The Unique Pipeline Of The Middle Ages Raised Water 200 Meters Without Any Pump - Alternative View

The Unique Pipeline Of The Middle Ages Raised Water 200 Meters Without Any Pump - Alternative View
The Unique Pipeline Of The Middle Ages Raised Water 200 Meters Without Any Pump - Alternative View

Video: The Unique Pipeline Of The Middle Ages Raised Water 200 Meters Without Any Pump - Alternative View

Video: The Unique Pipeline Of The Middle Ages Raised Water 200 Meters Without Any Pump - Alternative View
Video: Water can flow up to a height of 168 meters without electricity | Ram Pump 2024, June

The ruins of the Alamut castle, which are located in the Qazvin province of modern Iran, have long been of interest to archaeologists, but, as it seemed to the researchers, nothing interesting can be found in this building. But, no, according to TehranTimes, Iranian archaeologists recently discovered something amazing here - a water pipe that is at least ten centuries old.

The mountain fortress of Alamut was built in the 9th century, over the next centuries it was a refuge and a reliable base for the early Ismailis - assassins, who were known as the implacable enemies of the crusaders.

Experts, to their surprise, found in the ruins of the once flourishing fortress of the Assassins the remains of a water pipeline, which consisted of a dam and a complex system of tunnels and gutters, thanks to which the water rose to a height of at least 200 meters. Since the fortress was located on the top of a mountain, such a complex engineering structure, providing water to the inhabitants of Alamut, simply boggles the imagination of a modern person, who in most cases believes that in the Middle Ages, even in "civilized" Europe, there was nothing like this. It turns out that the inhabitants of that time on the territory of modern Iran were a much more developed civilization than medieval Europe. However, this is not the only proof of an inconvenient historical truth, which the modern Western world does not want to recognize and accept …

By the way, in Iran you can find much more ancient water pipelines, for example, in the city of Gonabad there is a kyariz, which is 3 thousand years old, and it is still operating, supplying clean drinking water to 40 thousand inhabitants …