The Secret Of The Three Oceans. Chasing A Ghost - Alternative View

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The Secret Of The Three Oceans. Chasing A Ghost - Alternative View
The Secret Of The Three Oceans. Chasing A Ghost - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The Three Oceans. Chasing A Ghost - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The Three Oceans. Chasing A Ghost - Alternative View
Video: The Secret - Full Thriller Movie In English 2024, June

To date, a large number of reliable facts and observations related to unidentified underwater objects (NGOs) have accumulated. With the development of technology, it became possible to track movement and determine the characteristics of "underwater ghosts." It turned out that their speed and depth of immersion significantly exceed those of the most modern submarines. The nature of their movement is also specific: often no seething or foaming water is visible behind them.

Since the 70s of the 20th century, submarine hydroacoustics periodically pick up at great depths some incomprehensible sounds that come from unknown objects. These strange signals are somewhat reminiscent of the croaking of frogs and that is why they received the name "Quakers" in the Soviet navy. This name was later legalized in official documents. Some commanders of Soviet submarines often had the impression that the Quakers were circling around the submarines and, as it were, were causing the submariners to talk. In the late 70s, the command of the USSR Navy created special groups to study Quakers, and specially equipped ships were sent into the ocean.

Ultra-fast ghost submarines; mysterious Quakers; fantastic figures projected from the depths of the ocean; unidentified objects flying out from under the water … What is it: independent phenomena or related phenomena? Are not the light signals coming from the depths an attempt at communication, which is being undertaken by intelligent forces unknown to us? Isn't the disappearance of military submarines connected with these objects?

The authors of the investigation film are trying to find answers to these and other questions with the help of direct participants in the events, as well as experts and researchers. Today, after the expiration of the statute of limitations, the veil of secrecy is somewhat lifted, thanks to the recollections of former naval officers and career intelligence officers of the USSR Navy. Based on the available materials and evidence, the filmmakers tried to figure out how substantiated the assumptions about the artificial nature of the phenomenon of unidentified underwater objects are.

1963 year. The US naval force, led by the aircraft carrier Wasp, is conducting another exercise. This time - in the southern corner of the infamous Bermuda Triangle, near the island of Puerto Rico. The task is usual - the search and pursuit of submarines of the imaginary enemy. From the very beginning of the maneuvers, the hydroacoustics detected the desired target. The chase began.

And then a strange thing was discovered - it was impossible to overtake the submarine: it was going at a speed of 150 knots, almost 300 km / h, and it was under water! Moreover, even the best submarines of today give no more than a third of this speed.

The fantastic speed did not end there. The strange submarine in a matter of minutes managed to dive to a depth of 6 kilometers and again rise almost to the surface. Only special devices can sink so deeply. But the descent and ascent take them hours, not minutes.

As if realizing its superiority, the mysterious object did not even try to hide and circled near the warships for another four days. The maneuverability of the deep-sea ghost was amazing, there was practically no momentum. They did not dare to knock out the stranger.

Promotional video:

"I, as the commander-in-chief of the USSR Navy, appeal to you and through you to your government, so that you catch our submarine, destroy it there, and I will thank you."

"We started to mark some strange objects that were emitting incomprehensible signals."

“Will this affect you psychologically? Certainly! That is, any squadron commander will think that I have been discovered!"

The Cold War is primarily a war of technology. What Western military sailors faced in the second half of the last century threw them into a state close to shock. Today, after the statute of limitations has expired, our officers and admirals have agreed to tell what they have been silent about for decades.

Sensational facts and testimonies of Russian military sailors - in the film "The Secret of the Three Oceans. Chasing a ghost."

Ghost submarines

In January 1960, two huge unusual submarines were discovered deep in the Gulf of Nueva. One was lying on the ground, the other was making circles around it. In response to official inquiries from Buenos Aires, both Washington and Moscow replied that their submarines were not near the Argentine coast.

The United States urgently sent the aircraft carrier "Independence" to help the Argentines. For 10 days, tons of depth charges were dropped on violators of the border, however, they achieved only one thing - submarines of unprecedented shape with huge spherical cabinets surfaced and began to leave with incredible speed. Artillery fire was opened, the submarines immediately went under water. The next moment the sailors saw on the sonar screens stunned them: the number of submarines first doubled, then there were 6! The pursuit gave nothing. The mysterious flotilla, having developed incredible speed, disappeared into the depths of the Atlantic.

