Alien From Arkaim - Alternative View

Alien From Arkaim - Alternative View
Alien From Arkaim - Alternative View

Video: Alien From Arkaim - Alternative View

Video: Alien From Arkaim - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Arkaim, the Russian Stonehenge (Season 11) | History 2024, October

Russian researchers have discovered in Arkaim (Chelyabinsk region) - also referred to as the Stonehenge of Russia - a humanoid skeleton with an elongated skull. During archaeological excavations, young specialists discovered a human skull with an unusually elongated back of the head, the head of which exactly reminds us of the head of an alien - this is exactly how we imagine the skull of an egg-headed humanoid alien!

According to the preliminary conclusion of archaeologists conducting excavations in the vicinity of Arkaim, they have found a cemetery, which is believed to date back to the second or third centuries BC. Arkaim is one of the most mysterious ancient archaeological sites in Russia, built about 4,000 years ago.

It was a well fortified place with a circular wall, where they were engaged in metallurgy, weaving, pottery and cattle breeding. Discovered in 1987, the place stood out for its well-thought-out and rather complex urban-planning architecture, but for unknown reasons it was burned and abandoned.

Archaeologists believe that, like Stonehenge in England, Arkaim was an ancient site from which constellations and stars were observed. While Stonehenge and Arkaim may have been built to explore stars, many experts speculate that Arkaim is much more complex than its British counterpart.

According to Russian archaeologist K. K. Bystrushkin, who compared the two sites in 2003, Stonehenge offers an observational accuracy of 10 minutes, while Arkaim offers an accuracy of up to one minute of arc.

The first significant find of archaeologists was the skeleton of a woman with a clearly visible effect of severe deformation of the head - an extremely elongated skull.

Maria Makurova, head of the museum of the Arkaim reserve, commented on the discovery of unusual remains: we found a well-preserved skeleton of a woman with an oblong skull. Most likely it can be attributed to the Sarmatian tribe - in this ancient tribe there was a kind of tradition, to bind the heads of children, giving the skull an elongated shape.

The finding of a mysterious skeleton with a deformed skull is not something new, since researchers have previously found - all over the world - similar deformed skulls, in Asia and America.

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But here's an interesting question: what for? Why did the ancients deliberately deform the skulls of children, forcing them to take an elongated appearance? - It should be noted that it is an amazing tradition to give a person an "alien look."

According to historians, 2,000 years ago, the nomads of the Southern Urals acquired strange tribal traditions - although it is not known exactly how they were inspired. Using planks and cloth, mothers wrapped the heads of their children - which carried a high infant mortality - thereby giving the head an egg-shaped shape.

Ufology, the remains of an alien were found in Arkaim.

The authors of the find themselves are skeptical about the assumptions already made by bold fans of ufology about the discovery of an alien skeleton in Arkaim. However, since the discovery of a woman's skeleton on July 18, this version sounds quite steadfast.

While some researchers believe that the cruel tradition of making the skull elongated is associated with beauty, others believe that skull deformation was an important procedure aimed at mimicking the appearance of the ancient "gods."

The deformation of the skull, found skeletons in many places in South America, is believed to be related to the "gods" who descended from the stars and ruled over man in ancient times. It was for these purposes that an artificial skull deformation was created in the past. This was done so that people could at least outwardly approach the appearance of alien creatures who were revered as gods - after all, the aliens descended from heaven.

British ufologists expressing their opinion stated; in Arkaim, Russian archaeologists have found a well-preserved remains of a creature of alien origin! According to Western ufologists, the find confirms the hypothesis that representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization visited the Earth in the past. This is evidenced by the strange shape of the skull, indicating the guests from space from the race of "gray aliens" - it is a humanoid with large eyes, a large forehead and an elongated back of the head.

According to one of the many assumptions about the origin of Arkaim, associated with alien guests, this place was formed by aliens who suffered a space shipwreck. The aliens who managed to survive created a kind of enclave, separating from the local aborigines by a fortified wall.

Possessing extensive knowledge of technology, they were able to revive the crumbs of what was lost, including observing space, hoping to give a sign to their fellow tribesmen over time. At the same time, the years passed, and settlers from another world were forced to marry local women.

But not all children of this marriage were born similar to aliens - with an egg-shaped skull, and it was then that the tradition arose to give an elongated skull shape by artificial means. Thus, distinguishing "their" from the rest of the population of the planet. However, the same version speaks about the origin of elongated skulls from other parts of the Earth.