15 Examples Of Languages and Ciphers That Scientists Have Not Yet Been Able To Unravel - Alternative View

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15 Examples Of Languages and Ciphers That Scientists Have Not Yet Been Able To Unravel - Alternative View
15 Examples Of Languages and Ciphers That Scientists Have Not Yet Been Able To Unravel - Alternative View

Video: 15 Examples Of Languages and Ciphers That Scientists Have Not Yet Been Able To Unravel - Alternative View

Video: 15 Examples Of Languages and Ciphers That Scientists Have Not Yet Been Able To Unravel - Alternative View
Video: What Are AEAD Ciphers? 2024, October

It would seem that modern technologies and the level of development of science make it possible to find answers to almost any question. But the secrets, no less, still remain. And among them are 15 fonts and languages that cannot yet be deciphered. These mysterious texts will be discussed in this review.

1. Beale cipher

In 1885, a small pamphlet was published anonymously in Virginia containing the story and three encrypted messages. History claims that the messages will lead to a treasure hidden by a man named Beale. Since then, only one of the three messages has been decrypted.


2. The Voynich manuscript

This at least 600-year-old 232-page manuscript is written in some completely indecipherable language. Moreover, it is simply replete with numerous images of never seen plants and people in strange "baths and ponds".

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3. Zodiac code

Between 1966 and 1974, a serial killer known as the Zodiac sent over 20 encrypted messages to the police. Most of them were solved, but some are still a mystery.


4. Kryptos

In 1990, a 4-section sculpture with encrypted symbols was installed in front of the CIA headquarters as a challenge for agency staff. 3 sections have been deciphered, but the fourth has been defiant for 26 years.


5. D'Agapeev's cipher

Alexander D'Agapeev in 1939 wrote a book about cryptography called "Codes and Ciphers". The first edition of the book included a mysterious cipher that has not been solved since. Even the author of the book himself later admitted that he had forgotten how he encrypted this code.


6. Linear A

In 1890, a large number of clay tablets were found on the island of Crete, dating from 1800 BC. They had texts in two different languages called Linear A and Linear B. Linear B was completely decoded in the 1950s, and the other language is still a complete mystery.


7. Chinese cipher "Gold bar"

In 1933, seven gold bars were transferred to General Wang in Shanghai, China. Who minted them is unknown, but on the ingots you can see drawings, ancient Chinese writing, an unknown code and cryptograms in Latin letters.


8. Indian writing

After the Indus Valley civilization, which flourished from 2600 to 1800 BC. in the Indian subcontinent, there are thousands of objects inscribed in pictographic language, which consisted (as scientists assume) of about 400 characters. Over the past couple of centuries, there have been constant attempts to decipher this letter, but all efforts remain in vain.


9. Dove cipher

Once in English Surrey, a local resident decided to clean a clogged chimney. In it, he found the remains of a dove with a World War II encryption attached to it. No one could figure out the encryption.


10. Rongo-rongo language

In 1868, European explorers first reported wooden plaques they found on the incredibly remote Easter Island in the South Pacific. The tablets were covered with an unknown hieroglyphic script. A century and a half have passed … and scientists have hardly advanced in understanding what is written on these 20 tablets.


11. Old European cipher

Many artifacts found in many places throughout southeastern Europe, in particular near Vinče near Belgrade and which date back to 6000 - 4500 BC, contain strange symbols. Scholars are still debating whether these symbols are the ancient writing system.


12. Rohontsi Code

This manuscript was named after the town of Rohontsi, which was once located in what is now Western Hungary. It is written in an unknown language that has never been deciphered. Today the manuscript is on display at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.


13. The Taman Shud case

On December 1, 1948, the body of an unknown man was thrown onto a beach in South Australia. Nobody could identify him, and the only clue for the police was a piece of paper in his pocket, on which was written 2 words "Tamam Shud", which translates as "finished" from Persian (the wrong name "Taman Shud" got into the press) … This was a direct reference to Omar Khayyam's Rubai, a book that was found in the back seat of an unlocked car near the beach where the body was found. They also found a cipher on the book, which they could not figure out.


14. McCormick's code

In 1999, the decomposing body of 41-year-old Ricky McCormick was found in a field in eastern Missouri. Two notes with a mysterious code were found in his pockets. The FBI, which was unable to decipher them, sought help from the public on the Internet.


15. Inscription at Shagborough

In the English county of Staffordshire, you can find an unusual monument of the 18th century, on which the letter "UOSVAVV" is carved. Despite a lot of speculation, no one has been able to figure out their meaning.
