The Civilization Of The Past, Where And How It Got Resources - Land Giant Quarry - Alternative View

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The Civilization Of The Past, Where And How It Got Resources - Land Giant Quarry - Alternative View
The Civilization Of The Past, Where And How It Got Resources - Land Giant Quarry - Alternative View

Video: The Civilization Of The Past, Where And How It Got Resources - Land Giant Quarry - Alternative View

Video: The Civilization Of The Past, Where And How It Got Resources - Land Giant Quarry - Alternative View
Video: Baalbek without Aliens? Mystery of the Great Megaliths 2024, September

If limestone was the main building material of the ancient civilization, then they had to somehow extract it, which means that there should have been traces of mining - a quarry. So we will look for them all over the surface of our planet.

Let's start our search from the territory of modern Crimea.

Axie - Kermen

Any guide will tell you that this area is nothing more than a cave city.


But this section of the "city" will be explained to you as a road that was formed by itself due to the constant movements of the nobility on carts.


And this is Chufut-Kale, another city.

Promotional video:


Now take a close look at the modern limestone quarries of Crimea. Here you will see a specially cut utility room. Now let’s fantasize a little, age modern mine workings for thousands of years, apply the effect of corrosion from wind and rain. And what is the result?

At the exit we have another Crimean cave settlement. And the track in the rock (in the photo above) can be easily explained by the presence of wagons there, on which sawn material was taken out.


We go deeper further. Crimea is simply surrounded by catacombs, from which limestone was mined in colossal volumes. According to official statements of scientists, this material began to be mined back in the days of the ancient Greeks.

Next, you should pay special attention to the following photo. It depicts the Inkerman quarry, named Champagne. This photo is dated 1890 and shows the passage made through the hill. At the same time, its width is 100 m, and its height is approximately 80 m. Also, under the vertical walls, dumps of substandard material are clearly visible. And within the walls of this channel, you can see small houses built right in the recesses. Some of them were the beginning of the catacombs, the length of which reached several tens of kilometers. During the Great Patriotic War, this quarry was used for military purposes. And trucks could freely enter the catacombs. During the evacuation, the entrance data was undermined.


Now let's look at the objects that we know as canyons, rocks and gorges from a different angle. This is nothing more than the oldest and relatively new areas for the extraction of stone.

Here's another example:

White Rock, Belogorsk, Crimea

At the bottom you can see a characteristic out-of-condition moldboard.


The further, the more interesting. This passage, where a colossal amount of limestone was removed, is presented to everyone as a valley. It is so ancient that the slopes are already overgrown with age-old trees.


Now compare the photo of the valley and the 19th century photo of Inkreman. In this image, such dump mounds are not yet covered with vegetation.


And now, for a better understanding of further material, let's consider modern developments in the extraction of minerals.

Ural. Magnetic Mount:


Nickel mines in Cheleshamsk:


Quarry East:


Pay particular attention to the bucket wheel excavator and how it selects ore. After all, he literally creates a canyon with vertical walls.


But now look at those places where people still practically do not appear, but they have very beautiful names. It’s amazing that mining experts do not see obvious and near-perfect matches.


Obvious traces of excavation by the excavator. Discovered in 1820.


Greenland. Watkins Mountains

Focus on the simply unrealistic scale of production.


Grandcanyon, United States, Orizona

National pride and almost a wonder of the world, from another point of view, looks like a colossal career.


Orange River and mountains

Territory of South Africa.



Now let's get down to further facts and evidence that most of the deserts on earth were created artificially.

First, let's look at modern bucket wheel excavators and see how they remove rock layers from large areas.


Here is another illustration, where the joint efforts of the machines remove rock at once on two tiers. Just feel the scale of the work.


If you look at the entire modern map, you can see that such quarries in their area can be as large as a whole desert. In countries such as Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Iran, there are practically no fertile soil layers. It can be assumed that such a layer was simply ripped off from their territories. Yes, this does not fit in my head, but it is very similar to the truth. And such reservoirs as the Caspian and Aral Seas are also quarries, simply flooded.

Now let's see the evidence for this theory

Let's turn our eyes to the Ustyurt plateau, which is located in Kazakhstan. In its northern part is the Boszhira Tract, if you look closely, you can see that the walls are formed by a rotary machine?


The same place. A group of cars is visible in the middle of the image. As you can see, on a huge territory, a soil layer of about 100 m has been removed. And if this area is filled with water, you get an analogue of the Sea of Azov.


Now look at the coastline of the Sea of Azov. This is also a quarry, because the bottom is very flat, and this is the main condition for the successful movement of large machines. And the maximum depth in the whole sea does not exceed 15 meters.


Turkmenistan. For everyone, a well-known place under the name is Yangikala Canyon. But in fact, just a huge career.


United States. Monument Valley. The same picture.


The conclusion suggests itself that most modern deserts are the product of metallurgical production for a long time.

You should also take a very close look at the banks of modern rivers. Almost everywhere you can see that one coast is much higher than the other. This phenomenon is explained by science as the impact of the Coreolis force. But if we consider these shores based on our inferences, then we can also see the characteristic traces of the operation of the rotary machine.

As proof, take a look at the photo of the river in the Voronezh region. This place is known under the name - Krivoborye.


This is the same place, but from a different angle. It is just possible to place a huge rotary machine on the island.


So let's move along the logical chain now. The rock with the useful element contained in it has been mined, now, in order to extract it, this mass must be enriched. And enrichment is such a process in which a concentrate of minerals is released from the total mass and waste rock remains. And this means that there should be just a huge number of dumps and waste heaps.

First, let's look at modern waste heaps. Let's take Donbass as an example. Waste heaps there reach several hundred meters, and the chemical reaction continues to flow in them. That is why they periodically explode or burn.


More dumps.


And here is the Tyrricon Vesuvius, but you heard right. Vesuvius is a waste heap and it is 1281 meters high. But it bears a proud name - a volcano, as it burns and even exploded once.


If Vesuvius is a volcano, then its mouth simply must be melted by lava. And if this is a dump, then its entire structure will be crumbly and can be easily dug up. Look closely, this is a tyrricon.


Waste heap Santa Anna in El Salvador.


A unique place in this respect is the Philippine island of Bohol. On it you can see 1268 cone-shaped mounds of ideal shape, which are located on an area of 50 sq. kilometers.


There is only one conclusion that can be drawn from what we have seen. The earth is a huge quarry and who it serves is a great mystery.
