Divine Armor For The Physical World - Alternative View

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Divine Armor For The Physical World - Alternative View
Divine Armor For The Physical World - Alternative View

Video: Divine Armor For The Physical World - Alternative View

Video: Divine Armor For The Physical World - Alternative View
Video: The Spirit Realm - What You Can’t See Is More Powerful Than You Think ᴴᴰ 2024, July

A shining shell of cocoon energy - an aura, invisible from the outside, surrounds the human body from the moment of his birth. This is his armor - the only protection with which he comes into our physical world!

At first, a person needs the support and protection of parents who nourish and protect their child's energy cocoon from outside influences. Therefore, in infancy, a person is very vulnerable - the energy of his cocoon is weak.


How an ordinary person can see his aura

In 1896, Nikola Tesla invented a device (Tesla's transformer) that allows you to see the glow of currents of the frequency of the human body, he demonstrated this phenomenon in lectures among the scientific community.

Kirlian device for aura photography
Kirlian device for aura photography

Kirlian device for aura photography.

53 years later, in 1949, the Soviet physiotherapist and inventor S. Kirlian registered an invention in which he presented an improved device based on the Tesla transformer.

Promotional video:

Divine Armor Features - Biofields

Each person has a special, inherent only to him, an energy field of an egg-shape, with a different length of glow. The size and color of the biofield glow depends on the physical and emotional state.

Biofield of a person and a flower
Biofield of a person and a flower

Biofield of a person and a flower.

The reasons for the violation of the biofield

Loss of strength and energy is characteristic of a person at any age: after physical exertion, prolonged study, interaction with other people, and indulging in bad habits, inappropriate nutrition can weaken the biofield.

Negative perception of people, rejection of certain events in their lives: resentment, stress, spiritual torment - can destroy our protective energy structure.

Contact with people who have not good intentions - you expose yourself to the evil eye or damage. Violation of the energy integrity of the biofield leads to a complete loss of energy and health.

Disturbances or darkening, gaps in the luminescence of the biofield, show the occurrence of a disease in various areas of the physical body. The task of the healer is to restore the disturbed energy shell, its integrity and find out which organ has stopped receiving energy.

How to increase and strengthen your biofield. Methods and techniques

The task of a person is to monitor his emotional state, which, first of all, begins to damage the protective forces of his biofield.

Spring water is able to heal the structure of the human biofield
Spring water is able to heal the structure of the human biofield

Spring water is able to heal the structure of the human biofield.

Method one

Running water. It is able to restore the damaged structures of the biofield - after the evil eye, severe shock, fatigue. Any clean body of water or spring can be a source of healing. Almost completely removes all negativity.

The tree is able to remove the negative from the human aura
The tree is able to remove the negative from the human aura

The tree is able to remove the negative from the human aura.

Second reception

A healthy tree that is pleasing and attractive in its appearance can also restore your damaged aura. Hug him, sit at the roots, lean against the trunk. You can do this for several days. The effect is astonishing - the state of health improves rapidly.

Aura of a cedar twig in the Kirlian device
Aura of a cedar twig in the Kirlian device

Aura of a cedar twig in the Kirlian device.

Third reception

Bath. Ablution and steam room - restore strength, reducing the impact of negativity. Caution: if you feel unwell, this method cannot be used.

Fourth method

Animals. The cat is able to completely remove negativity overnight. Let her sleep next to you. You sleep - she heals!

Fifth reception

Visit to the healer. Only special people - healers - can see, understand and completely heal the disturbed energy shell of a person.

They are able to restore breakdown in divine armor, using medicinal herbs, conspiracies. They are also able, with the help of their energy force, to close the breakdown in the damaged aura.

Sixth reception

They remove negative consequences with the help of conspiracies, rituals and rituals, people capable of such methods. It can also be family members.