Reasonable Element: The Struggle Of The Earth With Humanity - Alternative View

Reasonable Element: The Struggle Of The Earth With Humanity - Alternative View
Reasonable Element: The Struggle Of The Earth With Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Reasonable Element: The Struggle Of The Earth With Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Reasonable Element: The Struggle Of The Earth With Humanity - Alternative View
Video: I Asked Bill Gates What's The Next Crisis? 2024, October

Not so much scientists as ordinary people have long ago noticed the "smart" nature of the disasters that happen on Earth. They connected this, of course, with God's Providence. The man committed an unforgivable sin - he was killed by lightning, and his family either drowned in a flood, or burned down in a fire.

We don't even think about it, but it turns out that quite recently, especially before Christianity, there was a cruel, from our point of view, law: do not stretch out your hand to a drowning man. If he is drowning, then the gods want it. You cannot violate God's will.

But there is a tremendous amount of healthy logic in this. What happens if you or someone else pulls out that drowned man? You will definitely accept his guilt before Heaven. So, you voluntarily subscribe to the fact that you want to drown instead of him?.. So you will think: is it worth saving?

The drowned man is still shallow, it is difficult to reason and make global conclusions using this example. But here is another example of such a "small" property. The wife of one employee comes to the author and says:

-Alexander Ivanovich won't come to work today. He broke his arm.

-Ah, what a misfortune! - exclaims the author.

“No, there’s no attack,” the woman says calmly. - Did something nasty to someone, so he paid.

Everything is simple and easy. Do not do nasty things - you will live forever. These principles, which came from paganism, imperceptibly transformed into Christian commandments, the main content of which can be expressed in one phrase: "Do not do to another what you do not want to be done to you." That is, "do not kill", "do not steal" … And so on. But this, as they say, is still a private matter. But the selective nature of a natural disaster has always made and makes you think.

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Why, for example, was the wrong tree dumped, but this? Why did one trunk, thinner, fall on the shed, and the century-old trunk on the roof of the house where the widow lives with five children? She can't even fix it - why is she punished?

For example, the Ivanovsky tornado of 1984. He followed his own concrete path. He seemed to be purposefully going exactly where he was going. Having done a business in Ivanovo, he set off for Kineshma, but in the middle of the way he changed his mind and went to Yuryevets. Even his path seems meaningful, not to mention what he did in the suburbs of Ivanov.


One woman found herself in the very mouth of the tornado, where, by the way, there is dead silence. As it approaches, it hums ten times as strong as a jet turbine. So, in the very center was a woman. The tornado entered the apartment, walked around it - and went on. Recovering from fear, the woman began to look around. No, he didn't even touch anything, walking around the apartment. Even the newspaper lies just as calmly in its place. True, the newspaper is different … That was Izvestia, and this was Ivanovskaya Pravda …

This is not all. Opening the refrigerator, she found in it, instead of food, carefully and neatly folded things from the cabinet: as if someone's caring hand had collected and put them.

The woman - to the closet: and there, from bottom to top - dense deposits of broken glass!

Note: both the refrigerator and the cupboard were as if untouched, the doors were closed.

But a tornado found one family in the cemetery. There were thirteen of them: on the ninth of June they have some kind of mournful date, so the whole family came to the grave. A tornado flew in, everything around went dark, spun, everyone fell to the ground, covering their heads with their hands.

A tornado swept away - and what then? Were in the very heat, but no one was hurt. Except for a fourteen year old boy. But he also suffered in a very peculiar way: he was pierced through with a picket - it entered the stomach, and went out into the back. And no pain. As if a tornado played with him in toys.

Local doctors performed a complex operation, the first stage of which was to saw off a piece of wood from the front and back, otherwise the boy could not be put on the operating table. In the book by Vitaly Serdyuk, dedicated only to the tornado on June 9, 1984, a great many such cases are described. Although the journalist and writer, of course, does not draw any conclusions about the "rationality" of the elements, yes, when the book was written, it was still impermissible … However, the conclusions suggest themselves.

And the tornado of 1998 near Moscow selectively shaved off the forest, practically not touching either the house or the people. Having tumbled down a forest in front of the Moscow Ring Road, he stopped in front of … a glass wall! I thought, jumped over it and across the Moscow Ring Road - and went to shave the trees further. The wall remained intact. What is plastic to him? Give him living trees.

A. Varakin and L. Zdanovich in their book "Secrets of the Third Planet" with these and many other examples prove the theory of the Earth as an intelligent organism. And tornadoes or floods or earthquakes and other disasters (including various epidemics of diseases) are called a manifestation of her mind directed against humanity.

Why did the Earth take up arms against us? Because we behave like viruses or parasites on it.

Thinking about the role of mankind in the history of the Earth and the Universe, you involuntarily come to the conclusion that this seemingly reasonable education only exists to destroy itself. At the same time, it voluntarily or involuntarily seeks to take with it to the grave as much of what surrounds it as possible.

The history of the development of technology stubbornly says that although Man sounds proudly, he penetrates into the most secret, most forbidden corners of knowledge and extracts from them the most harmful, most deadly ones. He puts them into service.


It was only the fear that the use of nuclear weapons would bounce back on you, too, that forced me to come up with a more “safe” and more perfect neutron bomb that would destroy only “manpower”. In this, Man deviated from the principle of destroying his mother Gaia, and even then, probably, not for so long. He will definitely come up with something more sophisticated.

Man dug up the Earth with a plow and a plow. But she seems to have long been accustomed to this and does not particularly object, although with the death of the harvest, Gaia in a peculiar way answers his brainchild to such an attitude towards her. Man has built a huge number of cities. He took material from the same Earth - stone, clay, sand. But he invented concrete, invented asphalt and began to cover huge spaces with these materials.

Under such gigantic blotches on natural skin, the Earth feels uncomfortable and periodically destroys them - remember the photos of a cracked road or a parted pavement in a particular city where a natural earthquake swept through. Remember the square kilometers of roads washed away by the flood: the planet is freed from the stickies applied to its body, it is hard for it to breathe.


Man has pounded the Earth with thousands of oil rigs and pumps its blood to the surface … We think everyone will agree that the worst of fires is an oil well fire, which, as a rule, arose spontaneously, out of nothing. The earth knows how to take revenge on a person for pumping out her blood without demand, like the blood of a dimensionless donor.

Natural gas, which we use for all sorts of purposes, is not replenished, and the Earth responds with earthquakes: free cavities, in which there is no more gas pressure, collapse, and above, on the surface, cities are in distress. Remember Gazli: several earthquakes in this region are the result of human activity. Then we mourn the dead - and again for our own.

Someone once very aptly called Mankind a cancer of the Earth, but for now we only agree and repeat this expression. Trying to change nothing.


Based on the book "Secrets of the Third Planet" by A. Varakin and L. Zdanovich (2001)