The Theory Of Relativity As Proof Of The Reversibility Of Time - Alternative View

The Theory Of Relativity As Proof Of The Reversibility Of Time - Alternative View
The Theory Of Relativity As Proof Of The Reversibility Of Time - Alternative View

Video: The Theory Of Relativity As Proof Of The Reversibility Of Time - Alternative View

Video: The Theory Of Relativity As Proof Of The Reversibility Of Time - Alternative View
Video: Black Holes and the Reversibility of Time by Suvrat Raju 2024, September

The special theory of relativity, created by Albert Einstein in 1905, is based on the constancy of the speed of light. Its excess, according to mathematical logic, leads to an advance by the consequence of the cause (reverse flow of time). But after a few years, in his work "Relativity and Gravity" (Collected Works Vol. 1, p. 220), Einstein regrets that he proved the existence of inertial systems (in which light propagates at constant and maximum speeds) only for very small areas space.

This, without a doubt, corresponds to the surrounding reality, where we do not find a single physical system, which would not be acted upon by gravitational (accelerating) forces generated by massive bodies.

Gravitational attraction
Gravitational attraction

Gravitational attraction.

Gravitational attraction, according to the "principle of equivalence", is identical to normal accelerated motion. This analogy led the creator of the special theory to attempts to derive the theory of general relativity (GR).

In the section "Influence of the gravitational field on the clock" of the work "On the principle of relativity and its consequences", Einstein concludes that the course of the clock, like any physical process, proceeds the faster, the greater the gravitational potential of the region in which this process occurs (T.1 page 110).

In other words, the clock runs faster in an area with a higher speed of light, which depends on the surrounding gravitational stress. (Ibid, p. 199). In accordance with the formulas of the general theory of relativity, the mathematical accuracy of which is recognized by the scientific world as flawless, near a black hole the speed of light turns out to be greater than far from the gravitational radius of a BH.

"Based on this hypothesis, I got the result that the speed of light cannot be considered independent of the gravitational potential." ("To the problem of relativity" Vol.1, p. 392).

All the quoted passages are reliably supported by formulas, the mathematical truth of which has not been refuted by anyone for more than 100 years of the existence of the theory of relativity.

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But it is logical to assume (based on the truth of the theory of relativity) that there are areas with much greater gravity than, for example, the earth's, and, accordingly, there should be points in space, where time goes much faster than ours.

And what the movement faster than light leads to, we know again from the works of the great Einstein. It leads to the fact that the effect is ahead of the cause (when looking at the process from a slower frame of reference). Time will begin to go backward, relative to systems with a lower value of gravitational stress.

Time going in the opposite direction is perceived by an observer of a slow frame of reference as fading or as an instantaneous reflection in the mirror of any movement. This is due to the fact that in a faster frame of reference these movements have already occurred. But the "slow" observer will see them in the mirror only when he himself makes them.

Here's a simple analogy. The flight of the ball from the barrel of the air rifle to the target takes, say, 50 seconds. And the minimum time that an observer can notice is 1 minute. Then it turns out that at this moment the ball for the observer will occupy the entire distance from the gun to the target, becoming a semblance of a wave in space that exists everywhere with the same frequency and amplitude. But when the hand is in the path of flight, the ball will hit it, whenever the observer intends to do it.

This will happen because the only moment the hand begins to move will be the time before the instant the shot is fired. After all, the time from this moment until the ball reaches the target (less than 1 minute) for the observer simply does not exist.

To be continued…