Traces Of The Past. Part 2. Sphinxes - Alternative View

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Traces Of The Past. Part 2. Sphinxes - Alternative View
Traces Of The Past. Part 2. Sphinxes - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of The Past. Part 2. Sphinxes - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of The Past. Part 2. Sphinxes - Alternative View

- Part 1. Accidents or patterns?

There are many mysterious traces of the past on Earth, the secret of which has not been solved. And the most amazing thing is that on different continents, scientists find exactly the same structures or artifacts, it is difficult to explain the similarities between them.


It is believed that the first image of the Sphinx appeared about 12 thousand years ago (the Göbekli Tepe temple complex in Turkey). But the world's most famous Great Sphinx guards the pyramids at Giza.

I'm on the Giza plateau. August 20, 1996
I'm on the Giza plateau. August 20, 1996

I'm on the Giza plateau. August 20, 1996.

Sphinx statues have become an attribute of ancient Egyptian art during the period of the Old Kingdom. There were three common variants of the sphinxes:

  • The classic version of the Egyptian Sphinx was the Androsphinx with the face of a man, usually a high-ranking person - the pharaoh.
  • Temples of the god Horus were decorated with sphinxes with the head of a falcon - hieracosphinx
  • Near the temples of Amun, sphinxes with a ram's face - cryosphinxes - were installed.

The memorial temple of Amenhotep III includes images of sphinxes with the bodies of a crocodile.

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The Sphinx in Giza is the largest sculpture on the planet. The Sphinx is 73 meters long and 20 meters high. The Sphinx is very old, the secret of its origin is lost in the darkness of time.


The period of the construction of the Great Sphinx is still a mystery; during its existence, it was repeatedly buried in the sand. Attempts to excavate it were undertaken in ancient times by Thutmose IV and Ramses II. An inventory stele discovered in Giza by Auguste Mariet in 1857 claims that the statue of the Sphinx was dug up and cleaned of sand by Khafre's father, Pharaoh Cheops (Khufu).


Historians, geologists and archaeologists cannot indicate the exact time of its creation, it could have been built in the period from 15 to 5 thousand years BC. It is believed that the present appearance of the Great Sphinx in Giza was given during the reign of Pharaoh Khafre.

Helena Blavatskyev “The Secret Doctrine” wrote that the creation of the Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza by the “initiated” Atlanteans dates back to 200 - thousand years ago. Edgar Cayce argued that the Pyramid of Cheops and the Sphinx were built between 10490 and 10390 BC.

In 1992 geologist John Anthony West

and Robert Schoch, professor of geology at Boston University and an expert on rock erosion, speaking at the meeting of the American Geological Society, said that meteorological research on the Sphinx pushes back its appearance in an era much older than the time of the pharaohs.

According to their conclusion, the erosion of the Sphinx and the surrounding trench, carved into the rock, is not the result of the influence of the wind at all, but the heavy rains that watered them for thousands of years long before the time of the Egyptian Old Kingdom and the Pharaohs of the IV Dynasty.


The ancient Egyptians called the Giza complex “the house of Mr. Rostau”. This is one of the titles of the god Osiris. They associated the Great Pyramid with the name of Isis, the sister of Osiris. And the famous ancient Greek historian Manetho compiled from the words of the Egyptian priests a dynastic list of the rulers of Egypt, in which, in addition to the dynasties of the pharaohs, the long period of the reign of the gods is also indicated. The reign of the god Osiris, according to this list, falls on the middle of the 10th millennium BC. This is at least six thousand years before the appearance of the first pharaohs and not much later than the catastrophic events of the 11th millennium BC, associated with the biblical story of the Flood.


The ancient Greeks probably borrowed the sphinx motif from Egypt. In Greek mythology, the wingless Egyptian Sphinx takes on the female sex and the wings of a griffin.

In Greek mythology, the "Sphinga" is considered the product of the monsters Typhon and Echidna, an evil demon of destruction. The Greek Sphinx - Sphinga was depicted as a monster with the body of a dog, bird wings, a woman's head and face. The image of the sphinga was on the helmet of Athena.


Winged Sphinga was sent to Thebes (Greece) by the goddess Hero for the crime of the Theban king Laius (father of Oedipus) against Chrysippus. Sphinga lay in wait for travelers, asked them cunning riddles and killed everyone who could not guess them. Having learned the riddle from the muses, the sphinga sat down on Mount Fikey and began to ask the Thebans about it.

According to ancient Greek mythology, after Oedipus solved the riddle of the Sphinx, the monster rushed from the top of the mountain into the abyss.


During the Hellenistic period, the "lion man" motif spread far to the east of Asia.


In India, a number of terms are used to refer to such sculptural images, for example, "purushamriga".

Amulets with the body of a lion and a human face are found in the south of Asia, all the way to the Philippines and Ceylon.


The sphinx motif returned to European art in the 16th and early 17th centuries. The European Sphynx has a raised head, a bared female breast and pearl earrings. Sphinxes were used to decorate the parks of royal and aristocratic residences. Sphinxes adorn the frescoes of Raphael's Vatican Loggia.


Masons considered the Sphinx a symbol of the Mysteries and used them in their architecture, considering them as guardians of the gates of the temple. In Masonic architecture, the sphinx is a frequent decoration detail, for example, even in the version of the image of its head on the form of documents. In the United States, sphinxes are still installed at the entrance to the halls of Masonic assembly as the personification of mystery and a call for silence.

Continuation: Part 3. The cone symbol.

Author: Valentina Zhitanskaya