Khrushchev sends a secret request to the Soviet attaché in Argentina: "We need details of this incident."

Several weeks have passed, and an unknown underwater object is found already in the Caribbean Sea. The warships of the US naval forces are not able to catch up with him - he moves under water at a speed of 370 km / h!

In subsequent years, mysterious super-boats are spotted in various parts of the world. They are seen in the Mediterranean. In 1965, pilots and fishermen have seen them more than once among the underwater rocks off the coast of Australia and New Zealand. Because of the shallow water, it is simply impossible for ordinary submarines to get there.

Their appearance is surprising: they were metal structures of an ideally streamlined shape, similar to ellipses about 30 meters long. No ledges, no hatches. In some cases, windows were seen in the upper part of the hull.

In the mid-60s, mysterious submarines appear in the most unexpected places. Eyewitnesses tell strange things - often when these submarines move, neither a whirlpool, nor a foamy jet appears. The Western press declares: "These are top-secret developments of the Russians."

During these years, the competition between the leading powers goes on in all spheres - from space to the depths of the sea. The Soviet Union is rapidly transforming its fleet into an ocean-going fleet. Submarines of a new generation - nuclear-powered ones - are being commissioned one after another. They do not surface for months and can launch ballistic missiles from any region of the world's oceans.


Vladimir Monastyrshin, Rear Admiral, Head of the International Association of Submarine Veterans: “The Cold War - it was, it is, and it will be. Our task is to confront a potential enemy and be ready to strike. It can be under the ice, it can be in the Atlantic Ocean, in the Mediterranean Sea, in the Indian Ocean - anywhere in the world."

The West is looking for Soviet submarines everywhere, but military experts are confused - the discovered submarines sometimes demonstrate simply incredible characteristics.

Summer 1967. Atlantic. Literally close to the Argentine ship "Naviero" silently and without leaving a trace on the water for a quarter of an hour was a luminous "cigar" more than 30 meters long. There was no periscope, no handrails, no tower, no superstructures - no protruding parts at all. The cigar gave off a powerful bluish-white light. Then the object suddenly dived, passed under the ship and quickly disappeared into the depths, emitting a bright glow under the water.

US naval intelligence reports seemingly unthinkable things: for example, that unknown objects have the qualities of not only submarines, but also aircraft! They fly out from under the water literally under the nose of anti-submarine cruisers and are carried away into the sky at supersonic speed.


Photos and filming of naval sailors are classified, but such pictures are now and then shared by civilian sailors. Here is just one of them. It was taken off the coast of Brazil in the summer of 1962 on board the ship "Cayoba Sihoro". The crew watched in amazement as the strange flying object plunged into the water next to the ship. Another object at the same time flew out of the water and disappeared into the night sky. What is it? Are the Russians in the scientific and technical race so far ahead?

American intelligence reports: "There are rumors that the Soviets in the Caspian are testing some kind of special secret cruiser aircraft capable of moving both under water and by air." The Pentagon is seriously discussing the possibility of creating such a super-weapon.


Vladimir Azhazha, veteran submariner, Doctor of Philosophy: “Employees of the Institute of Physics of the Earth named after Schmidt told me about the observations they made in the Caspian Sea in the southern part (this is a very deep part of this basin). About the fact that a flying saucer flew out from under the water and then went into the water using the “falling leaf” method. There were light flashes, which, by the way, could be seen through the water column, in the depths."

Over the years, the problem of unknown underwater objects has increasingly worried the West. Some even began to see a connection between them and the disappearance of combat submarines. So in just four months of 1968, three Western submarines were killed under mysterious circumstances. In January in the Mediterranean Sea - the Israeli "Dakar" and the French "Minerva". In May, the pride of the American submarine fleet, the Scorpion, disappears without a trace in the Atlantic. And what is characteristic: in all these cases, mysterious moving objects were recorded in the vicinity of the submarines.

70s. The confrontation between the USSR and the USA in the North Atlantic takes on an almost open character. Under the strictest secrecy, the NATO command is preparing a special operation "Aeneid". The task is formulated rigidly - to put an end to the unpunished penetration of Soviet submarines and reconnaissance aircraft into the territorial waters and airspace of NATO countries. The Scandinavians are especially concerned.


