Secrets Of The Third Reich: Scientists. Hans Gorbiger - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Third Reich: Scientists. Hans Gorbiger - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Third Reich: Scientists. Hans Gorbiger - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Third Reich: Scientists. Hans Gorbiger - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Third Reich: Scientists. Hans Gorbiger - Alternative View
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In the provisions of the theory of Hans Herbiger, there is a certain similarity with the ideas of the father of Nazi geopolitics Karl Haushofer. This is not surprising. The doctrine of world ice was the official cosmological theory of the Vril Society, founded by Haushofer in Berlin in the late twenties.

Hans Gerbiger was born in 1860 in the Austrian province of Tyrol, in a wealthy family. He graduated from the Institute of Technology, after which he was sent to Budapest. There, the young Gerbiger worked as a steam engine designer for Alfred Kohlmann, and then moved on to the position of compressor specialist for Land.

In 1894, Hans patented a system of valves for compressors and pumps, which made him the owner of a decent fortune. He opened his own Hans Herbiger company, and devoted his free time to experiments in the field of metallurgy and the creation of his own astronomical theory - glacial cosmology.

One day Gerbiger, while casting, saw how a red-hot stream of metal fell on the ice-covered ground. A short time later, an explosion occurred from the rapid heating of the water. At that moment, the "great Austrian" realized that the processes in the Universe are driven by the eternal confrontation between ice and fire.

His glacial cosmology said that initially there was only a huge incandescent body in space, which was many times hotter than the Sun. A giant planet made entirely of ice approached him from the darkness of the cosmos. At some point, they collided. Ice penetrated deep under the surface of the superstar, causing rapid cooling and gas formation. It was under the action of gas vapors that the fiery body exploded.

The debris scattered in all directions, becoming comets, planets and asteroids, and the superstar turned into the sun. The planets were originally not nine, as now, but thirty. Over time, some of them fell on the Sun. It was the fall of icy cosmic bodies on our daylight that Gerbiger explained the appearance of mysterious spots on it. The main "supplier" of such ice bodies is Jupiter, from which gigantic blocks sometimes break off.

Jupiter itself, the Moon and most of the planets are made of frozen water. Mysterious channels on the surface of Mars are just cracks in the ice. And our Earth is unique in that deep under its surface there is a particle of cosmic fire. It was she who allowed the ice to melt and led to the birth of life. As for the Milky Way, it is an accumulation of ice dust thrown out to the periphery of world space after the explosion.

The fate of every heavenly body is predetermined. Sooner or later, they will all fall on the Sun, which will eventually lead to a new explosion. The satellites of the planets also describe a narrowing spiral around them and sooner or later fall to the surface. And the more the satellite approaches the planet, the faster it rotates to maintain its position. This changes the strength of the gravitational interaction between the satellite and the planet.

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As the satellite's orbit approaches the planet, the force of gravity on its surface decreases, which leads, in the case of the Earth, to an increase in the size of living beings.

Moons fell on our planet several times, and their approach to Earth determined the course of the so-called racial cycles.

According to Gerbiger, the human ancestors appeared 15 million years ago during the second low moon. They only vaguely resembled modern people and were giants and long-livers. They were very sensitive to various radiation, which allowed them to communicate using telepathy.

When the second moon collapsed, a planetary catastrophe destroyed all traces of the first humans. Man and animals began to decrease in size, but among the giants there were those who were able to adapt to the new environment. To do this, they went deep underground, into caves.

Finally, the third moon approached the Earth, and the giants were able to emerge from the underground shelters. On the surface, they found ignorant herds of stunted people and began to train them. For their supernatural abilities, people began to consider them gods. It was a true golden age when, under the guidance of kind and wise giants, civilization reached its heights. The golden companion ascended and set in the firmament several times a day. Its rotation speed and size reduced gravity, which allowed the giants to exist peacefully.

Gradually the satellite approached a dangerous distance. The water of the World Ocean, attracted by it, rose, and all living things had to be saved in the mountains. Over nine thousand years ago, among the highest mountain ranges, the giants founded the maritime civilization of Atlantis. When the third moon collapsed, civilization died. And we live in the period of the fourth moon, which someday will also fall on our planet.

Gerbiger's 800-page work was published in 1913, but the scientific world simply did not notice it. Then Gerbiger, together with V. Faut, published the work "Gerbiger's Glacial Cosmology", cleared of scientific terminology, and began publishing the journal "Key to World Events". Simplified glacial cosmology showed striking similarities with some mystical teachings.

Rejected by physicists and astronomers, Gerbiger's cosmology has found a following among mystics, archaeologists and specialists in mythology. Englishman G. S. Bellamy even founded the Herbigerian Society in Great Britain. It was Bellamy who found in northern Bolivia the megalithic city of Tiahuanaco, the existence of which he considered "irrefutable evidence" in favor of the theory of "falling moons". The network of Herbigerian societies grew. Glacial cosmology attracted a number of leaders of German National Socialism - Hess, Haushoffer, Rosenberg and, a little later, Hitler himself.

After all, Gerbiger considered the Germans to be the descendants of giants. The father of glacial cosmology prophesied that in a couple of millennia the present Moon would decrease, starting to significantly affect the earth's gravity, and then the Germans would regain their gigantic growth, remember forgotten knowledge and rule the world. Not without the influence of Gerbiger's son, glacial cosmology was declared the official doctrine of Nazism in the physical sciences.

In the summer of 1925, leading scientists in Austria and Germany received an ultimatum by mail: “The time has come to choose whether you are with us or against us. Hitler will clear up politics, and Hans Gerbiger will sweep out false science. The doctrine of eternal ice will be a sign of the rebirth of the German people! Join our ranks before it's too late!"

Gerbiger's activities were generously funded. He created a structure with his own information service, recruiting offices and propagandists recruited among Hitler's youth. It got to the point that "orthodox" scientists were beaten in the streets …

The National Socialists helped publish Gerbiger's writings. Three thick volumes were published, about forty popular books, several hundred brochures. But, to the great chagrin of the Nazis, Professor Hans Gerbiger died in 1932. His father's intellectual legacy was taken over by his son Hans Robert Gerbiger, known for his connections with the leaders of the Nazi assault troops. He, too, was showered with favors.

But gradually the Nazis grew cold towards glacial cosmology. In 1942, they dissolved the German Herbigerian Society. However, Herbigerian organizations still exist in England and the United States. In the fifties, they made an attempt to "scientifically rehabilitate" their teaching, clearing it of the most unscientific theses. Thus, the Herbigerians abandoned the theory of cosmic ice, but preserved the theory of falling moons and brought it into line with the latest archaeological finds. They stopped claiming that the universe is limited by the solar system, but continue to defend the theory of spiral orbits …

Hans Gerbiger's fantasies proved to be surprisingly tenacious.