When Karma Is "evil" - Alternative View

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When Karma Is "evil" - Alternative View
When Karma Is "evil" - Alternative View

Video: When Karma Is "evil" - Alternative View

Video: When Karma Is
Video: Does KARMA Come For The NARCISSIST? | Do Psychopaths Pay For The Evil They've Caused? 2024, June

Where do karmic problems come from?

If troubles occur and it is difficult to understand the causes of problems, many attribute their failures to a karmic legacy. But why do we remember karma only in difficult moments? Is it because we think about our fate only when trouble comes to us?

Evolution law

Helena Blavatsky wrote: “From birth to death, each person weaves thread after thread his destiny, like a spider his thread. When the last thread is woven and a person is, as it were, wrapped in the net of his deeds, he sees himself completely in the power of fate, which he himself has created. This is karma."

It's hard to disagree. However, I am convinced that karma is not only individual, but also family. We inherit many character traits genetically from our parents. Under the influence of the basic energetics of the mother and father, our personal basic energy is formed. It is determined by a person's karma, which forms the path of life and fate, the type of psyche, reactions, attitudes and actions. This basic karmic energy is given to us so that we can work off karmic debts and fulfill our destiny on earth.

Over the course of life, some views and attitudes must certainly change, and with them the karmic energy will also change. This is the law of evolution. However, in practice, this does not happen often. A person is not aware of his destiny, he makes mistakes that then hit his fate. Not wanting to see changes around them and change, people repeat about established views, unshakable principles, eternal values and so on. And often karmic blocks are the cause of failures, wrong attitude to oneself and to the world.

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The broken record principle

Everyone has a vessel of karma, a kind of patience, in which ossified thoughts, negative emotions, actions and deeds gradually accumulate, which form karmic blocks and nodes. When a person completely fills the vessel of karma, fills the cup of fate's patience, he, as a rule, dies.

I often had to deal with patients suffering from incurable diseases, their karma vessel was full, although outwardly many of them looked completely healthy. These people have already completed their evolutionary cycle, and after a while nature had to change the disc on the disc of the player of human destinies. Although if we found mutual understanding with a person who realized the need to get rid of negativity, then we often managed to cleanse his karmic vessel from all kinds of “blockages”. The disc of fate continued to spin and play, bringing joy to its owner and the world around him.

The sins of the fathers

As Agatha Christie used to say, "old sins have long shadows." The roots of karmic problems need to be looked for not only in your past: they can drag on from parents and other relatives, affecting representatives of several generations of the family. In this regard, I want to tell a couple of stories.

Galina's grandfather, Stepan, was desperately jealous of Ivan, a hard-working, arguable, all-rounder. Ivan's house is strong, high, and he has a cow, and two bulls, and horses. True, there is not much land, but what crops he takes! And now the devilish plan has matured in the envious neighbor - to take possession of Ivan's property. One warm July evening in 1929, he knocked softly on a neighbor's window. The family was just having dinner. Ivan, looking up from the soup, went out onto the porch. “Hey, neighbor,” Stepan whispered hotly in his ear, “you have to leave! Tomorrow, a little light, you and your family will come to dispossess you … I learned from the clerk from the village council. He said and disappeared into the summer twilight.

Ivan knew that such things are not a joke. In a neighboring village last week five middle peasants fired at the huts! Without hesitation, he and his wife harnessed a cart, threw in the most necessary things, sat down two daughters and drove wherever they looked … Only 60 years later, one of Ivan's daughters learned that no case had been opened against her father, and settled in their parental home the very same neighbor whom Ivan, out of his kindness, helped with either seeds or potatoes and bacon.

But the well-being of the envious neighbor was short-lived. Two years later, on a denunciation, his son was taken away and shot, six months later, Stepan buried his wife. And in 1941 he went to the front and died under the first bombing. Galina's mother - Valentina Stepanovna - although she was considered a rich bride, did not get married soon, gave birth when she was over 40, and died in childbirth fever, never seeing her daughter. Galya remained the last in the family and, if not for the village healer, would not have been able to survive at all. When she turned 18, she married for great love. And everything would be fine, but here's the trouble: for 10 years she and her husband have been together, but there are still no children. As soon as she becomes pregnant, she loses the child in three to four months. “I have a small cemetery behind me,” the woman complains with tears. - Wherever I have been treated, nothing helps …”We needed a lot of efforts,to overcome the negative karma of the family and to beg the long-awaited baby from fate.

In another family, all men were robbed from generation to generation. The reason, as it turned out, was that at the beginning of the 19th century, their noble ancestor took a gypsy woman out of the camp. And she was a talented singer and brought in a decent income, which after her disappearance was lost forever, which was reflected in the karma of all descendants of the St. Petersburg beauty who fell in love with the steppe beauty.

Holy words

In my arsenal there are many different ways to get rid of the bad inheritance of ancestors, untie karmic knots, remove blocks. But most of them are desirable to apply under supervision, or better with the help of a specialist. And yet there are a couple of safe methods that can help you clear karma on your own.

For believers, I usually recommend contacting their religious egregor. To do this, it is enough to read any prayer, which will become an energy-informational channel connecting you with the Higher powers. The main condition: for the words to reach the "addressee", while reading the prayer, you need to discard all worldly problems, free your mind from anger, envy, self-interest and other negative thoughts and experiences. Your spiritual essence will come into resonance with the rhythmic structure of the prayer text, charged with Divine energy.

It is clear that prayer practice should be constant. And when karma is cleared (you will certainly learn about this thanks to positive events in your life), do not stop praying: thank the Higher Powers for help and support.

The journey for happiness

For those who are not adherents of a particular denomination, I suggest immersing themselves in meditation.

So relax. Breathe evenly, deeply and calmly. Close your eyes. Imagine that with each breath, streams of light pure energy pour into your body. Warm waves fill every cell. With each exhalation, illnesses, fears, complexes leave your body - everything that prevents you from being happy and free. The body becomes light, almost weightless. The problems are gone, consciousness is free, breathing is deep and even. Try to see yourself from above, as if from the side …

Now imagine your Life line. Find a moment when you felt good and fun. A moment of cloudless happiness. Relax, breathe deeply and evenly. Be filled with joy and bliss.

But then an episode of the past (personal or family) comes up, which has been weighing on you for a long time. We find a place for him on the line of Life. Let's designate it as a dark spot. What exactly prevents you from smiling and rejoicing? Realize. Feel. Relive. Now use a huge, soft eraser to erase the stain.

How do you feel now? How has your mood changed? You feel lightness and grace. The body becomes lighter and lighter. Give freedom to the muscles of the face, neck, arms.

Let's return to the state of happiness and peace … You have received good news. Long-awaited good news! You well! A happy smile on his face.

Now you can release your emotions. You are now able to command your thoughts and feelings. Order yourself a style of behavior for tomorrow. Your wonderful mood will be invariably stable, it will help you to feel happiness and love, to achieve success!

You feel good, easy and free. Breathing is even and deep. On the count of three, we open our eyes. One: fresh, clean wind in your face! Two: remembered something nice! Three: opened their eyes and smiled!

Mikhail Miller
