Interaction Of Strings - Alternative View

Interaction Of Strings - Alternative View
Interaction Of Strings - Alternative View

Video: Interaction Of Strings - Alternative View

Video: Interaction Of Strings - Alternative View
Video: Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - Advanced Dialogue Pt.1 - Interaction 2024, October


The interaction of strings, circumstances, causes and actions of actions, time transitions (from the present to the past and back) by the Matrix and the application of the Law of Acceptance

A rational being, in this case a person (but this is certainly not entirely true, because a person still has only an initial rudiment of reason, primitive) can change reality (in accordance with his life ideas about the world) and does this constantly every moment and every day … The Matrix takes an active part in this. All this happens at the program level, the action with the files. And files are people, and everything that surrounds us. Everything is actually files. The primary world is a virtual holographic computer. And the secondary and dependent on the virtual is material, program actions with files affect the material world.


For example, a person is both a file and a bio - chemical - electrical - computerized complex. That is, in fact, a person is a robot - an android. Which has a certain and permissible freedom of choice and action. According to his given role at a given time and place by a certain program. Which is intended for him in this game situation by the Matrix. and which he must fulfill. If this object (person) fulfills his goal and his life program, then the Matrix then helps him, and if he does not want or does not even want to know what he should do, then he is relatively left to himself and controlled chaos. And then his life path is strewn with numerous difficulties, troubles and adversities.

I will give an example with an analysis of the actions of the law of acceptance and the Matrix, as well as constant leaps in time for the necessary correction of reality.

A patient came to the author who complained that she had three children and that she had not had a man for three years, and she so wanted family happiness and a stepfather for her children. At first, my wife talked to her for about two hours, and then the author brainwashed her for 4 hours from dirt and wrong thoughts and actions. She left already, where about 22 o'clock, some buses were still running. She called the next day and told about how she had gone home. On the bus, a man approached her with the most serious intentions (as she said with great surprise that he did not even climb under her skirt), he accompanied her home. And then she called several times with surprise at such a good and serious relationship to her, well, then, of course, she stopped calling, because when people are doing well, no one is needed anymore. This is normal. Now an analysis of this case. Once she understood (and accepted, and this is the most important thing!) And corrected her mistakes, thought, spoke, acted and acted incorrectly, then the higher law of Acceptance corrected her real world and gave her the opportunity to live in a new way, with a new decent man … For this, the Matrix (when she went to the bus stop) created for her a leap into the past for a day (programmatic, only for her and for her a suitable man) found her a free and decent man and redirected (adjusted in the right direction) all his actions in the past (jump about a day ago) so that in the present, he was in this bus and became interested in this woman. And if she did not admit her mistakes and did not accept her changes, then there would be no changes, and there would not be such a man as she wanted. We get what we want ourselves!

Second example: A woman came with a complaint that everything is bad at home, her daughter does not help her around the house, her husband shies away from household chores and all that. It took about 3 hours to cleanse her thinking and psychology, from her wrong actions, to wean her from wrong thoughts and speeches. She came home late and immediately went to bed. In the morning I got up and started making breakfast, and what started here! The daughter undertook to scrub the floors in the entire three-room apartment herself, and the husband suddenly, for no reason, took the hammer and screwdrivers himself and went to knock and screw something up, fix, repair. And all because she understood and corrected her mistakes, and most importantly, that she accepted it all. Therefore, the Law of the Acceptance decided to correct her real world for the better. But unfortunately, women often have correct thinking and actions for a very short time. Therefore, female objects (too often this happens) have no stability in psychology, thinking, actions are a very rare phenomenon for them, and constant for them is Brownian thinking. The fact is that over 150 thousand years of existence without modern men (modern men appeared, only about 40 thousand years ago), women are too addicted to sex, and to the unbridled manifestation of their feelings and emotions, and this has left too much imprint on their psychology of thinking and their programming matrix. In order for women to have normal and stable thinking, too many changes need to be made in society, education, education and legislation. What is practically impossible, to be content with what is,The fact is that over 150 thousand years of existence without modern men (modern men appeared only about 40 thousand years ago), women are too addicted to sex, and to the unbridled expression of their feelings and emotions, and this has left too much imprint on their psychology of thinking and their programming matrix. In order for women to have normal and stable thinking, too many changes need to be made in society, education, education and legislation. What is practically impossible, to be content with what is,The fact is that over 150 thousand years of existence without modern men (modern men appeared, only about 40 thousand years ago), women are too addicted to sex, and to the unbridled manifestation of their feelings and emotions, and this has left too much imprint on their psychology of thinking and their programming matrix. In order for women to have normal and stable thinking, too many changes need to be made in society, education, education and legislation. What is practically impossible, to be content with what is,In order for women to have normal and stable thinking, too many changes need to be made in society, education, education and legislation. What is practically impossible, to be content with what is,In order for women to have normal and stable thinking, too many changes need to be made in society, education, education and legislation. What is practically impossible, to be content with what is,

