The Lalibela Temple Complex In Jerusalem, Which Is Considered The 8th Wonder Of The World - Alternative View

The Lalibela Temple Complex In Jerusalem, Which Is Considered The 8th Wonder Of The World - Alternative View
The Lalibela Temple Complex In Jerusalem, Which Is Considered The 8th Wonder Of The World - Alternative View

Video: The Lalibela Temple Complex In Jerusalem, Which Is Considered The 8th Wonder Of The World - Alternative View

Video: The Lalibela Temple Complex In Jerusalem, Which Is Considered The 8th Wonder Of The World - Alternative View
Video: The 8th Wonder of the World: The Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela 2024, June

Today we want to tell you about a unique temple complex located in the small town of Lalibela.

This complex is unique in that it is located at an altitude of two and a half thousand meters above sea level and is carved out of a monolithic mountain rock.

Let's get acquainted with the history of these temples and with the person after whom the complex was named.


The idea of creating these creations belonged to the heir to the throne of Ethiopia Lalibela. Still heir to the throne, he decided to go on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. In Jerusalem, he saw many beautiful temples and decided to create his own equally beautiful complexes in Ethiopia.

In the 12th century, the Holy Land was captured by the troops of Saladin and the Christians could not get there in any way. That is why Lalibela considered it necessary to create a new place for pilgrimage for Christians (according to the Bible, they even named streets, rivers, temples and, for example, Calvary and the Sorrowful Way appeared).

The construction of all the temples was completed during his lifetime, which can be considered good luck in the struggle for power, but he was killed by his sister. And it is far from the fact that she completed her brother's endeavors.


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But let's take a closer look at the details of the temple complex.

All 11 temples that make up the complex were carved out of the same rock. One of them is the Temple of the Savior of the World (Beta Medane Alem), which is the largest not only in Ethiopia, but throughout the world. One can only guess and imagine how skillfully the stonemasons mastered their skill. Walls, ceiling, halls, columns - this is the part that remains of the rock. The slightest mistake or wrong calculation - and there would be no such amazing temple.


Here is another of the most beautiful temples. This is the Beta Mariam Temple, which is one of the most revered temples and should only be visited with bare feet. Its interior decoration delights: graceful arches, preserved paintings on the walls, bas-reliefs, icons are simply beautiful.


The next temple, which amazes with its beauty and personality from the rest, is named Beta Giorgis. There is a legend that after the complete completion of the construction of the temples, George the Victorious on a white horse, who was the patron saint of Ethiopia, appeared to the king.

And after this appearance, Lalibela decided to dedicate one of the most beautiful temples to the saint. And the main difference from the rest of the temple complex lies in the fact that it does not have a single column. Moreover, Beta Giorgis is called the eighth wonder of the world for its personality and beauty.


The temple complex of King Lalibela is a true work of art and a legacy of a great past. In our turbulent time, such beautiful architectural complexes must be protected and preserved for future generations, so as not to deprive our children of what we see now.