Dyatlov Group. A Few Words About Zolotarev - Alternative View

Dyatlov Group. A Few Words About Zolotarev - Alternative View
Dyatlov Group. A Few Words About Zolotarev - Alternative View

Video: Dyatlov Group. A Few Words About Zolotarev - Alternative View

Video: Dyatlov Group. A Few Words About Zolotarev - Alternative View
Video: Two theories for an unsolved Soviet mystery 2024, October

Studying the case of the death of the Dyatlov group, you come across many incomprehensible moments. But, perhaps, most of all the mysteries are associated with the personality of Zolotarev. Already starting with his name. In the protocol of the examination of the body, he was named Alexander, although in reality he was Semyon. And this already raises questions.

And a mysterious tattoo creates a lot of assumptions, because they still cannot solve it. Besides, there is no explanation for the Gena tattoo. It turns out on the body of Semyon, who is recorded in the protocol as Alexander, the name of Gene is engraved. Some kind of nonsense that cannot be explained.

Therefore, there is a debate on who was examined by the forensic expert Vozrozhdenny. Seeds Zolotarev or someone else thrown in his place.

There are even versions that this is one of the attackers who killed Zolotarev and fled from the scene of the tragedy. But there are doubts here, since it was only possible to escape by air. His skis and things were left in the tent and no traces were found around.

I am inclined to believe that Semyon Zolotarev was in the morgue after all, since according to other characteristics and description he is quite suitable.

There are also versions that the front-line soldier Semyon Zolotarev and that Alexander Zolotarev, who was in Dyatlov's group, are different people. But a comparison of photographs taken by one of the investigators of this case gives a clear answer. It was Semyon Zolotarev who went on a hike with Dyatlov.

I do not think that Semyon went on a campaign for a secret mission. For me, the reason for his desire to pass the route of the third category of difficulty is quite understandable. It was important for him to have the right grade to work as an instructor at tourist centers, because this affected the salary.

As banal as it sounds, even in Soviet times people thought about money and looked for an opportunity to get more.

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For this, Zolotarev needed to have a hike of the third category in the asset in winter, because he did not have enough for the required category.

As for the fact that Semyon may have been an agent of SMERSH, I think this is also unlikely. It is some inaccuracies in his frontline biography that suggest this idea. Everything would have been clear for the agent, because he was definitely checked. And I don't think that today this information could not be declassified due to the importance of the investigation. Even if suddenly Zolotarev really went abroad.

Still, today he would have turned 97 years old and there are big doubts that he is alive. And what is the point of the current government to hide secrets associated with the intelligence activities of that time.

The Soviet Union is long gone, and once again to instill fear on a generation that does not know life under the USSR is a sacred cause. For some, at least.

I think they would certainly take advantage of this opportunity.

Therefore, I believe that Semyon Zolotarev still died then. He died on his birthday and is worthy of memory at least as a front-line soldier.