Vadim CHERNOBROV: "There Is No Mysticism, There Is Science" - Alternative View

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Vadim CHERNOBROV: "There Is No Mysticism, There Is Science" - Alternative View
Vadim CHERNOBROV: "There Is No Mysticism, There Is Science" - Alternative View

Video: Vadim CHERNOBROV: "There Is No Mysticism, There Is Science" - Alternative View

Video: Vadim CHERNOBROV:
Video: Вадим Чернобров о Лабынкыре, Захарченко и зимнем автостопе 2024, October

"The main ufologist of Russia", "plate hunter", "swindler" and "charlatan". As soon as the head of the Cosmopoisk research association, Vadim Chernobrov, is not called today. He came to Krasnodar Territory on expeditions more than once, was a guest of the KN editorial board. But in this interview, we will not be talking about circles in the wheat fields. Today Vadim Chernobrov will talk about why unflattering epithets are attributed to him on social networks and how the family puts up with his many months of trips

Mysterious dollars

On social media, I'm sorry for being straightforward, as soon as you are not called, including one of the greatest scammers. What can you say about this?

- Please pay attention to those who write this. I am a person through whom no less than ten thousand people have passed through the Kosmopoisk expeditions. I am kind but disciplined. And in the use of alcohol on the hikes never compromised. The strictest prohibition is in force on my expeditions. Naturally, I had to deal with those who did not understand them. They were kicked out, and they are naturally offended. And yet not one of them admitted that he was kicked out for drinking. Everyone writes that they did not agree with me in scientific views, and some people attribute alcoholism to me. And some are spreading rumors that I am a swindler and embezzle the money allocated for the expedition. All this is anonymous. But, in one way or another, they still reveal themselves.

I recently caught one literally by the scruff of the neck and dragged it to Kosmopoisk for a general meeting. On the Internet, he shouted that I had stolen 40 thousand dollars from Kosmopoisk. But before a real audience, the oratorical abilities of this truth-lover disappeared somewhere. Moreover, it turned out that it was he who once incited "Cosmopoisk" to make a profit. Like, it's enough to go on expeditions at your own expense and eat water with stew. Let's take tourists to abnormal places for money, like Everest. I admit that this is a real way to build a kind of extreme tourism. But do you remember very well what happened on Everest? And since I did not listen to this "brilliant" idea, thereby depriving Kosmopoisk of 40 thousand dollars, which we could have earned in a year. That's all the crime. And there are dozens of such exaggerated accusations. For any of them I am ready to answer in person - eye to eye.

Today you go on expeditions, write books, give lectures. What profession do you associate yourself with more - teacher, historian, scientist, writer?

- In each case, I try on one of these roles, and I like it. I don't even take offense when they call me a ufologist and a plate hunter. In general, in life I am a person who satisfies my curiosity. And there is nothing wrong with that, because at the same time I satisfy the curiosity of thousands of readers or viewers who will not go on an expedition themselves, but they are interested in hearing about the unique phenomena that occur on our planet.

Promotional video:

Cure for traffic jams - teleport

What do you think the future holds for humanity?

- I am an optimist by nature. From me you can rarely hear statements like, "when I was young, the children were more obedient, and the water is more watery." Although it was so. But I understand that history is not linear, there are peaks and troughs. Today, in my opinion, humanity is at a crossroads, a "big game" is underway not only in politics, but also in science and technology. But, I hope, we will choose the right path - the further development of civilization, not the fall.

Are there any fears that with the development of technology we will follow the path of apocalyptic films, for example, "The Terminator"?

- Customers of new technologies, as a rule, are military departments. But there is no contradiction here. You can have advanced weapons without starting a war. And teleports, the development of which the media are writing today, can be launched for peaceful purposes, say, and thus get rid of traffic jams.

Can you call yourself a believer? And who or what do you believe in?

- I am a person who adheres to dogmas that are the same in all religions - "Thou shalt not kill", "Thou shalt not steal", etc., without fear of retribution for their failure to fulfill in the form of hell. Therefore, my principles are much more honest than those who live correctly only out of fear of punishment from above. And I would like our civilization to be reasonable and to do good deeds not because someone big and terrible would punish it otherwise. And any other option of action - murder, war - should be ruled out, because it is reasonable. We do not need religion, but reason. It's my opinion.

Matches + batteries = life

You have come across the inexplicable more than once. Is there a case that still amazes you?

- My position: the mystical does not exist. There are simply things that are difficult for us to explain at the moment. What was mysticism yesterday has become common gadgets today. What was fabulous, like a bull's-eye rolling on a silver platter and showing the overseas shores, today we call the Internet. Mysticism is the limit to the availability of our knowledge. Science is reality.

