Guardian Angel Works Miracles - Alternative View

Guardian Angel Works Miracles - Alternative View
Guardian Angel Works Miracles - Alternative View

Video: Guardian Angel Works Miracles - Alternative View

Video: Guardian Angel Works Miracles - Alternative View
Video: What My Guardian Angel Did Will Blow You Away… 2024, July

Paradoxically, even those who consider themselves unbelievers are convinced of the existence of their guardian angels. Undoubtedly, the confidence that some heavenly forces are constantly taking care of you personally gives strength and confidence to each person on a thorny path in life.

Most people constantly communicate with their guardian angels. It doesn't matter what form this communication is dressed in - either it is called intuition or the inner voice. It is important that the warnings of the keepers helped many in a difficult situation. It is logical that now a smart person is most likely considered not someone who can solve complex mathematical problems (it is more correct to call him abstruse), but someone who, thanks to his intuition, makes the right decisions in any situation.

People who are able to receive information from the universal information space believe that intuition is nothing more than a way of a guardian angel to help his ward.

If a person always heard the voice of his guardian, our life would go on without any troubles and misfortunes. But rarely does any person hears his guardian angel and believes in the prompts of his inner voice.

There are cases when the guardian angel worked miracles in the most extreme situations. For example, in one of the battles, Jeanne d'Arc saved the life of the Duke of Alencon, asking him to leave the place where he was, saying: "Now a shell fired from an enemy gun will fall here." The duke obeyed and walked away, but Monsignor de Lude, who took the immediately vacated place, was killed a few seconds later by an exploding shell. Until the end of his life, the Duke of Alençon kept in his heart boundless gratitude to his guardian angel and Joan of Arc.

The actor, beloved by many, Alexander Abdulov, talked about how he twice avoided danger thanks to his inner voice, which timely warned or averted trouble from the artist. In the first case, one day, when leaving the theater building, he heard a sharp internal order: "Bend down!" Abdulov immediately bent down, and at the same time a can filled with sulfuric acid flew over his head, which was thrown by an insane fan. Delay, in this case, would lead to dire consequences for the artist. Alexander Abdulov considers the second case to be fantastic. The artist returned to Moscow by plane of one of the airlines. After boarding the passengers on the plane, a stewardess approached him, took him out of the aircraft, putting him on another plane. After arriving in Moscow, the artist learned that the first plane from which he was taken out,crashed a few minutes after departure, and no one survived the crash.

Much is known about such cases. Therefore, most often, such incidents are explained by people as the intervention and intercession of guardian angels.

There are frequent cases when in a dream a person receives information from guardian angels about his near future or hears a warning about danger. Many people call such dreams prophetic.

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Guardian angels are always right. They are beings from the upper world, from where our life is simple and understandable. Imagine that a small kitten is brought to your house. An inquisitive kid imagines a new home as a huge mysterious world, which he immediately begins to learn. You look at the fluffy and condescendingly smile at his attempts to learn about the world around him - you know very well all the features and order of this "mysterious world". If a kitten tries to approach a working heater or a bare socket, you will immediately close this opportunity for him. A smart kitten will immediately understand what role the owner plays in his life and will obey him. A stupid kitten that will not listen to its owner will constantly get into trouble. So in our life, a person who does not listen to the advice and tips of an angel,can ruin your life. The example with a kitten is not entirely accurate in the sense that angels are much more powerful and stronger than a person in relation to any living being.

Guardian angels can work miracles! Many have heard of situations when a person got into a situation from which he could not get out alive. There is a known case when a girl, having fallen from the 11th floor, remained not only alive, but, as it later turned out, she had no bruises or fractures.

Probably, few people during a war or military conflicts have paid and are paying attention to the fact that bullets, once in the body, sometimes pass a few millimeters from the vital organs. Or the cases when a person, having been in a terrible car accident, gets out of it without a single scratch, although all the equipment is crumpled so that it cannot be restored. Most will say that these lucky ones have very strong guardian angels.

So the Russian skier V. Kobelev, participating in competitions in Slovenia, fell from a 185-meter springboard. From hitting the ground at a speed of 100 km / h, the skier's protective helmet split into pieces, and the athlete survived. Until now, Valery Kobelev believes that he was saved by the angels.

Undoubtedly, man is a very fragile creature. A small grain of sand is enough to get into the eye, and he can lose sight. And an unsuccessful dislocation of the leg on the stairs can lead to disability. Yes - our guardian angels are truly great workers.

How many times the American actor Christopher Reeve saved thousands of people on the screen, performed many feats, and in real life, his fall from a horse led the artist to a wheelchair.

Each of us had a lot of cases when we ourselves could injure ourselves, but at the last moment something (or someone) saved us. And these miracles are a manifestation of the constant care of our guardian angels. If any trouble happens to a person, it only means that the guardian angels warn you that you are doing wrong. In this case, you need to think over everything and find the root cause of your mistake - only after that you will again return yourself to the right path and please your guardian angel. If you give up on such a warning, you will bring your life to a huge disaster. Undoubtedly, no one takes away from a person the right to decide, but you should carefully listen to your angel. As a rule, when a person reaches any heights in life, he attributes it to his merits. But a person is ready to blame everyone for his troubles, including the guardian angels: “Why am I so unlucky? Do I deserve this ?!"

It should be clearly understood that "Guardian angels cherish a person all his life, but they are NOT OBLIGED to do this at all!" They cannot interfere with the fate of a person. Based on religious canons, God loves everyone living on Earth and gives everyone the right to independently choose their own path in life. Angels help a person choose the best fate, but the final decision still remains with the person. The problem is that often a person himself does not understand what he wants from life.

