Implantation Of Chips In A Person: What Problems Can There Be - Alternative View

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Implantation Of Chips In A Person: What Problems Can There Be - Alternative View
Implantation Of Chips In A Person: What Problems Can There Be - Alternative View

Video: Implantation Of Chips In A Person: What Problems Can There Be - Alternative View

Video: Implantation Of Chips In A Person: What Problems Can There Be - Alternative View
Video: "This Could Be a Tragedy For Humanity" | The First Brain Chip Implant 2024, October

Electronic microchips that can be implanted into the human body are no longer fiction, but reality. What yesterday seemed inconceivable, today is already gaining its place in the world with might and main. Individual firms and people are already using chips implanted into the body, and the question of when this process will become widespread is relevant.

Types of chips

The existing implantable chips are divided into two types: active and passive. The principle of operation of passive chips is that they transmit information only when they are acted upon by a special reader. They are used in animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, medicine and trade, for marking goods. But here we are not talking about them, but about active chips.

Active chips are a small cylindrical capsule 7 mm long and 0.7 mm in diameter. It consists of a lithium battery and a transponder chip itself. The battery generates energy due to the temperature difference at different ends of the chip, and the transponder is a storage of information, a GPS sensor and can even transmit information in real time. It is the active chips that can replace a passport, wallet, medical card and other documents.

Cybernetics and man

Conversations about total chipping of humanity have been going on for a long time. You can recall numerous sci-fi works, films and cartoons, where the main character has cybernetic implants built into the body, which give him various advantages.

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The reality, however, turned out to be not so rosy. As soon as the first supporters of the implantation of foreign elements into the body appeared, opponents of this idea immediately appeared, and there were much more of the latter. An active electronic chip is similar in meaning to a weight tied to a slave's leg, in the sense that it implies constant control over a person. However, the reasons for the rejection of subcutaneous chips are much deeper than simply unwillingness to be monitored - here it is a matter of human phylogenesis, i.e. the history of the development of all mankind.

"Until now in anthropology there have been no massive cases of the appearance of a new organ or functional link in humans." - commented clinical psychologist, cognitive-behavioral psychologist - consultant Olga Baleeva, - “On the contrary, in the course of historical development we only“discarded”unnecessary details, insignificant features that hinder adaptation and adaptation - the so-called atavisms and rudiments - disappeared and were removed from the gene code” …

The subcutaneous chip will be perceived as something new, and any new for the body will be perceived as stress. The reaction to it will depend on the personality traits and cultural baggage of each individual. These changes by the majority of a healthy mentally and psychologically society will be perceived with a certain “squint”, because we are talking about a full-fledged operation with some change in homeostasis (internal processes of the body), further adaptation and acceptance of a new image of oneself and the people around.

“Even the most active supporter of high technologies and chipization will be worried about who will be able to get access to information and whether the implantation procedure will be voluntary. This phenomenon affects one of the basic human needs - the need for security "- predicts Baleeva, -" General reactions to this perspective are described by the American psychophysiologist Walter Cannon. In the human equivalent of responses to a threat, they will be expressed in the form of “fight or flight” - either protest or avoidance. However, there are plenty of examples in history when society was hostile to deliberately reformatory decisions that came down”from above”."

From the point of view of psychoprophylactic work, people with persistent pathological accentuations (character traits) are at risk of strengthening these traits. That is, people who are predisposed to mental disorders have the likelihood of their increased manifestations. Such individuals need to be given maximum attention, to carry out a number of specific preventive measures that allow this sample to remain healthy individuals.

Mass implantation

No matter how much the society opposes chipization, experts say that the process has already started.

“Mass chipping has already begun,” said Igor Artyukhov, a member of the Association of Futurologists of Russia, “Already, many people in Sweden have begun to implant subcutaneous chips. As a result of research, the site between the index and thumb on the hand was chosen as the site for such implants."

And the Scandinavians are not alone. Employees of the Belgian company Newfusion voluntarily implanted similar chips in themselves. For them, these devices act as working badges. Their owners open doors in offices without keys, their work computers are automatically unlocked and working hours are recorded.

Mass forced chipping is going to be introduced to their soldiers in the US Army. There, the devices will show the position of the soldier on the battlefield and transmit his health indicators to the headquarters.

Although the total implantation of chips has not yet begun, however, this may happen in the near future. The issue of mass production of electronic devices has already been resolved and debugged. Systems to control them also exist. It remains only to fully prepare the society for intervention in the body, because in his consciousness a person is already ready for constant monitoring. Don't believe me? - look at your bank cards, mobile phones and think deeply.

Vasily Khodarev