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Some explanations: The point is that a person constantly, every day, and can change his reality several times a day. It is the real world that surrounds him. And in which he is and exists with the help of the Law of Acceptance and the Matrix. People do it all the time, every day, many times. Here you really need to meet with some person, and you are thinking how to do it. You don’t have your phone (changed, or lost), and here you are walking down the street (or eating on a bus, in the subway) in a city with a million and suddenly you come across it! Just a few seconds earlier or later, and you would not meet, but try to calculate the probability and possibility of this meeting. You will immediately be horrified at how insignificant it was, but it did take place, and there are a lot of such cases in life!And how can this be evaluated from the point of view of science and materialism? AND? PA, after all, all this can be easily explained by the fact that we are in the Matrix (supercomputer) and participate in the "game of life"! Well, now let's look at how exactly this turns out, so let's take what kind of game, Action, RPG, Strategy, and so in this game you can walk and choose in different directions, and the game can also change in (different options) depending on your words and action. So here we are also in a supercomputer and the same game rules also apply to us (humanity), but some restrictions and additions are added related to our addition in material form. In a game situation, we will be able to play again after our character, but in the material world this will no longer work!Yes, this transfer of time by the Matrix into the past in order to correct the present (by the way, it happens to everyone many times and this is a common and everyday thing, only, people usually do not pay attention to it), it is easy to explain it with the help of a game. After all, we are all in the game and inside the Matrix, as much as we would like it, this is reality and truth. So in these games there are always checkpoints (the game after the expiration, some time is automatically saved), so we went to play further after some checkpoint, and they said the wrong thing and did the wrong thing, and the game went in the wrong direction how we wanted, what are we doing? We go back to that checkpoint and continue the new version of the game we need, that's all. This is how the Matrix acts with these laws of Acceptance. Humanity just needs to understand and acceptthat humanity is just files in a Supercomputer, and we are on the playing field, where everyone has their own role (each person is a character in the game) that he must fulfill. If he fulfills his role, then the Matrix helps him. If he does not want to fulfill his playing role, then he becomes just a ballast in this game. And he is not touched until he begins to interfere with the gameplay. And if he starts to interfere, then this game character will simply be excluded from the gameplay. They will erase this game file, until the next entry in the continuation of this game, as a new character. This is what the game characters of this game in the Matrix - Order, of different types and directions do. If some people begin to apply this knowledge about the Matrix and the rules of the playing field, then many problems in science, theology, magic can be solved and explained. Such,as the principles of action at a distance, the speed of interactions, time travel, telekinesis, clairvoyance and prophecy, and much more. You just need to sometimes think in the right direction and not adhere to old, incorrect, and sometimes stupid dogmas, and not stick to those ideas that you really like, just for one reason - they are convenient for you.

Professor Shnobel-Lysenkovsky: Why think and reflect! Strain yourself, think about something unusual, otherwise your head and brains hurt a lot after that. What for? We already feel good, nourishing, warm! It is necessary to whip these scoundrels and troublemakers, otherwise there are (many) of them here, you know! Confuse people with nonsense! Rod them with rods! Or you can send them wherever you go, or put them against the wall. How good it was!

From the book: "Physics and Philosophy of the Real World for Representatives of the 5th and 6th Races." Author: Valery Asadov