Alexey Korzhev, in the 1970s. - the commander of a nuclear submarine: “In the 70s and 80s, a number of hysterical publications were published in Western countries on the topic that Soviet submarines enter the skerries, fjords of Norway, that they are trying to find out something or even install underwater mines there …"

In the end, it came down to direct hostilities. In the fall of 1972, the Norwegians, together with NATO ships, bombarded their tourist pearl, the 200-kilometer Sognefjord, with depth charges. Four dozen ships and aircraft are trying to push the underwater intruders to the surface. At times, mysterious objects emerge from under the water. Now it is a luminous ellipse, then a long narrow black body emerges from the depth with incredible speed. Soon, events take a completely new turn - unexpectedly yellow and green unidentified flying objects appear over the mountains, and mysterious helicopters - black, without identification marks - over the fjord. At the highest speeds, they perform unimaginable maneuvers, electronic equipment on anti-submarine ships breaks down. As a result, unknown underwater objects slip out of the bay unnoticed.

In the 1980s, Scandinavian newspaper reports are reminiscent of war reports. In just two months in 1986, unknown submarines invaded Swedish territorial waters 15 times - they are hunted day and night.


Vladimir Chernavin, Admiral of the Fleet, 1985-92 - Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy: "They did it in such a way that they find a submarine in some bay, block this bay with chains, put nets, even bomb …"

But there's little use. Placed mines are undermined by someone from a long distance, special missiles also do not give results.

Vladimir Chernavin, Admiral of the Fleet, 1985-92 - Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy: “The latest torpedo they have produced - they also launched it in order to destroy this underwater target. This torpedo missed and did not hit any target, but sank. Then there was a whole operation organized - it's a top-secret torpedo, you had to catch it, you had to get it, you had to find it, etc. etc., in general, the excitement was very great."

The alien invasion was well documented - a serious international conflict was brewing.

Vladimir Chernavin, Admiral of the Fleet, 1985-92 - Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy: “As a result of this excitement, some tapes were presented, recordings of various noises, which are similar to the noises of a submarine. These noises were analyzed, then it turned out that these noises had nothing to do with the submarine …”.

But the Western press continues to play the "Soviet card". Norwegians and Swedes, discussing violators of their maritime borders, stubbornly repeat about "Moscow's underwater hand".

Vladimir Chernavin, Admiral of the Fleet, 1985-92 - Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy: "And they believe that huge Russia, cold, unshaven, hairy wants to swallow such a well-groomed, well-fed little Sweden …".

The press publishes pictures of the strange footprints found at the bottom off the coast of Sweden. They are suspected of being abandoned by some midget Soviet tank submarines that run on tracks.

Vladimir Chernavin, Admiral of the Fleet, 1985-92 - Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy: “And in the end they already got me, all these journalists with questions. Even how they did it - they have such drain lines with a diameter of 1.2 m that our technical means even climbed into it and ran somewhere to a specific, as I understand it, toilet bowl - I don't know; in any case, the reconnaissance was carried out ….

All attempts by Soviet sailors to prove their innocence to mysterious underwater objects run into a wall of misunderstanding and suspicion. The press continues to bend its line - these are Russians, there is no one else.

Vladimir Chernavin, Admiral of the Fleet, 1985-92 - Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy: “And somehow I gathered foreign journalists, answered all sorts of questions. I told these journalists - here I, as the commander-in-chief of the USSR Navy, appeal to you and through you - to your government, so that you catch our submarine, destroy it there, I will thank you for the fact that you, so to speak, this did, and showed us some of her remains, and I will thank you all for destroying us …”.

The West has only one way out - to destroy, or even better, to capture at least one secret submarine. The efforts of US military science are aimed at improving the submarine detection system. And here the situation took on the opposite character.


Igor Kostev, Captain 1st Rank, in the 1980s. - the commander of a nuclear submarine: "Basically, it appeared somewhere after 70, when, firstly, more modern submarines equipped with more modern acoustic means appeared in the navy."


Alexey Korzhev, 1st rank captain, in the 1970s. - the commander of the nuclear submarine: "When we entered the Atlantic, we began to notice some incomprehensible objects that emitted incomprehensible signals."