Guardian angels are able to bring a deceased person back to life. People who have experienced clinical death report that they felt separation from their bodies and flying through a long tunnel towards the light. At the end of the flight, they were awaited by the glowing figures of guardian angels who said: "You have arrived early, not all the work is done yet, go to Earth, live some more." After that a person came to his senses, most often, surrounded by doctors who said: “Thank God! For several minutes you had no pulse, no breathing and no heartbeat. He returned from the afterlife, lucky."

Guardian angels can do everything for a person. But in order to hear them, you need to develop your intuition. If a person does not listen to his guardians, then the angels can leave him without protection for seven years. After this period expires, the guardian angels return, but if a person still does not want to listen to them, they leave him for another 7 years.

Every person has guardian angels. Their maximum number is 9. The more guardian angels a person has, the more successful he is in life. If a person is constantly in store for trouble, then most likely he has only one guardian angel. There is only one way to increase the number of your guardian angels - to do good deeds.

It is difficult to say how the following figures were derived, but it is believed that they correspond to reality. Most of the world's population (65%) has three guardian angels. 15% of all people have only one guardian angel. And 10% of the lucky ones have 5 or more keepers. By the way, there are people who have 9 or more guardian angels: the actor Pierre Richard has 14 of them, Jean-Paul Belmondo has 10, Michel Mercier - 12, Alexander Abdulov - 11, Bill Clinton - 11, Margaret Thatcher - 10, for the clairvoyant Vanga - 12. Perhaps, the more public a person is, the more serious protection he needs, therefore he has more guardian angels.

But all the same, the largest number of guardian angels were Russian saints: Seraphim of Sarov - 19, Sergius of Radonezh - 21, Xenia of Petersburg - 15. It is not surprising that Russia is rich in saints who lived in its vastness: Russia has always been considered the spiritual center of the whole world.

An indisputable fact is that out of 12 holy places on Earth, five of them are in Russia!

Many have tried to understand the "Russian soul", but the secret is that Russians live not so much with their minds, but with their souls, and even not always with their minds, but with feelings. Such a position in life does not always lead to the receipt of material benefits, but the level of emotions goes off scale to the maximum.

With what does a person come to old age? To what extent does he need innumerable material wealth in his declining years? But a person who has lived a long life considers his memories and feelings the most valuable. And the stronger and brighter the emotions, the happier the life seems to be. What a pity for those who are in old age and remember nothing.

Guardian angels can reward a person. This is not power, not money, not popularity. The main gift from an angel is love and strong, pure feelings. It is not surprising that the most revered Russian saint - Nikolai the Pleasant - had 27 guardian angels.

During a person's life, the number of guardian angels can change. An increase in the number of guardian angels or a decrease depends on the actions of the person himself. Guardian angels may not leave a person, but simply step aside and not help him - this is one of the ways of punishment for wrong actions. Such withdrawal can last for years and the maximum period, as mentioned above, is 7 years. Everyone knows that a person's life consists of black and white stripes. So imagine that your guardian angels are leaving (a black streak begins), then coming (and failure is replaced by luck).

From the moment of birth, everyone has from one to three guardian angels. During life, a person is given the opportunity to earn more guardian angels. What needs to be done to get another guardian angel? For example, to save a person's life and not only in battle or in a fire, but also with advice, kind words, participation….

But getting into someone else's life with your advice, keep in mind that if you make a mistake, you will incur a curse and lose heavenly support.

If a person listens very carefully to the tips of the guardian angels, developing his intuition, then the number of guardian angels may increase.

There are often times when a person is faced with a choice: to twist his heart and make money on it easily, or to act nobly. The temptation may be great, but one who does not succumb to it may be rewarded with another guardian angel.

Guardian angels are heavenly and earthly. Earthly ones are your deceased relatives and friends who sincerely loved you during your lifetime. After death, they continue to love you and help you whenever possible. Sometimes a guardian angel can be assigned to you a person who did not love you during his lifetime. For example, one of the girls was appointed a guardian angel by her paternal grandmother, who during her lifetime hated her granddaughter. It turned out that the grandmother was appointed the girl's keeper as punishment for all the evil she had done to her granddaughter. Since her life in Heaven depends on how she fulfills her duties, the angel grandmother protects her granddaughter much more diligently than all other angels.

Angels have different powers, and one angel can do more good than another person three or five guardian angels.

God gives heavenly guardian angels only to the elect. This is a great honor, as celestial angels are much more powerful than the souls of the dead. It is believed that all great people managed to reach unprecedented heights thanks to the help of Heaven.

Have you ever thought that your luck is the result of the angel's help, because there is nothing random in the world. For example, you rush to a friend, hoping for his help and worry about finding him at home. And when you come to him, you find your friend at the exit. Seeing you, a friend says that he was going to leave 10 minutes ago, but the question constantly arose in his head that he had not completed some urgent matter. It was this feeling of incompleteness that delayed the friend and allowed you to meet. Have you ever thought about the fact that it was your guardian angel who "detained" your friend and ensured your meeting, which was so necessary for you personally. But this is the simplest case, and in fact there are quite complex and multi-step cases of luck.

Guardian angels are not visible to humans. They can take on any shape. Their strength increases in the case of a person's faith in their help. There is no time in the world in which angels exist, therefore angels see the future and the past in all variants. Guardian angels do not need such signs of attention as donations or candles - you just need to think about them and thank for all the good things that happen to you. All guardian angels gather near a person only at especially important moments, and every day only one of them watches his ward.

The Bible says that in order to enlist the support of your guardian angel, washing your face in the morning, you need to say the following prayer: “My angel, come with me all day and day. I will live with faith and serve you. It is best to wash your face from 7 to 7-15 in the morning. After that, listen carefully to your inner voice: the first thought that comes to you in any situation is sent by your angel. Develop your intuition and listen to your heart more often. And do not forget to thank your guardian angels for their help and support.