Telepathic Communication Between Loved Ones Is Real - Alternative View

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Telepathic Communication Between Loved Ones Is Real - Alternative View
Telepathic Communication Between Loved Ones Is Real - Alternative View

Video: Telepathic Communication Between Loved Ones Is Real - Alternative View

Video: Telepathic Communication Between Loved Ones Is Real - Alternative View
Video: Telepathy Is Real 2024, October

The spiritual connection between loving people, especially between children and parents, is well known. Researchers believe that there is constant telepathic contact between such people. For example, when one of them dies, the other immediately finds out about it.

The souls of children and parents are always in contact with each other. It is believed that through telepathy, close people exchange information with each other constantly, every minute. But this information most often does not reach the consciousness of the person to whom it was sent.

The telepathic way of communication is extremely subtle and delicate, and in everyday life, as a rule, it is obscured from our consciousness by ordinary thoughts and sensations. A strong emotional impulse is required for the telepathic signal to be recognized. Such an impulse is emitted by a person only during the most significant events of his life. The most significant event is death.

At a subtle level, a person always feels the tragedy that happened to one of his relatives. And when the official notification of this event comes later, he already internally knows that it happened. The greatest number of examples of this is given by the years of the war.

In the late 1950s, a documentary essay was published in a Soviet magazine in which a daughter, who was in the rear, wakes up in the middle of the night with the thought that at that moment her father might die at the front. It was 4:30 in the morning. She later received a letter from a colleague of her father, who described his death, which happened on that day and at that time.

The essay caused an avalanche of letters from readers. Thousands of people talked about the same thing, and they cited cases when they suddenly not only realized the death of their fathers or sons, but even somehow saw a picture of their death. Many reported that it was like an influx of oblivion, in which, as in a dream, a picture of the death of a loved one floated before them. They told their family and friends about these dreams, and after some time, sometimes for a long time, it turned out that the picture was shown to them quite correctly.

The telepathic connection between mothers and children is especially strong. The story of one woman who was in besieged Leningrad during the war, published in the early 1990s, is shocking. Cargoes were delivered to the city on the ice of Lake Ladoga, and its inhabitants, mainly children, were taken out of the city. Fascist bombers flew over the lake. Many bombed trucks were killed before reaching the coast. The woman told how children were transported to the mainland in trucks.

Their mothers stayed in the city and waited for a radio message about the results of the transportation. They all sat in a large room, next to the communications room. The witness said that almost always the mothers knew in advance, even before the radio message arrived, whether their children were safely transported or not.

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It so happened that in the tense silence, one of them suddenly began to wail, her cry was picked up by other women, some were rushing about the room or fainted. It was only much later that the news came that the truck with their children had died. This happened more than once. But when the children reached the shore safely, there were no special excesses among the expecting mothers.

The soul says goodbye by appearing as a ghost

A telepathic signal sent to a loved one can be not only strong, but also branched, that is, several people can receive it simultaneously.

There is a known case with the Moiseev family, which occurred in 2001. In the evening, on a Moscow street, 48-year-old Galina Arkadyevna Moiseeva was hit to death by a car. Her eldest daughter, who was in Moscow, at that moment suddenly thought of her mother, and the thought of her caused great anxiety. Half an hour later, the second daughter called from Prague, who persistently asked about her mother's health.

Less than an hour later, the third daughter called, who married a New Zealander and was thousands of kilometers from Moscow. Later, when all three daughters met at the funeral, they talked about the incident and found out that all three had a disturbing thought about their mother at the same time.

From the stories of people who have experienced out-of-body experiences, we know that those in a coma are quite often transported in their astral bodies hundreds of kilometers from the place where their physical body lies. As a rule, they are transferred to their loved ones in order to warn them of their death and to cheer them up, to say that they feel good in the other world. Souls try to enter into conversation with the living. But they do not see or hear them, only at the telepathic level they catch their appeals and begin to worry.

Perhaps the same thing happens with the souls of those who died for real, and did not go into clinical death. Before leaving for other worlds, they visit loved ones and inform them of what happened to them.

With telepathic communication, communication through words is impossible. Telepathy is communication through images and feelings. A soul that has flown away can only convey a feeling to a loved one, less often - send some kind of visual image. Even less often, souls appear before people in a visible form (probably, creating their astral counterparts).

One summer, at about five in the morning, a Muscovite Lyudmila K. and her husband heard the shuffling steps of her 63-year-old father outside the door in the corridor. Then the door opened slightly and he peered into the room for a second. I heard his cough. The father suffered from asthma and coughed quite often. Lyudmila was incredibly surprised. Father now had to be at the dacha. How could he appear in the apartment unnoticed by her?

She and her husband went out into the corridor. Father was not here. Their two teenage daughters peeped out of their room. “Mom, grandfather is back,” they said quietly, looking sideways at the door of grandfather's room. "We heard him coughing!" Lyudmila, also in a whisper, asked them if they had seen him arrive. It turned out that no one had seen my grandfather. But he was, without a doubt, here.

Lyudmila knocked carefully. Nobody responded. Everyone was surprised that the door was locked. The grandfather usually did not lock himself. Not knowing what to think, Lyudmila found a spare key and unlocked the door. Father was not in the room. And everything spoke of the fact that no one had been in the room for a whole month - since my father left for the dacha …

And a couple of hours later, she received a call from the gardening partnership and said: her father died this morning at about 5 o'clock from a heart attack.

Later, Lyudmila K. turned to specialists about this incident, because her father appeared exactly at the time when he died. But they could not explain anything.

Perhaps she was referring to the wrong specialists. Any psychic, magician, sorcerer, village grandmother who heals with herbs, would tell her that her recently deceased father or his astral double visited her apartment that morning. It is believed that the dead appear before the living only when they feel an urgent need for it. Perhaps the father wanted to communicate something important or to end some business. But what exactly was the purpose of his visit - Lyudmila herself must guess.