What Impression Does A Person Make On Aliens - Alternative View

What Impression Does A Person Make On Aliens - Alternative View
What Impression Does A Person Make On Aliens - Alternative View

Video: What Impression Does A Person Make On Aliens - Alternative View

Video: What Impression Does A Person Make On Aliens - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, June

Scientists-ufologists "calculated" what impression a person makes on aliens.

A week ago, a regular meeting of the METI members took place in Paris. The meeting of ufologists took place at the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industriem science museum and was devoted to the problems of communication with extraterrestrial civilizations, including the development of possible ways of transmitting messages from humanity to alien creatures and civilizations.

Every time the society gathers for a meeting quite large specialists in their field, who are trying to find an answer to the question why creatures living outside the solar system (if they, of course, exist) still have no connection with human civilization?

The question of the loneliness of a person in the Universe is still without a definite answer and is one of the most philosophical.

It is possible, and probably necessary, to reflect on this topic, but so far humanity has not been able to either confirm or deny this fact.

Many experts refer to the existing Fermi Paradox (also known as the "Great Silence"), pointing to the existing contradiction between the theoretical existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the fact that humans have not yet "contacted" any of them.

He assumes that such a situation is the result of the fact that space is empty, or that intelligent life is so rare in it that it is unrealistic to see it.

However, ufologists believe that there may be another assumption.

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It lies in the fact that humanity is simply not prepared to receive knowledge from other civilizations, since they can affect the origins and purpose of all human existence.

As the head of METI Douglas Vakovich noted, it is possible that aliens observe people in the same way that people observe animals in zoos.

“In this case, the question arises, what do we need to do so that the galactic 'zoo keepers' reveal themselves?” Vakovich asks. “And if in an ordinary zoo we saw a zebra that knocks out a series of prime numbers with its hooves, then there would be a completely different interaction between animal and man. We would feel the need to answer them."

Another expert Jean-Pierre Rospard hypothesizes that meetings with aliens have not yet taken place due to the presence of the planet of people in a kind of "quarantine".

“They (aliens - author) understand that there will be an incredibly destructive cultural disaster for us if we learn about their existence,” he said, adding that the general problem of the existence of extraterrestrial life is “cognitive evolution on Earth”, demonstrating "random traits".

“However, they follow predictable paths, so we can expect that this can be repeated in other places in the Universe under favorable conditions,” the expert emphasized.

In addition, according to him, the meeting and interaction of humans and aliens will take place, but we have to wait for the time when intelligent life forms similar to us will appear. And it is possible that a person has simply not yet reached the apogee of his development, which means that somewhere there are those who have surpassed him in this.

So far, the main attempts to communicate with aliens remain radio signals, to which no one has yet answered.