What Demigods Are Mentioned In The Mahabharata? - Alternative View

What Demigods Are Mentioned In The Mahabharata? - Alternative View
What Demigods Are Mentioned In The Mahabharata? - Alternative View

Video: What Demigods Are Mentioned In The Mahabharata? - Alternative View

Video: What Demigods Are Mentioned In The Mahabharata? - Alternative View

Let's see if there were in reality descriptions of real children of the gods.

Yes, in fact, I want to touch upon such a description of these people, which is described in the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharaba".

The case concerns five brothers, the sons of King Pandu. For certain reasons, Pandu could not have contact with his wives.

But his eldest wife Kunti was trained in her youth by a famous saintly brahmana, who gave her a magic mantra.

With this mantra, she invoked the gods and received children from them.

The eldest son of Yushkithira was the son of the god of death Yama. His peculiarity was that he never lied in his life and always acted with justice. Later he was nicknamed “The King of Justice”.

Bhimasen's second son was the child of the wind god. He was described as having a body half made of diamonds embedded in his flesh. As a little boy, his mother accidentally dropped it from a high cliff, but there was not a scratch on the child.

The third Pandav Arjuna was the son of the god Indra and was famous as the best archer in the world, with his accuracy he defeated a huge number of enemies.

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The third and fourth sons were born by the second wife of Pandu, their name is Nakula and Sahadev. They were children of the gods Ashvins and were considered the best healers in all of Bharat.

The glory of the children of the Pandava gods does not disappear and to this day, their deeds came to us after 5000 years and still amaze. This is just one example of the existence of demigods on earth, who did unthinkable things.


Judging by the ancient Aryan scriptures, the gods quite often incarnated and are incarnated in human form, and when this happens in the world, global changes are brewing. These brothers, led by an incarnation of the god Vishnu named Vasudeva Krishna, started a global war that affected billions and established their own world order on earth.

According to the descriptions, the children of the gods were not of enormous growth and unmeasured strength, some of them could easily compete with an elephant and were worth hundreds of ordinary soldiers.