Igor Kostev, Captain 1st Rank, in the 1980s. - the commander of a nuclear submarine: “When you listen to him, he resembles the croaking of a frog or something similar. That is why they called him “Quaker”, that is, like a frog - croaks, then suddenly stops, then starts croaking again … And the frequency changed, the period ….


Evgeny Litvinov, Captain 1st Rank, Chairman of the Commission for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena of the Russian Geographical Society: “These sounds are not only in the form of croaking, they can be of a very diverse nature. Quakers at that time, just such characteristic sounds, turned out to be, perhaps, a little more than the others."

At first these were isolated observations, but over time, more and more Quakers were found.

Yuri Kvyatkovsky, Vice Admiral, 1987-92 - Head of the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Navy: “Their area began to expand. If earlier I was in the Atlantic, then I began to cross, say, to the north - the Norwegian Sea, and later, somewhere on the western border of the Barents Sea, these Quakers began to come”.

Quakers were also recorded in the southern seas.


Anatoly Komaritsyn, Admiral, Head of the Main Directorate of Navigation and Oceanography of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: “In the south, in the region of the Philippine Islands, they, in general, actively worked in the late 70s. It was very active, and almost all the commanders observed something like this here."

The strange croaking objects seriously alarmed the Soviet submariners.

Yuri Kvyatkovsky, Vice Admiral, 1987-92 - Head of the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Navy: “Imagine that a submarine is performing a combat mission secretly - you need to go to some area, find an enemy grouping there, destroy it, or, if it is a missile carrier with ballistic missiles, go to some area, launch a rocket, strike at coastal targets. Here you come to this area and even in a combat situation, and you from all sides - these Quakers croak. Will this affect you psychologically? Certainly! That is, any SKA commander will think that I have been discovered!"

By the decision of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Gorshkov, a special group was created under the Intelligence Directorate. The challenge is to deal with the Quakers. Not only the collection and analysis of information was organized, but a whole series of ocean expeditions was undertaken.

Igor Kostev, Captain 1st Rank, in the 1980s. - the commander of a nuclear submarine: “The Quaker was one of the main objects for which it was necessary to observe and describe it. Including the areas where it was discovered. If there were several Quakers, it was necessary to somehow fix their construction geographically and geometrically …"

Anatoly Komaritsyn, Admiral, Head of the Main Directorate of Navigation and Oceanography of the RF Ministry of Defense: "Maneuvering around this formation of acoustic radiation, we tried to locate it with our acoustic stations in an active mode …"


Yuri Kvyatkovsky, Vice Admiral, 1987-92 - Head of the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Navy: “The Academy of Sciences dealt with this problem at the request of the First Deputy Commander-in-Chief, our institute, which has a hydroacoustic focus, was also engaged, and other organizations associated with these underwater noise were also involved. Everyone evaluated differently."

They proceeded from the fact that Quakers are new developments of Americans, but their purpose - opinions differed here. Some considered them to be jammers for Soviet submarines. The submariners themselves objected to them - the Quakers did not create any serious obstacles. Someone was convinced that this is a device that facilitates the navigation of American submarines. Many saw the Quakers as elements of a global detection system.

Vladimir Chernavin, Admiral of the Fleet, 1985-92 - Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy: "The opinion was that these are the hydroacoustic systems - stationary - for detecting our submarines, which were installed by the Americans, and, we know, there were both SOSUS and other such systems …"

Everything seems to be logical. The Americans, with the help of the Quakers, are expanding their detection system. Yet doubts remained. If Quakers are navigation beacons or elements of a detection system, then the devices must be stationary. However, the observations of submariners often contradicted this.

Vladimir Monastyrshin, Rear Admiral, Head of the International Association of Submarine Veterans: “It often happened that the Quaker seemed to shift, according to our data it turns out…”.

Alexey Korzhev, 1st rank captain, in the 1970s. - the commander of a nuclear submarine: “When the submarine was returning from a combat mission, I began to look at these points, which we had previously mapped, which designated the so-called Quakers discovered. They didn't match. Well, some of them matched, and some did not match anymore. And in place of some, radiation of a different characteristic appeared. But the big picture did not work out. And the impression was that these are moving objects."

It was not only the mobility of the Quakers that was embarrassing, but also their number.

