The Community Of Intelligent Trees - Alternative View

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The Community Of Intelligent Trees - Alternative View
The Community Of Intelligent Trees - Alternative View

Video: The Community Of Intelligent Trees - Alternative View

Video: The Community Of Intelligent Trees - Alternative View
Video: Are trees intelligent? 6 Minute English 2024, October

Each person, as you know, has an external and internal world. The smarter, wiser, more spiritual a person is, the richer his inner world.

What if the outside world were absent? At least as we imagine it? Can a person exist without an external world? We are not born reasonable, but become such, communicating with our own kind. Thanks to the transfer of information, not only the individual develops, but the whole of humanity. Are there beings on earth living exclusively with inner life, and even a community of such beings? If so, then these are, of course, trees and plants in general.


What is Mind?

We are not talking here about some alien trees described in fantastic literature, but about the most ordinary earthly ones.


It is strange that not only scientific hypotheses, but even vivid fantastic stories are lacking for the possible existence of a "plant civilization". Only fairy tales and legends tell about intelligent magic trees, but even in them these trees communicate with people. Thus, we are not talking about a virtual, exclusively internal existence.

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When we talk about reason and intelligent beings, we take a human (humanoid mind) as our criterion. The possibility is also admitted that somewhere in the universe there is a non-humanoid mind, which, in principle, is incomprehensible to us.


Intelligent beings, in our opinion, should have hands (or something like that) and use tools. Again, material manifestations of their intelligent activity are necessary: if not buildings and all kinds of equipment, then at least they would chop off clubs. According to the provisions of dialectical materialism, reason is the product of the work of hands - labor. But is it really supposed to manifest itself exclusively in material activity and be directed, so to speak, outside? Why can't the mind stay and develop inside its carrier? And if it can, then plants are best suited for this.

The mind of an exclusively inner world

Suppose there are several variants of such a mind:

- each tree is both an intelligent creature and a whole civilization (unlikely);

- each tree is a separate, intelligent creature, however, they all communicate with each other, exchange information, pursue common goals, etc.

- all trees (plants in general) are a single mind, something like an intelligent ocean, which S. Lem wrote about in Solaris.

Probably, we should try to get in touch with the "plant civilization", which, as they say, is always close by.


It is highly likely that the green world affects humanity much more than we think (not only gives oxygen, supplies food, building materials, etc.). Surely such communication would bring people a lot of new and useful things. It's no secret that trees are able to remove the negative energy of a person and fill him with fresh forces of life. What energies still unknown to us do these beautiful and noble creatures possess? Who knows, perhaps the discovery of this ancient civilization and the establishment of contact with it will give humanity such opportunities that we cannot even imagine …