Reptilians As Neighbors - Alternative View

Reptilians As Neighbors - Alternative View
Reptilians As Neighbors - Alternative View

Video: Reptilians As Neighbors - Alternative View

Video: Reptilians As Neighbors - Alternative View
Video: AleXa (알렉사) Discusses Reptilian Theory and Aliens on Earth | HDIGH Ep. #25 Highlight 2024, July

This story was recently posted on Reddit. It allegedly happened in 2000 in a suburb of Dayton, Ohio.

John lived in his beautiful private home, recently retired, and before that worked as a computer specialist. And everything was comfortable and well with him, until a strange family settled on the same street five houses from John's house.

Until then, this area was always quiet, mostly law-abiding hard workers lived here, who liked to work in their gardens, mow their lawns and politely discuss certain problems with neighbors in a general chat (

The house, located five houses from John's, had previously been empty for a long time and therefore sold for a very reasonable price. The previous tenants were scandalous and left it, finally smashing the plumbing, lamps and making holes in the wall. This frightened new tenants and John was used to seeing that house uninhabited.

Therefore, when one morning John realized that someone had moved into this house, he was very surprised. First of all, the fact that he did not see any trucks transporting furniture and personal belongings of residents. He also did not see a truck of workers near the house, do the new tenants really want to make repairs in the house?


Soon, John and his wife learned from a neighbor that he was visiting new tenants and wanted to offer them his repair services. And when he knocked on the house and it was opened for him, he saw that everything inside was still destroyed, and on the floor of the new furniture there was only a couple of mattresses.

The man who opened the door quickly took a business card from a neighbor, looked at it, then muttered that they did not need anything, returned the card back and closed the door in front of him.

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Soon after, John went out as usual with the dog and saw one of the new tenants himself. It turned out to be a man in unexpectedly tattered old clothes and he was sitting inside a car parked in their area, which was also old and was all littered with rubbish. John decided that the new tenants were very poor people.

John greeted this man, but he said nothing. On subsequent walks, John saw this man several times and continued to greet him, but he was still silent. And then John finally gave up trying to meet new neighbors.

But then John ran into this man again, and this time at a local supermarket. This man was in the meat department and his entire cart was filled to the brim with packages of meat. There were hamburger patties and steaks and all beef as far as John could see the labels.

When John was looking at the basket, the man noticed it, looked at John and he looked very impartial. John said “Hi. Do you want to have a barbecue”? And in response this man suddenly opened his mouth and … hissed loudly! John described the sound as if air was passing through his teeth.

After that, the strange man turned and quickly left the checkout with the cart, and John was left completely stunned.

However, this incident piqued his curiosity rather than frightened him. The next day, John began asking a neighbor about the strange family, and the neighbor said that his wife once saw a woman from that house running after a cat, trying to catch her. And when she finally caught her, the cat broke free and ran away, and the woman was in a wild rage.

This could have been taken as just an uncomfortable incident, but then things got even more bizarre. According to the same neighbor's wife, one day she saw the same lady who took off her wig, and it turned out that her head was completely bald and covered with what the neighbor's wife took for "a tattoo in the form of snake scales." The whole head was covered with this "tattoo".


It was after this incident that the neighbor's wife began to say that their new neighbors were reptilians or snake people. And she became so obsessed with this conspiracy theory that the neighbor began to worry about her. He told John about this too.

After that, John decided to go for a walk with the dog late in the evening, although he usually did not walk during this time. He wanted to look at the house of the "reptilians", but when he walked past him with the dog, the same strange man drove up to the house in his old car. He got out of the car and went to the house and at that moment John's dog ran straight to him.

John ran after the dog, intending to apologize, but when he was next to that man, he suddenly realized that he was wearing a wig. And the skin on his neck was very dry and looked like … scales. Then John thought that the neighbor's wife was probably right in her suspicions.

After that, John seemed to have fallen down a rabbit hole. He enthusiastically began scouring the Internet in search of stories about reptilians, and then talked with the wife of a neighbor. He realized that she was 100% sure that these were not people, but werewolf snakes, and she even gave them the nickname "Snakeheads".

According to rumors from other neighbors, in the same house, besides the husband and wife, there lived two more boys of different ages, but no one had ever seen them on the street.

The strange family lived in the house for a year and a half before suddenly got into the car and left somewhere irrevocably. After that, John saw a cleaning company truck near the house, and when he went to the house and looked inside, he saw a lot of dirt, all the same broken walls and the same two dirty mattresses on the floor.

They never installed a new toilet bowl for themselves, and went to the toilet through … holes in the floor. All corners of the house were filthy. The kitchen was littered with empty meat packs.

John liked to think of himself as a rational person, but then he didn't know what to think. All of this was more than Internet conspiracy theories, too extreme and out of the ordinary.