Evidence Of The Existence Of Higher Powers - Alternative View

Evidence Of The Existence Of Higher Powers - Alternative View
Evidence Of The Existence Of Higher Powers - Alternative View

Video: Evidence Of The Existence Of Higher Powers - Alternative View

Video: Evidence Of The Existence Of Higher Powers - Alternative View
Video: If higher dimensions exist, they aren't what you think | Exploring Worlds Beyond Our Own 2024, September

Those possessed by the devil in ordinary times are no different from the ordinary population, but as soon as they cross the threshold of a religious temple, they immediately lose control of themselves. Moreover, regardless of nationality and religion, this happens in the Catholic Church, and in the Muslim mosque, and in the synagogue. According to doctors' conclusions, truly possessed people are not always schizophrenics or mentally ill people. Do such manifestations of aggressive human behavior in the sanctuary serve as an indirect confirmation of the existence of demons? Are there really guardian angels to protect against the dark forces of evil? And who is God, and where did he come from? Science has yet to argue the miraculous facts associated with the religion of Man taking place at all times.

Approximately 90 percent of the people on our planet believe in higher divine powers. Of these, 65 percent are monotheistic religions, that is, believers in one God of Christians and believers in Islam in one Allah. According to the Bible, God has always been and always will be, he is eternal.

People possessed by an evil spirit cannot stand even the sight of holy water from the church. If you sprinkle such possessed persons with water from the altar or bring them a spoonful of holy water, then signs of demonic possession immediately appear:

• they instantly dodge;

• growl loudly with frenzy;

• throw themselves at the exorcist priest;

• fall to the floor;

• begin to emit foam.

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Those possessed by evil spirits are required to hold the "rite of exorcism" in the church, or in the popular way - a lecture. Thousands of people undergo this kind of exorcism every year. However, a lecture will not help without personal repentance of the soul, because sins are not washed away just like that along with the dirt when dipping three times into the hole for Baptism. The work of the human soul is needed in understanding and accepting evil or good.

In the village of Roshinsky, located near the city of Sterlitamak in the Republic of Bashkortostan, there is the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Church, which gained all-Russian fame thanks to its former abbot, Archimandrite Simeon (in the world he was Kuvaitsev). According to the deceased priest Simeon, the rite of exorcism, to which people flocked to him from all over Russia, is an ordinary hygienic procedure for cleansing the human soul with prayers, and all parishioners need it, since the demon sits in every person, and you need to fight it. The demonic forces are afraid not of the physical cross on the neck, but of the cross of faith in the human soul.

Researchers believe that demons, demons, jinn, shaitans and other evil spirits are intelligent lumps of energy. In a Muslim mosque, they are fought with the Koran, prayers, incense of saffron, caraway seeds, and olive oil.

People who have experienced clinical death really come into contact with such forces, with Paradise and Hell. Hundreds of patients in intensive care clinics around the world, returning with near-death experiences, change their lives and become peaceful. Some resurrected people talk with horror about the ominous darkness and horrors of Hell, others - talk about the extraordinary beauty of the heavenly groves, about the beautiful singing of birds in Paradise, and especially about the all-encompassing love of God that enveloped them there, like a blissful mist. Returning to the earthly body, the patients recalled that the more they sincerely repented before the Almighty, the stronger the divine love that enveloped them became, which they had never experienced in their earthly life.

Religious canons say that people are given guardian angels at birth for life. Many miraculous saving of lives cannot be explained by science. An example from history, the last Russian emperor Nicholas II miraculously survived the train crash in October 1888. The train disaster happened when the future emperor was twenty years old. The train derailed and turned into a heap of rubble. Many passengers on that wrecked train died, except for the royal family of Nicholas.

From the ancient Greek language, an angel is translated as a messenger, a messenger. In moments of mortal danger, the highest mysterious forces of good save a person from death, you just need to be able to perceive and recognize the signs of fate sent by them in time.

The miracle, which regularly occurs only on the eve of Orthodox Easter, has thousands of witnesses-pilgrims. Every year, invariably after the prayer of the Jerusalem Orthodox Patriarch at the Holy Sepulcher in the Holy Kuvukliya, a candle ignites spontaneously in his hands - the holy blessed fire descends. In the first minutes, the flame of the candle does not burn at all, and the pilgrims wash with this blessed fire, passing the flame from candle to candle throughout the temple of the Lord and further, to everyone on the street outside its walls. At this moment, the air inside smells like a thunderstorm.

Representatives of other concessions repeated this ritual more than once, but the blessed fire did not descend on them. At the entrance to the Jerusalem Church of the Holy Sepulcher, there is a column on which the split from the fire of lightning is clearly visible. There is a story passed from mouth to mouth that once the Orthodox were not allowed into the church, and they were forced to pray at the door. Then thunder roared, lightning split one of the pillars, and the blessed fire descended on the believers through it outside the walls of the temple.

Professor Pavel Florensky investigated the miracle of the birth of the blessed fire from a scientific point of view using a device capable of capturing the slightest magnetic vibrations. Experience has shown the presence of non-standard electrical discharge phenomena in the temple, and this divine miraculous phenomenon cannot be attributed to a flash, or a short circuit, or a discharge spark.

God is real - it is an indisputable fact, proven by means of modern fundamental science. God and Satan, light and darkness, good and evil are not separable, like a neutron and a proton in the nucleus of an atom, and one cannot exist without the other. The latest scientific discoveries at the beginning of the 21st century in modern physics have shown that the attitude towards the materiality of the world, imposed on every person from infancy, has outlived its usefulness. God must be sought in one's soul, and not somewhere in the distant Cosmos. Human life itself is a miracle and direct evidence of the existence of higher powers.