Vladimir Monastyrshin, Rear Admiral, Head of the International Association of Veterans-Submariners: “There were so many of them for the service, so if I were to say that this is one Quaker, one or two or three per campaign, and Quakers are found several times almost every day, are applied, analyzed both in frequency and in place … There are so many of them discovered during our service that one might think that the whole world was engaged only in making them, spending money on them and placing them on the world's oceans."

Vladimir Chernavin, Admiral of the Fleet, 1985-92 - Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy: “We also had such a theory, when we still had anti-submarine warfare forces, which was headed by Admiral Omelko, and his chief of staff was Admiral Volobuev, who developed one of the options for overlapping the world's oceans with buoys - special sonar buoys, which dropped and which recorded the situation. In the end, all this was developed to a technique that could be applied, but these buoys were so huge, so to speak, size, and they cost so much that not only throw the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean, but there are literally 100 of them Our production and our industry were not able to supply”.

Yuri Kvyatkovsky, Vice Admiral, 1987-92 - Head of the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Navy: “There can be no such system for detecting submarines, which, like this, somehow in an incomprehensible way, spreads throughout the entire world ocean, where our submarines go or go there. It may be an object not only, or perhaps not so much, of the detection of our submarines, but of demoralization, if you like, that is, this is just a psychological war."

But here, too, not everything is smooth. If Quakers were stationary objects with a rigid geographic reference, then yes: it is a cheap and effective means of psychological warfare. But numerous mobile "croaks" are too expensive: they need motors and autonomous energy sources. Moreover, each of the thousands of Quakers scattered across the world's oceans must be controlled, or they must be independent. And this is already - robots with artificial intelligence and navigation abilities. The cost of such a global network will not only be enormous, but astronomical! And all in order to scare Soviet submariners? No, something is wrong here …

Yuri Kvyatkovsky, Vice Admiral, 1987-92 - Head of the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Navy: “Well, insofar as the question is inexplicable, sometimes our scientists, including those from the Russian Academy of Sciences, said:“This is of biological origin”in order to close the question of which biology:“There, apparently, plankton gather in a heap at a certain period, whether it's killer whales, or it's someone else. " Whoever could explain the biological basis of these Quaker signals. Well, in general, they brushed it off … ".

In the early 1980s, the Quaker program was abruptly closed and the group disbanded. Why? This is another underwater phantom mystery.

Third force?

Submarines of unthinkable characteristics, mysterious Quakers. What is it? Super-secret developments that only a select few knew about in those years? Maybe. To date, many scientific and technical projects have been implemented, which ordinary citizens do not even know about. And yet, something prevents us from drawing such a conclusion. Firstly, 30 years have passed, and nothing is known about such developments. This is surprising. Secrets usually don't last that long. And secondly, this is the opinion of professionals:

Alexey Korzhev, 1st rank captain, in the 1970s. - the commander of a nuclear submarine: "Neither we, nor the Americans have any submarines that develop a speed of 300 or, as they say, more than kilometers per hour, we do not have and are not expected."

Igor Kostev, Captain 1st Rank, in the 1980s. - the commander of a nuclear submarine: "Such speeds to develop up to 280 km / h - this is only for Captain Nemo, and even then his" Nautilus "did not float like that, with such a speed."


Aureliy Nikitinsky, Captain 1st Rank, specialist in deep-sea vehicles of the Russian Navy: “I am not aware of any vehicles that could move under water at such high speeds and especially at such depths. The greater the depth, the greater the component is occupied by the body, and less weight remains for the designers in order to supply the energy source, the corresponding propulsion unit. At great depths, in general, all vehicles move at a speed of 2-2.5 knots. That is, it is about 5 km / h."

The situation is no better with the Quakers. What was revealed when our submariners met them destroys the idea of these objects as the creation of human hands.

Anatoly Komaritsyn, Admiral, Head of the Main Directorate of Navigation and Oceanography of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: “Sometimes, passing through the coverage area of this Quaker, we came - there it was covered with biological gray matter. It's biological because it's like a firefly. And he, since it was covered with rubber, these ones remained on the rubber … And for a long time they lived there on the rubber, until they simply died from the sun's rays. But it was!"

Some submarine commanders had the impression of being quite deliberately acting on the part of these invisibles. Sometimes it seemed that they were persistently trying to establish contact with our submarines - circling around the submarines, changing the tone, frequency of signals, as if calling the submariners to a kind of dialogue. They are especially active in responding to sonar messages from boats.

