time destruction of medium and small businesses, instant scrapping of education, total destruction of the economy.

Roughly the same thing, only without the forced wearing of masks and nationwide house arrest, Russia has already gone through the period of the notorious "perestroika".

The authorship of the scenarios and their goals are clear, only the scale has changed: before, only Russia was weak - today, together with it, the whole civilization.

The multiple shocks that society is experiencing today anywhere in the world, at some point, according to the laws of physiology, should lead to exceeding the threshold of sensitivity and depriving it of the ability to resist. And then it, calming itself with the eternal "a bad peace is better than a good war," will be ready for all the imposed conditions, if only this nightmare finally ends, And, as in modern post-pandemic China, society will agree to color-coding of personal QR codes that are now mandatory (red, yellow, green - depending on the infection); resignedly will be scanned at the entrance to the shopping center for "anti-social intent"; will hand over his “fingers” and other biometrics to the general database; will accept the fact that he will no longer be able to fly and travel outside the country - after all, “general security is more expensive”; will be totally vaccinated and will drive away from himself, like the plague, those who do not do this (although it is clear to anyone that it is just the vaccinated person who is dangerous, as a carrier of semi-living bacteria); will completely switch to digital education and telemedicine - "after all, the virus is constantly mutating, it is impossible to defend against it and you need to think about the safety of everyone."

However, this has been said not only in globalist scenarios.

Today, all of humanity, perhaps, has almost been convinced that it, by default, is to blame for everything, and now it must atone for its guilt by unconditional obedience. And the process of subordination will begin with the transition to the delivery of groceries, medicines and food exclusively via the Internet, the purchase of new video games, movies and online courses on the network, the re-profiling of all ateliers for sewing medical masks and their state licensing (if masks are now a state monopoly, then they are with us forever ?).

Under the noise of horror stories about the “terrible coronavirus”, global capital is rapidly enriching again and introducing total digital control over everyone.

Ryabichenko Lyudmila Arkadyevna - Chairman of the Interregional Public Movement "Family, Love, Fatherland"