Who "sings" And "groans" In The World's Oceans? - Alternative View

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Who "sings" And "groans" In The World's Oceans? - Alternative View
Who "sings" And "groans" In The World's Oceans? - Alternative View

Video: Who "sings" And "groans" In The World's Oceans? - Alternative View

Video: Who
Video: English For You | How does the underwater communication ? 2024, October

For more than a year now, mysterious sounds have been heard from the bottom of one of the straits washing the coast of the Canadian province of Nanavut. They then subside for a while, then reappear.

Ghosts of the underwater world

According to professional fishermen, if earlier in the coastal waters there was no shortage of commercial fish, as well as seals and whales, today the situation has changed dramatically: all animals apparently migrated to quieter places. The local authorities, together with environmental organizations, having carried out a number of survey activities, have not found out what is the cause of the mysterious and similar sounds.

In particular, scanning the bottom of the strait with acoustic equipment did not show the occurrence of any dangerous physical processes or the appearance of biological species unknown to science, which are generators of sound waves. In this regard, I would like to note that the underwater world is fraught with many secrets that have not yet been solved, and in it, as on earth, there are also a large number of ghosts and poltergeists. These ghosts also include incomprehensible sounds recorded with the help of hydrophones, which are distributed under water throughout the planet and still do not have at least some reasonable explanation.

Therefore, scientists so far can only classify them and come up with entertaining names. Thus, the abnormal sounds recorded by hydrophones off the coast of the Republic of South Africa were assigned the “call sign” “Bulk” by hydroacoustics. This sound is interesting in that it is somewhat similar to the "conversations" of several animals well-known to scientists at once, but its volume overlaps the power of the sound of any of them.

identify the elusive monster with Cthulhu - a sleeping underwater monster invented by science fiction writer Howard Lovecraft.

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Another mystery of the Mariana Trench

Scientists recorded the "metallic groan" several times in the Mariana Trench, the last two years ago. It lasted only a few seconds, starting with "groans" at a low frequency and ending with a "metallic grinding" at a high frequency. And so it went on several times in a row. As bioacoustics explain, the rather complex sounding at low frequencies can be minimally identified with the so-called whale singing. And the "grinding" generally refers these anomalous sounds to unique. And whales usually "sing" only during the mating season, and the "Mariana" signals were recorded at a time when the animals had already calmed down.

Another mysterious sound, the source of which also remains unknown, is called "Recession". It was first detected in the Pacific Ocean near the equator 20 years ago, and since then it has been repeatedly recorded using hydrophones in both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. “Recession”, in contrast to “Metallic groan”, on the contrary, begins on a high note and dies down rather slowly, over several minutes. In some ways, this signal is similar to the sound of an airplane flying over your head and then audible for a long time.

The "Decline" is heard exclusively in the extreme southern latitudes, presumably from the Antarctic region. At first, scientists assumed that the "plane drone" was emitted by icebergs breaking away from mainland glaciers and sliding in the water along the coastal shallows. When this version was swept away, another immediately appeared - secret experiments of the military, hiding their new technologies on a deserted continent. However, the technologies are different, and the sound for two decades has never changed its tone and time interval.

Ducks do not walk on the ocean floor

Quack, often heard off the Australian coast, is no less interesting sounding. This sound is heard several times a day only in the autumn-winter period and lasts only a couple of seconds. It is clear that the ducks have not yet learned how to walk on the bottom of the oceans, so scientists still blame everything on the minke whales, which may be able to quack. Or maybe they don't know how …

The noise that is heard from the bottom of the Antarctic Ross Sea sounds like the monotonous rattling of car wheels on the joints of the rails, which is why it was called the "Train". It is assumed, naturally without evidence, that it arises when the same icebergs rub against each other. Researchers who come up with suitable names for anomalous ocean sounds, apparently, are still humorists, since sometimes they give unsolved natural phenomena names that cannot be called scientific.

For example, "Whistle". I mean, not the one that is kept in the mouth, but that the kettle has. If boiling kettles with whistles are not used by mythical ichthyandras, then, most likely, according to some scientists, similar sounds can be made by an underwater volcano before an eruption. True, since the whistling sounds were recorded only three times, and in places where there are no volcanoes, their nature remains covered with a veil of secrecy.

One of the most eerie sounds is the "Ascent", which resembles an ambulance siren. Such a “siren” howls in various parts of the Pacific Ocean in spring and autumn, without being tied to a separate localized area.

Initially, as always, they wanted to "fasten" this sound to the ubiquitous whales "singing" in different voices. Then they tried to explain it with the help of seismic activity in a particular region. However, "Rise" howls so uniformly that it does not fit into the sound picture of what is usually heard during underwater earthquakes.

In the hope of finally getting closer to solving the amazing ocean mystery, researchers tirelessly continue to study strange sounds. So far, unfortunately, they do not have enough information, but they hope that one day they will receive answers to all their questions.