Well, there are many unexplained YET cases. I remember the earliest from kindergarten. The teacher was horrified by the fact that while walking in the middle of an absolutely sunny day, she noticed a giant dark purple cloud disk. We were immediately taken away. And for a long time I peeped at this disc from the group's window. This picture remained in my memory forever. What is it - UFO, tornado, I still do not know. Probably, then already, unconsciously, I decided that I was interested in such phenomena.

What riddles, besides crop circles, are you working on today?

- Everyone knows about the sensational death of the Dyatlov group on the night of February 2, 1959 in the Northern Urals. I also dealt with this case. And I found out that people disappeared on this pass even before and after Dyatlov. Various versions were considered - from aliens to yeti and secret military developments. I have a different guess. In all cases, a trail of ball lightning was recorded at this place. Most likely, the "Dyatlovites" were frightened by this phenomenon. Ball lightning appears unexpectedly and in fact can cause panic, which most likely happened to tourists. The lightning caught them by surprise and drove them out of the tents, the people were without outer clothing, fled, in the dark they could not find their way to the camp and froze.

You yourself have lost track of your expeditions. We have been to anomalous zones, they said that they were in situations where they could freeze, die from the heat, drown. And still you continue to travel every year to the most dangerous places on our planet. Is there really no feeling of fear, self-preservation?

- There is fear, but there is a healthy sense of danger, which should not atrophy in a normal person. And I have it developed, does not allow you to perform rash actions. But I can't stay at home. But simply, when a non-standard situation occurs, I swear - be sure to take matches on the next outing or not to meddle in a cave without spare batteries for a flashlight. After all, almost all cases of death of people on campaigns and expeditions are connected precisely with the situation - "I forgot to take something important or let something down." I will give an example.

It was in the Trans-Baikal Territory, 600 kilometers from Chita. We went with a guide, he showed us anomalous craters. We researched them. And then the man remembers another, completely fresh, and he has not been there yet and offers to take us to her. First we went by the truck. And then walk through the taiga for two hours. Sunny weather, the day is worth. I am in command of the expedition, and we had 15 people, so we go light! A classic case. This is how most Robinsonades begin. As a result, we walked not two, but four hours. And they began to worry, and after another half hour the guide admitted that he had lost his way. We spent the night on spruce branches, warming each other and listening to the howling of wild animals. And we got out of the forest only in the morning. Such was the survival master class - without tents, matches and food.

Vadim, what age can stop you and you say - that's it, enough hiking, I want a warm home life?

- How much health is enough. Now I am over 50. Although, I confess to you in confidence, every time at the family council my wife and children dissuade me from another expedition. But I believe that a person develops while he has curiosity. Physiologists, by the way, have calculated that there are few inquisitive people on Earth, to the point that they are ready to risk their own skin, only 7 percent. But without such people, no matter how society treats them, there would be no discoveries and progress. I really hope that I belong to this 7 percent.

When will you get mad?

You say practically nothing about the family in your interviews. We just mentioned now that your family is discouraging you from expeditions

- Sure. I haven't been at home for six months, or even more. Ideal husband (laughs). But seriously, I am not proud and do not flaunt it. Because when you project the situation onto the family, there is nothing good in my long absence.

As for why I don't talk about my family, everything is simple - I try not to expose my family. There are many crazy people dissatisfied with my work. When it pours out only on me, it's one thing, but I would not want to transfer it to my family. Moreover, there were precedents. Several times, frankly sick, I believe, people set fire to our doors, tried to drive out the "devil", that is, me. Since then I have been extremely careful.

But if you tell me a little - I have a wife, we have been married for a long time, we have already got used to each other. Previously, I was on expeditions. Now I appreciated the advantages of the family hearth. And, as befits an exemplary wife, she waits for me at home and sighs: "When will you finally get mad?"

There are two children - a son and a daughter, they are already adults. There are also two grandchildren - a boy and a girl.

And how do the children and grandchildren feel about the fact that their dad and grandfather are the country's chief ufologist, and do they believe in UFOs and the supernatural?

- I do not force anyone to believe and I am very careful with their opinion. Children, starting from preschool age, have been with me on expeditions more than once. And today they go hiking themselves. But for them it is more extreme than a way of life.

Do you have time for hobbies, hobbies, besides expeditions?

- In winter, I have fewer trips than at other times of the year. Therefore, I enjoy visiting exhibitions. Fortunately, cultural life in Moscow is in full swing. Exhibitions of fine art are especially interesting, because I myself try to draw, I illustrate my books. I look at contemporary artists with good envy. Realists are especially respected.



Born in 1965, in the Volgograd region, in a small garrison of the Air Force base.

Studied at the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) as an aerospace engineer.

During his studies, he founded a project to study anomalous phenomena, including UFOs. In 1980, a small student group was created, which later grew into the Cosmopoisk project.

To date, Vadim Chernobrov has been on dozens of expeditions around the world. He is the author of over 30 books and encyclopedias, a frequent guest on television projects.

Photo by Yuri KHODZITSKY