Anatoly Komaritsyn, Admiral, Head of the Main Directorate of Navigation and Oceanography of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: "I will say that when approaching, for example, what I observed, they changed tones, that is, to higher, from lower to higher ones".

Accompanying our submarines, the Quakers sometimes followed alongside them until they left some area, and then, after croaking for the last time, disappeared without a trace.

Vladimir Monastyrshin, Rear Admiral, Head of the International Association of Veterans-Submariners: "Quakers, perhaps, and not mechanical, but some kind of composition, liquid, how to say, cloudy …".

Anatoly Komaritsyn, Admiral, Head of the Main Directorate of Navigation and Oceanography of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: “This so-called Quaker was working, and I decided to check what it was. Moreover, since there was no question of secrecy, I turned the hydroacoustic station into active mode so that, roughly speaking, I did not run into anything under water, and went to this area, from where these same signals were emitted. I went through this area according to the data, because the signals were separated, I got to a certain angle, the signals stopped. I went there, turned around and heard the same thing again, but it was already working on the sidelines. That is, there is nothing technical there, no metal, no plastic, nothing. Some kind of energy education. That is, it is some kind of energy that has its own education and radiates. Not only I watched this, but many commanders watched in my time."

There are facts that make us doubt the military-technical nature of such phantoms even more. Here is just one of the cases. The captain of the Soviet motor ship "Novokuznetsk" radioed the Baltic Shipping Company about it.

On the night of June 15, 1978, six bright white stripes up to 20 meters long appeared near the ship at the exit from the Guayaquil Bay of the coastal waters of Ecuador. They maneuvered, now approaching, now moving away from the ship. After a while, a flattened ball, glowing with white light, flew out from under the water. He slowly circled the ship, as if examining it, hovered for a few seconds at an altitude of 20 meters, described a zigzag, and again went under the water. Absolutely nothing is known about such weapons of the navy.


Objects flying out from under the water are sometimes photographed. For example, here are some pictures taken by the inhabitants of the Canary Islands in the spring of 1979. Before their eyes, a huge dark object flew out from under the water and rushed upward, after a moment it glowed brightly and disappeared from their eyes, leaving behind a huge luminous cloud.

And two months later something similar was observed next to their ship by the Black Sea sailors. This time, a shining disk flew out from under the water, brightly illuminating the ship with its rays. At that moment this unique picture was taken.


In May 1997, unidentified luminous objects were filmed over the Mediterranean Sea. Military sailors also talk about their encounters with similar objects.

Yuri Kvyatkovsky, Vice Admiral, 1987-92 - Head of the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Navy: “I was sent on a submarine, diesel, to combat service on the Faroe-Icelandic border - between Iceland and the Faroe Islands. During the day - underwater, at night - you need to surface, ventilate the submarine, and most importantly, recharge the batteries. As soon as the periscope begins to rise, the commander - immediately to the periscope and quickly and quickly make a circle 360 °, dance on the periscope, examined - the horizon is clear. In the same way, on one of the nights in February 72, I surfaced, began to examine the horizon, and suddenly I saw something incomprehensible: above the horizon, an angle of approximately, maximum, 3-4-5 degrees was, something like a round, a little elliptical, but large enough seemed to me, but at least the moon was on a completely different side,and the sky was closed. And this something was such an orange-red color, which somehow created an unpleasant psychological sensation, just some kind of pressure on the psyche, I would even say - some kind of feeling of fear created some. But it was not a ship, it was not a ship, it was something above the surface. Therefore, we made a decision: not to write anything in the journal, insofar as we were not able to explain what it was, but to dive in and continue to carry out the task. "insofar as we were not able to explain what it was, but to dive in and continue to carry out the task. "insofar as we were not able to explain what it was, but to dive in and continue to carry out the task."

This was observed not only in the Atlantic, but also in other regions of the world's oceans.

Anatoly Komaritsyn, Admiral, Head of the Main Directorate of Navigation and Oceanography of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: “It was at the junction of the strait zone of the Pacific Ocean into the Idian Ocean. At about 2 am local time - an orange ball in the center, yellow on the sides, which hung over the night horizon in the presence of the Moon. It was not clear, of course, what it was, why and how, I felt uneasy. And I came to my senses for a long time after that, not telling anyone about it, because no one asked me questions."

