Paranormal Lawsuits - Alternative View

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Paranormal Lawsuits - Alternative View
Paranormal Lawsuits - Alternative View

Video: Paranormal Lawsuits - Alternative View

Video: Paranormal Lawsuits - Alternative View
Video: The Haunting Murder Case Of The Hammersmith Ghost 2024, July

Ghosts, UFOs, demons living in humans are phenomena that some of us encounter and whose existence is not recognized by official science …

Someone considers stories about these paranormal phenomena to be fictions, the purpose of which is to frighten the listener or draw attention to someone or something. You must admit that a story about ghosts wandering around the house or about a UFO that landed nearby can be a good advertisement.

Others believe in the existence of the supernatural and believe that scientists will soon recognize the presence of these mystical forces.

And still others are sure that many official authorities are aware of the existence of paranormal phenomena, but are silent, realizing that people are not yet ready to admit it.

Moreover, it is known about the trials that took place in different countries, in which certain paranormal phenomena became the subject of the dispute. We present to your attention the story of four such stories that happened in the United States.

Haunted house

One New Yorker, Jeffrey Stambovski, decided to buy property in a village where life is measured and the air is clean. In a village nearby, he liked Helen Ackley's house, so Geoffrey signed a sale and purchase agreement with her and even paid the first installment.

Promotional video:


Arriving at a new home, Stambovski went to get acquainted with the neighbors and heard from them the unpleasant news about his purchase - ghosts live in the house. Moreover, the former owner (Helen Ackley) who knew about this more than once invited journalists, both local and from Reader's Digest, a major monthly American magazine for family reading, to her home. Thanks to the publications of the latter, Akli's house has become a local landmark …

In an interview with the magazine, Helen said that ghosts took an active part in the life of her family, for example, they woke everyone up in the morning by shaking their beds.

After reading the articles, Jeffrey Stambovski decided to terminate the purchase and sale agreement and filed a lawsuit against Helen Ackley and the real estate company, whose services he used. Stambovski charged them with hiding information about the "ghosts" living in the house. What did he want besides terminating the contract? Return of the paid first installment and material compensation.

The New York court did not satisfy Stambovski's claim, explaining it as follows: Helen Ackley told reporters about the ghosts in the house long before the deal, thereby acknowledging their existence; the real estate company was not obliged to tell buyers "fairy tales" about the acquired housing, therefore, all responsibility for the purchase of this housing rests with the buyer himself and no compensation for Stambovski is laid.

Jeffrey Stambovski appealed this decision to a higher court and won it - the judges considered that the buyer could not find out about the poltergeist in the house "with a damaged reputation", therefore, has the right to compensation.

Exorcists on trial

1996 year. Laura Schubert, 17, fell ill at a local church in a small Texas town. The service was going on when Laura suddenly fell to the floor, began to scream and convulse. The ministers of the church reacted quickly and, so as not to frighten the parishioners, carried Schubert to another room.


The priests decided that demons had infiltrated the girl, and performed an exorcism on her. I don't know if the evil spirits came out of Laura's body (and whether she was in it), but after the procedure, bruises and abrasions remained on the girl's body. Also, according to her, there was another damage to her health - she fell into depression and even wanted to commit suicide.

The girl sued the exorcists and won it - the ministers of the church who conducted the exorcism were ordered to pay Laura three hundred thousand dollars.

But the clergy filed with a higher judicial body and challenged this decision. As a result, the amount of compensation was almost halved, since the evidence of injuries to the girl was found to be insufficient - except for Laura and her parents, no one testified about this.

Church workers went further and filed with the Supreme Court of America, which canceled the compensation altogether, leaving Laura Schubert with nothing. Why? The court considered that the psychological diseases acquired after the exorcism could have been in the girl earlier, which means that she was not entitled to compensation.

Texas UFO

At the end of December 1980, in a suburb of Houston (Texas, USA), a car was driving on a highway that went through the forest, in which there were two women (Betty Cash and Vicki Landrum) and a little boy (Colby). Suddenly they noticed a strange glow above the trees, which was getting brighter, and then a strange flying object appeared in the sky - it had a hexagonal shape and sparkled like a diamond. The fascinated women got out of the car in order to admire it, but in fright they again tried to hide in the cabin faster - a strong heat emanated from the object.

Then a rumble was heard in the sky, soon more than 20 helicopters flew up to the object, surrounded it, after which they all flew away together.

Those in the car hurried home, where they soon felt ill - headaches, fear, hallucinations and many other unpleasant symptoms attacked the women and the boy.

Betty and Vicki believed that the helicopters that accompanied the UFO (according to the women, it was him) belonged to the US Air Force, therefore, the Armed Forces were involved in the appearance of the mysterious hexagon in the Texas sky, which means that they are responsible for the ailments they received after that incident. The women sued the US Air Force and demanded two million dollars in compensation for the loss of health.

However, the court found witnesses who also saw helicopters in the sky, but did not see any UFOs. The court found the presence of a strange flying object unproven and dismissed the women's claim.

UFO crash in Pennsylvania

Presumably, NASA knows about all cases of UFO sightings in the American sky, but prefers to remain silent about it.


In 1965, a strange flying object crashed near Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA). Representatives of the US Air Force immediately arrived at the crash site and cordoned off the area, not allowing onlookers or journalists to enter.

To reassure people, it was said that the fallen object was a meteorite, however, no debris was found (which was outlined in the BBC report).

But, as usual, people have keen eyes and ears on the crown. Local residents told newspapermen that they saw the Air Force officers in the middle of the night in a very large car removed from the crash site a large oval-shaped debris.

Journalists tried to find out the truth, but the BBC was silent and all information about this case was classified.

In 2003, journalist Leslie Keane recalled the Pennsylvania crash. She began her investigation and found that, apparently, all data about this incident at the end of the 20th century was transferred from the Air Force to NASA. And Leslie filed a lawsuit against this department with a demand to open access to the archives.

“All people, regardless of the reasons for what happened, have the right to know the truth. And I want to achieve this …”(Leslie Keane).

In the course of the court case, NASA did release some documents, but, according to Leslie and the judge, they did not contain the necessary information. In 2007, NASA asked to close the case, but the court dismissed this request. The department was forced to promise that it would carefully "rummage" in its archives and provide information on the Pennsylvania UFO.