7 Signs Of A Strong Biofield - Alternative View

7 Signs Of A Strong Biofield - Alternative View
7 Signs Of A Strong Biofield - Alternative View

Video: 7 Signs Of A Strong Biofield - Alternative View

Video: 7 Signs Of A Strong Biofield - Alternative View
Video: 5 Signs You're Shifting Your Consciousness To A Higher Level Without Knowing It 2024, July

The first symptom: if the aura is pure and strong, the person hardly gets sick. When the aura is meager, a person is overworked, he has frequent headaches, chronic diseases appear, he easily catches a cold. Sometimes things go further - there are signs of more serious diseases.

The second sign: a strong biofield gives its wearer incredible luck in all matters. Roughly speaking, people with a strong energy are always more likely to achieve success without noticeable effort.

Sign the third: a strong aura is felt if a person radiates optimism. When you stand next to such a person, you want to act, you want to conquer the world, and you see everything in a pleasant light. If this person is of the opposite sex, then it is very easy to fall in love with him.

Sign the fourth: problems do not stick to people with a high level of energy. This does not mean that such people have no problems at all, they just do not give him such discomfort.

Sign the fifth: if a person has a high level of energy, then he is most likely a leader. Leading others and being weak are two things that are absolutely not comparable to each other.

The sixth sign: a strong aura - a strong body. When a person is strong mentally, he is strong also physically. He is hardy, gets tired slowly and is always ready to conquer new heights.

Sign seven: his mind is open. These people are not afraid to experiment, expand the framework, and look beyond the horizon. Strong energy allows you not to be afraid of changes, and absolutely any. This proves once again that life is a dynamic. Life is about change and constant, permanent transformation.

It is impossible to have only two traits, and not all the family. It's just that they are developed in different ways. There are small deviations or anomalies, but in general, each of the points rises with an increase in the biofield. You just need to work on your energy and outlook on the world - then everything will work out.

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