It's Time For Researchers Of The Real Past To Unite! - Alternative View

It's Time For Researchers Of The Real Past To Unite! - Alternative View
It's Time For Researchers Of The Real Past To Unite! - Alternative View

Video: It's Time For Researchers Of The Real Past To Unite! - Alternative View

Video: It's Time For Researchers Of The Real Past To Unite! - Alternative View
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Studying the official history and discovering in its pseudo-historical myths more and more "inconsistencies", "omissions" and even outright lies in the form of falsification and substitution of historical sources, inventing historical events, and even entire civilizations that did not exist in a separate form, but which invented their own history, you begin to understand more and more. that this very "official history" is not science at all. And only - the art of powdering the brains of the peoples in the interests of the ruling "elite". And in fact, it is inseparable from the policy of these ruling "elites", on whose order a new history is rewritten every time.

This is exactly how the rewriting of our history by German historians during the Romanov dynasty took place. But this is just one of the typical examples of a total project of falsifying history. Each time after global cataclysms and destructive wars, a new version of history is created in this way after the next redivision of the world by new "elites". All this is happening as a consequence of the new policy of the "new masters" of the world, who need to present themselves as a "civilizing" and "evolutionary" force in the common history of mankind. That is why all the high technologies of the antediluvian civilizations of the "golden age" are hidden from us, and the very fact of the existence of these civilizations in the distant and not very distant past is completely ignored and hushed up.

Any government, in order to present itself in a positive way, must represent all previous civilizations in the form of “wild barbarians” or scattered tribes with “primitive technologies” and a low standard of living. And such a demand creates a supply. That is why at all times the overwhelming majority of official historians, fed by the authorities, are happy to start working out "grants" for writing a new history that has very little in common with real historical events and the chronology of the true past of mankind.

Not so long ago, while discussing during a stream on his ASPIK channel the events that happened with another alternative researcher - S. Pogorelov, the author of the Other History channel, the well-known Russian researcher of real history Oleg Pavlyuchenko said that we, alternative people, are not involved in politics … And I understand perfectly why he made such a statement. And yet, with all due respect to Oleg, I will allow myself to express my own opinion on this issue.

Yes. we do not deal specifically with politics. But given the fact that the “official history” after the death of the antediluvian civilizations of the “golden age” turned into an obedient and deceitful servant of the ruling elite's policies, then by exposing the pseudo-historical myths of this very “official history”, we are already involuntarily intruding into the sphere of interests of these very ruling elites, including their policies, part of which is the fooling of the common people. That is why we will not be able to completely “disown” and “self-isolate” from politics, no matter how much we want to. Therefore, any independent alternative researcher who reveals even a small fact of falsification of history also reveals a total deception of these elites, which means that it will inevitably be "under the gun" of the parasite's servants.

That is why I am inclined to view the events that happened to Sergei Pogorelov not just as a provocation and hooligan trick of overly zealous "fighters against extremism", but as a kind of quite deliberate "test balloon" of the servants of the parasitic system, seeking to intimidate alternative researchers and make them refuse from further research in this area.

It is very likely that the parasites and their servants are seriously concerned about the fact that more and more people are awakening an interest in our true past. At the same time, the standard "fairy tales for suckers" no longer work as before within the framework of "convenient explanations", and the hastily recruited "troll factories" and pseudoscientific projects do not at all cope with discrediting the opening array of interesting information that shows all the absurdity and illogicality of that very pseudoscientific version "History of mankind", which is described in textbooks.

The limited outlook of the parasites and their servants does not allow them to realize the fact that they are not able to prevent the inevitable events planned by the higher powers, no matter how hard they resist at the same time. But they continue to cling to their power over enslaved humanity, trying to distance as far as possible what will happen sooner or later. Therefore, their attempts to exert psychological pressure on independent researchers will not stop at all, and we need to be ready for this in order to develop an effective technology for “collective defense” and mutual information support.

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And for a more effective coordination of actions, it is time for the alternative researchers themselves, trying to get to the bottom of our true history, to begin to unite in some public "association of alternatives" and legal assistance, as well as the coordination of information support for those who will come under the "pressure" of the global parasitic force behind the total project of falsifying history.

At the same time, I want to add that all the showdowns and squabbles between the alternatives themselves play into the hands of this force. Therefore, those who envy their more successful “fellow writers” with black envy should not put their personal ambitions above collective interests, otherwise they themselves can be regarded as provocateurs of the parasitic system, specially introduced into the ranks of “alternatives”, serving the interests of their masters. They deliberately want to separate us, because it is simply unrealistic to stand alone against the provocations and pressure of the parasite servants. And all independent researchers of the real past and fans of alternative history should think carefully about this.

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