What Happens Outside Of The Universe? - Alternative View

What Happens Outside Of The Universe? - Alternative View
What Happens Outside Of The Universe? - Alternative View

Video: What Happens Outside Of The Universe? - Alternative View

Video: What Happens Outside Of The Universe? - Alternative View
Video: What Happens outside of the Universe? 2024, July

Interest in what is happening outside our universe has long worried the minds of people. Hundreds of scientists are working on deciphering the secrets and mysteries of space and the universe.

Space researchers from NASA periodically publish information about sensational discoveries, attaching photos and video evidence to them. Almost 11 years ago, astronomers discovered some kind of galactic motion in space. "Dark Stream", as the phenomenon was called, is a collection of 800 systems moving at a speed of 1,000 kilometers per second in one direction. At present, another 500 star systems have joined the phenomenon. This fact gave NASA astronomers a reason to believe that the Universe has boundaries, and the dark stream objects in space entail something with a much greater mass. Presumably, such an object is the neighboring, "heavier" universe, which is located at a distance of three billion light years from Earth.


The study of the "sound" of the cosmic relic radiation has helped to make a semblance of a map of our Universe. Thanks to the WMAP apparatus in 2007, astronomers found a zone of outer space that refutes all the laws of conventional physics. The area called "Resident Evil" turned out to be cold upon spectral analysis. The area has a reduced background radiation. These indicators indicate that the object is not material, that is, it has no matter. The conclusion strengthened the speculation of scientists that the macrocosm has borders and neighbors. Thanks to the study of the length of cosmic waves, it was possible to determine the diameter of our Universe, which was 91 billion light years.


Using the Big Bang theory, some scientists conclude that the macrocosm is still expanding. However, according to the laws of physics, its expandability is not endless. The most understandable example is a soap bubble that grows to certain limits and then bursts. Theoretical physicist Andy Albracht of the University of California has calculated the maximum limit for the expansion of the universe. It was 20%. Now the scientist is working on the question of what will happen when the maximum is reached.

An astrophysicist from Montana State University found that only objects that are 13,700,000 light-years distant from us are accessible to humanity for observation. The obstruction, due to which scientists do not see all space objects, is a stream of relic radiation, which formed 380,000 years after the Big Bang. Since the planets and stars are located at a distance of many light years from the Earth, humanity receives outdated information, and those stars and systems that are visible to us may no longer exist.


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Jeanne Levin, a theorist at Cambridge University, believes that the shape of the universe resembles a donut. Also, the researcher believes that it is physically impossible to get outside the boundaries of our "space home". If you move in one direction for a long time, then in the end you get to the starting point of the path. Another of Jeanne Levin's interesting assumptions is that the stars and galaxies available to mankind for study are just reflections of each other like a lantern in a dark room. Reaching the boundary of the macrocosm, the light emanating from space objects is reflected about them and returns back.

Some scientists believe that it is possible to get outside of our Universe with the help of Black Holes. The properties and structure of these galactic bodies are practically not studied. The theory boils down to the fact that after passing through the Black Hole, you can find yourself in another, neighboring Universe or in another dimension. What happens to the objects "eaten" by the Black Hole is still not known.

One of the supposed exits from our Universe could also be the center of the galaxy. This theory also has its fans in certain circles. However, this concept rejects the fact that the macrocosm is constantly expanding, which means that it should not have a center.


Some scientists adhere to the theory of "wormholes" in space. According to this assumption, there are peculiar passages in space, once in which one can move to another point of the Universe or even beyond its limits. The concept of the multicomponent nature of the Universe, which today is generally accepted in scientific circles, makes it possible to assume the existence of an infinite number of other universes with different physical and chemical characteristics. The probability of the presence of life in them is 1 in 10 133. In some neighboring universes, unicorns and pegasus can be found. Others can refute the laws of physics familiar to mankind.


UFO scientists pin their hopes on contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. UFO researchers believe that "brothers in mind" will help reveal the secret of what is happening outside of our universe. If the technologies possessed by other civilizations are so advanced, then they may well visit our galaxy from neighboring ones.


People from the past centuries were interested in unattainable stars. For the first time, people's ideas about the structure of the world were shaken by Nicolaus Copernicus, proving that the Earth is not the center of the Universe. In the twentieth century, Edwin Hubble made the discovery that our Universe is not an eternal substance. The scientist was prompted to this idea by the discovery that space objects and galaxies are moving away from each other.

Irina Dneprova