The Family's Biofield: How The Aura Of Children Affects Parents And Vice Versa - Alternative View

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The Family's Biofield: How The Aura Of Children Affects Parents And Vice Versa - Alternative View
The Family's Biofield: How The Aura Of Children Affects Parents And Vice Versa - Alternative View

Video: The Family's Biofield: How The Aura Of Children Affects Parents And Vice Versa - Alternative View

Video: The Family's Biofield: How The Aura Of Children Affects Parents And Vice Versa - Alternative View
Video: Family Environment Instability: How Early Childhood Shapes Social Maladjustments Over Time 2024, July

Everyone knows that every person has his own aura, and now it's time to talk about the mutual influence of the energy fields of different people.

The topic of our today's article is the biofield of the family, and we will look at how energy exchange occurs within a separate cell of society. This topic is important for each of us, because we all have parents, many are married, and some have their own children.

How the family biofield is formed

During communication between people, an energy exchange occurs, when the biofields of different individuals enter into a certain interaction with each other. When people are very close and live together, a special family biofield is formed in their environment.

This biofield is strongly influenced not only by the energy of each family member, but also by the communication style that has developed between them, the peculiarities of their relationship. The energy circuit is also important, which can be open or closed. Let's take a closer look at this.

The energy circuit - what is it

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The family's biofield can be imagined as an energy cloud that envelops all people living under one roof. Its boundaries will be an energy circuit, which, depending on the established family traditions, can be open or closed.

Closed loop

When a family lives in its own limited world, having practically no contact with the outside world, the contour of its biofield becomes closed. This means that he does not let in any other energy, except for the aura of family members.

You can consider this by an example, when a husband and wife, their children, and, say, grandparents live in the same apartment. At the same time, older relatives are retired and are almost always at home. Spouses go to work, children go to school, but besides this and forced outings, such as going to the store, they have no contact with the outside world.

Relatives and friends do not come to visit such a family, and all its members are not supporters of outdoor activities and prefer to spend weekends at home, communicating with each other and doing household chores. In such a family, a closed energy space is formed.

This space can be positive, negative or neutral (we'll look at this later), depending on the predominant energy of the family members. And it does not change in any way over time, since nothing from the outside world affects it.

Open circuit

A completely different situation develops in an open-type family, whose members actively interact with the outside world. An example of such a family: a married couple and their children, and they all participate in public life, often receive guests, go to visit themselves, go on picnics with the whole family, go on hikes and rest, everyone is passionate about some hobby.

The format of such a family implies that people not only live under one roof, but also interact with the outside world on a daily basis, which means they let the energy of other people into their family biofield. The contour of such a biofield will be open or open.

When the circuit of the family energy field is open, any external influences affect it and each member of such a family separately.

So, for example, the visit of welcome and kind guests adds positive energy to the inhabitants of the dwelling, and the gossip and envy of people with whom family members have to communicate outside the walls of their home, on the contrary, bring in a certain negative.

Family biofield characteristics

The family's energy field has a direct impact on all of its members. So, you probably felt how a joyful event that happened to someone from your relatives living under the same roof with you has a positive effect on you, and family quarrels, on the contrary, spoil your mood, even if you are not a direct participant in them. …

Positive biofield

When a family lives in harmony, and peace, understanding and love reign between all its members, it turns into a kind of team. In such a family, omissions and quarrels do not arise, household chores are distributed among all households, and within the cell of society their own traditions are formed: family lunches or dinners, celebrating holidays with the whole family, joint preparation of gifts for everyone.

When the family's biofield is charged with positive energy, it acquires the ability to neutralize external negativity.

So, for example, if one of the family members gets into an unpleasant situation and experiences anxiety, all household members support him, empathize and help him find a way out of a difficult situation.

Positive family energy has a healing effect on the mental and somatic state of all people living under one roof. Such a biofield becomes a kind of "fortress" in which each of the household can hide from all troubles and troubles.

Neutral biofield

A neutral biofield is formed in families, where all members live as if at a distance from each other. Each person here keeps a psychological distance and tries to minimize interaction with the rest of the inhabitants of the house. It turns out that people do not exert any influence on each other, they adapt to live at a distance, do not crawl to each other with their experiences and do not share personal joys.

Life in such a family is neither bad nor good, it is just calm and impersonal, without any emotions. Such a house cannot be called a fortress, but at the same time it does not look like a "snake's nest" either. It's just that each family member lives on his own, but he does not really suffer from this either.

Negative biofield

In families with a negative biofield, quarrels and scandals constantly occur. People forced to live under one roof, by hook or by crook, are looking for a way to quickly escape from such a "family nest". Maybe some of you are familiar with this unpleasant feeling when you just do not want to return home.

A negative biofield is formed when family members do not understand each other, spouses quarrel, children do not obey, everyone criticizes, swears, and is rude.

In such a cell of society, no one empathizes with another, does not delve into the essence of the problems of his relatives, does not show sympathy. It seems as if each household member lives his own life, and only from time to time everyone unites in order to throw out the accumulated aggression and anger on each other, thus relieving nervous tension.

Often, negative biofields are formed in families where an alcoholic, drug addict, or a person with a mental disorder or serious illness lives. Its negative energy turns out to be so strong that it surrounds all household members, and they find themselves drawn into a kind of vicious circle of scandals, omissions and misunderstandings.

It is very difficult to be in such a house, and each family member is ready to avoid the influence of the family biofield in any way. In the language of psychologists, this phenomenon is called "escape" - the desire to disappear, not to be drawn into intra-family squabbles, the desire to escape somewhere.

This happens when children deliberately stay in school or kindergarten, teenagers run away from home or fall into bad company and religious sects, when spouses have an intimate relationship on the side, and grandparents move away from their relatives, voluntarily leaving for nursing homes …

How can you protect yourself from the negative biofield of the family

There are several ways to protect yourself from the negative influences that the negative energy of households has. If you are unlucky enough to live in such difficult conditions, psychologists and esotericists advise you to adopt one or more of the techniques below.

- Immerse yourself in the world of your own experiences by placing a kind of energy shield. You can go to work, your favorite hobby and interact with your family as little as possible.

- Find understanding and support on the side, for example, from best friends, work colleagues, a loved one (if he does not live with you under the same roof), and spend as much time as possible outside the walls of your home.

- To unite with one or more of the most adequate family members, creating a kind of opposition to those who form negative energy.

- Observe only formal communication, without plunging into the problems created by other household members.

- Leave the walls of your home, if there is such an opportunity: go on a long business trip, rent an apartment, live for some time at work or with friends.

As you can see, the family's biofield can be completely different, and it is directly influenced by all people living under the same roof. If you have created your own cell of society, try to charge it with positive energy so that all household members feel spiritual comfort, and especially children, because their future depends on the emotional background.
