Who Is Watching Us From Under The Earth? Muldashev Studies The Mysteries Of The Southern Urals - Alternative View

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Who Is Watching Us From Under The Earth? Muldashev Studies The Mysteries Of The Southern Urals - Alternative View
Who Is Watching Us From Under The Earth? Muldashev Studies The Mysteries Of The Southern Urals - Alternative View

Video: Who Is Watching Us From Under The Earth? Muldashev Studies The Mysteries Of The Southern Urals - Alternative View

Video: Who Is Watching Us From Under The Earth? Muldashev Studies The Mysteries Of The Southern Urals - Alternative View
Video: Agartha, the Hidden Civilization of Inner Earth | Truth or Lore 2024, October

In the footsteps of the expedition of the famous ophthalmologist and traveler in the South Urals.

"AiF-Bashkortostan" continues to publish an interview with the famous doctor and explorer-traveler Ernst Muldashev. In the previous article, it was about the ancient giants of the Southern Urals, who, according to Ernst Rifgatovich's assumption, are stone people.

The traveler believes that there are many other mysteries here: stones growing out of the ground, strange holes in the ground, opening here and there, wandering pyramids, barrows …

Miraculous pyramids

Zilya Akhatova, AiF-Bashkortostan: Ernst Rifgatovich, it sounds strange - a wandering pyramid. How to understand this?

Ernst Muldashev: In the north-east of Bashkiria and in the Chelyabinsk region, people talk about some kind of pyramids that appear and disappear. In the Bashkir language, they are called "karaski" or "uba". By the way, in Altai and Mongolia, the wandering pyramids are considered "antennas" of the underworld, designed to observe ours. The Bashkir epic also indicates that the Karasque pyramids can suddenly disappear, and they are associated with the underworld.

Did you manage to find at least one such?

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- Yes, on the Uzungur ridge measuring 3x3 m, not far from the village of Kubyakovo, Uchalinsky district. It was built of lime stones of approximately the same size. Yes, so carefully that it is impossible to do it without special equipment. The stones looked like they had been piled yesterday. It was pleasant to be around, but there was some kind of alien energy.

Locals saw four more pyramids, one of them turned upside down. Nobody knows when they will disappear and reappear. Ramil Kharisov, a resident of the village of Tanygau, recalled that several years ago, on a country road, a horse's leg got into a hole with a diameter of 20 cm. He was surprised, he lowered three coils of rope (about 500 m) with a load into it, but did not reach the bottom. I had to throw stones at the hole so that the horse would not break his leg.

Apparently, in the Southern Urals, as in Altai, as well as on the Easter Islands, Malta and Crete, the passages to the underworld, which are formed here and there, are closed with pyramids.

Who builds these pyramids if there are no traces around?

- In our opinion, technologies such as dematerialization, materialization, anti-gravity and the like are unknown to us, which are probably owned by the disembodied world. People do not really believe in its existence, because "you cannot touch it." And not in vain, apparently, the formed passages in the dungeon are "supervised" by the disembodied world, which closes them with pyramids and does not allow people who think that they are the pinnacle of reason to meddle in all this. The world is more complex than we think.

Passages to the underworld

You studied the mounds in 2006 in Altai and Mongolia. Even then you had a hypothesis that the mounds are passages to the underworld …

- Too much information says about it. In Altai, in the village of Kulada, which translates as “bird-village”, people see how mounds are formed. A rumble begins to come from under the ground, a fountain of stones and earth appears, which form a shaft around the hole. A creature with wings flies out from there. Soon it goes underground, sucking in some of the soil and creating a traffic jam.

Nevertheless, archaeologists are convinced that the mounds are burials made by people

- Because human bones, coffins, utensils and gold jewelry are found in the funnel of the mound. But how could ancient people fill mounds 10 m high and 200 m in diameter with shovels? Is it not more logical to assume that they buried their relatives in the already formed mounds?

And for what purpose?

- We found the answer in the Orenburg Museum of Local Lore. There is a collection of gold jewelry found in the mounds, with images of fantastic creatures. We saw similar ones in Nepal, Tibet, Syria and on Easter Island. These creatures were considered there to be able to carry the Spirit of a deceased person to the beautiful underworld. The ancient people did not know that the holy mounds would become the object of destruction.

Do you want to blame the archaeologists for something? After all, this is science …

- In Kazakhstan, archaeologists, excavating burial mounds, return everything to its place. And in the Orenburg region, during excavations, we were told that everything would be transferred to arable land. In the Khaibulli region, the enthusiast Rasikh Akhmetov, having learned that the mounds are beginning to disturb, gathers his fellow countrymen, who with the words "Do not touch the mounds!" they drive away newcomers.

But still, why can't you touch them?

- Director of the Orenburg Museum of Local Lore V. Tregubov noticed that during excavations a strong wind often rises. The villagers noticed the connection between the death of livestock and the appearance of anthrax with the fact when the "black diggers" dig mounds. And the Bashkirs and Kazakhs believe that if you touch them, the shaitan takes over in people.

Where did the "stone people" come from?

Are not Bazhov's fairy tales "Stone Flower", "Mistress of the Copper Mountain" and others connected with the stone life?

- Pavel Bazhov, apparently, knew folk legends. And Pushkin's drama "The Stone Guest" bears an echo of the fact that stone life existed on Earth.

Did it originate in the Urals?

- From the Bashkir epic it is clear that the stone has stages of growth, maturation and old age with transformation into sand. In this regard, we thought that if the "stone people" originated in the Urals, then we can find their embryos among these creatures. But … the kids were not found. This means that the beings "came" from somewhere.

After the expedition to about. Easter, you came to the conclusion that the Ranu-Raraku mountain will "bud" idols - also peculiar stone people. Have you found something similar in the Urals?

- Ranu-Raraku volcano is considered on the island. Easter "quarry" for the manufacture of idols by the method of "budding from stone". In the Urals, we also undertook a search for a similar "quarry", but did not find it. Places of localization of "stone people" are stretched along one line along the Ural ridge. It starts from their "cemetery" on Mount Yamantau (not to be confused with the highest peak of the Southern Urals with the same name!) Near Uchaly, passes through Mount Magnitnaya and reaches Mount Razbornaya in the Chelyabinsk region. All "stone people" are located only here. If you continue the line to the south, it will lead to the mysterious Ustyurt plateau in Kazakhstan. There are many huge and incredible monuments, and stone balls (up to 56 m in diameter) lie everywhere. Further, if this line continues around the globe, then it leads to the south of Argentina and to Costa Rica, where there are also many stone balls.

The science fiction film Alien shows eggs from which monsters hatch. Or maybe these balls are eggs of "stone people"?

- Nobody knows that. An expedition to the Ustyurt plateau is needed. What if these stone balls really are the beginnings of stone life, which is now in a passive state and is waiting in the wings to be reborn? What if the “stone people”, having originated on the Ustyurt plateau, “walked” along a predetermined line towards the Urals? New research is needed.

When are you going on this expedition?

- I think very soon. The Ustyurt plateau is not an easy place. There is no water, the temperature reaches + 50 ° С in summer and -60 ° С in winter. You need to prepare well.

Zilya Akhatova