Travel To The Past - Alternative View

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Travel To The Past - Alternative View
Travel To The Past - Alternative View

Video: Travel To The Past - Alternative View

Video: Travel To The Past - Alternative View
Video: Travel To The Past 2024, July

Many people are interested in knowing who they were in past lives. But idle curiosity is one thing, and an urgent need is quite another. If, despite all efforts, a person is unable to cope with anxiety, build relationships with loved ones, break out of poverty, find love or solve other important problems, regression will help - in other words, immersion in past lives.


Of course, time travel is better with the support of a specialist. But if there is no such possibility, it is quite possible to "remember" your incarnations on your own. How is this possible? In a dream. True, the dream will not be quite ordinary. But let's talk about everything in order.

If you decide to understand the root causes of your problems, first, be clear about what exactly prevents you from being happy and enjoying life. Make sure that no one bothers you for several hours (especially in the evening, before bed). The ideal option is to stay at home alone. You can go to the dacha or vice versa - arrange some kind of trip for loved ones.

So, calm down, light a white candle, put a piece of paper in front of you. Remember and write down all your worries, admit what you are unhappy with, what you would like to get rid of. Carefully re-read your list, bring it to the candle, light it, and when the paper is finished, blow the ash in the wind. At this moment, visualize how your troubles and sorrows dissolve in space, like ashes, from which there is no trace left.


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Now start preparing for your trip. Try to create the most comfortable atmosphere at home. Disconnect phones, computer, TV: nobody and nothing should bother you. Light an aromatic lamp with essential oils of bergamot, geranium, lavender, ylang-ylang or cedar: they will help to relax, relieve fatigue and nervous tension. If you have your favorite scents that feel calm and peaceful, use them. It is good to take a bath in the late afternoon, adding a few drops of your favorite oil to the water. You can turn on the recording of sounds of nature (birds singing, rustling leaves, lapping waves - to your taste).

Just before bed, take a comfortable position, close your eyes and imagine all extraneous thoughts leaving your mind. When you feel complete calmness, turn to God (Cosmos, Universe, Higher Forces). In your own words, ask to transfer you to a past life in order to find the keys to solving problems that complicate your life today. Thank you for your help and go to bed.

Lying in bed, mentally formulate your request again, and then take a deep breath - and exhale slowly. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly …


Many people ask: how to distinguish normal sleep from regression? First, immersion dreams are always crisp and clear, like feature films. They are always colored, but painted in cool colors (this is a very important difference!). And, most importantly, you should have a sense of the reality of what is happening. You will realize that this is not a dream, not a movie, not a book - but real life. Your life. And you are the central character. You will not only feel yourself in the image of another person, but you will feel complete merging. Literally see the world through his eyes.

"Decorations" are very different: past centuries, exotic countries, a woman can appear in the guise of a man and vice versa. This in itself is incredibly exciting - but remember the main task: you need to find the keys.


After returning, immediately write down everything you saw: events, remarks, the smallest details, but most importantly, your feelings. Yes, yours!

Unlike dreams, even "programmed", there should be no difficulties with decoding here. Plunging into past incarnations, we do not encounter complex symbols - we just re-live our own lives. And all that is required of us is to be attentive.

For example, one attractive and successful lady could not understand why her personal relationship did not develop. And the regression gave a clear answer: in one of the past incarnations she was a man and … broke the hearts of many innocent girls. On behalf of that person, she asked for forgiveness from all the women whom she offended. And then she forgave herself. After a while, fate gave her a meeting with a worthy person, and now she is happy.

It may take more than one dive to find the keys. But do not stop, continue your travels, correct the mistakes of the past today: this is how you will build your happy future.