However, the Intelligence Directorate of the Navy still received information. And not only from military sailors. It was clear that something strange was happening in the ocean.


Igor Barclay, captain 1st rank, veteran of intelligence of the USSR Navy: "We had information that in the ocean, in our seas, inland seas, there were cases of some completely strange phenomena associated with the glow of water."

October 1969. Arabian Sea. The crew of the Soviet scientific vessel "Vladimir Vorobyov" suddenly woke up from unaccountable fear. The instruments showed that a massive object hung under the keel at a depth of 20 m. Another hundred and fifty meters to the bottom. We ran out onto the deck. No, this is not a submarine, as they first thought. In the depths of the sea, counterclockwise, slightly curving, 8 bright rays up to 200 meters long revolved. The extravaganza lasted more than half an hour. Then the stain split into several pieces and disappeared.


Two years earlier, the source of the light was visible. It was 1967, in the Gulf of Thailand. Sailors of several Dutch ships then observed the rotation of huge luminous wheels on the water, and from the Glen Folak motor ship, a luminous convex object with a diameter of 20-30 meters was clearly visible protruding above the water. What was it? The question remained unanswered.

Vladimir Azhazha, veteran submariner, Doctor of Philosophy: “In the sea we have repeatedly met glowing“wheels”, which our famous shipbuilder Academician Krylov“underwater ghosts”.

The dimensions of the "wheels" are sometimes huge, up to several kilometers. Sometimes they can be seen even from space. They often move, and quite quickly. The brightness of the glow on the sea surface is such that the reflection is sometimes visible on the clouds. What is it? Bioglow of microorganisms? But how can one explain the amazing symmetry and tremendous speed of rotation of the light "wheels"? The rays sometimes glide along the sea surface at the speed of a racing car. Microorganisms cannot move so fast. In addition, water samples from the "wheels" show that there is not even a trace of glowing plankton.


They raised earlier evidence - historical chronicles. And then it turned out: it's not so easy to write off the mysterious glow for modern super-technologies. It turned out that luminous figures in the ocean, as well as objects flying out from under the water, were observed several centuries ago.

Evgeny Litvinov, Chairman of the Commission for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena of the Russian Geographical Society: "The Commission for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena has managed to collect about a thousand cases related to anomalous phenomena in the hydrosphere, and 7% goes to antiquity …"

Messages can be found in old captain's reports, ship logs, naval archives. The strange glow of the sea is mentioned even in very ancient sources. In the east, they were called the Wheels of the Buddha. They actually resemble an ancient symbol - the Wheel of Life. European sailors called the spinning "wheels" otherwise - "the devil's carousel."

Vladimir Azhazha, veteran submariner, Doctor of Philosophy: “They had the shape of not only wheels. They were triangles, they were squares, they were figures in dynamics, they were underwater searchlights, they were strange rays that pierced the hulls of ships when they glowed from below. So all this is very tricky ….

Searchlights emitting from the depths of the ocean have been observed for hundreds of years. For example, in the region of the Kuril Islands, near Japan, a column of light goes far up from under the water, so bright that in the middle of the night you can clearly see everything on the deck, moreover, some objects begin to glow for some reason.

Many witnesses talk about the strange effect of the glow on their psyche. Thor Heyerdahl, describing his journey across the Atlantic on a raft, said that the mysterious flashes of light caused his crew to be incomprehensible fear and stress.

The energy of the underwater glow also affects the technology. Here is what one of the eyewitnesses recalls: “The sea suddenly lit up with a white matte light, forming a huge luminous circle around the ship. It was as if a giant lantern was illuminating the water from below. For no apparent reason, the main engine speed dropped and the seawater temperature changed.

Igor Barclay, captain of the 1st rank, veteran of intelligence of the USSR Navy: “From some of our ships of such a specific orientation, we received information that the boats themselves observed this - an increased electromagnetic field under water. Is this an anomaly? What is it connected with? Hard to say. There were no foreign objects there. Then, ordinary submarines, bathyscaphes - they cannot create such an electromagnetic field. Where do these anomalous blobs of energy come from? There were such facts, information was received”.

The analysis of observations of underwater phantoms aroused more and more doubts that these were enemy military equipment.

So, during a naval exercise near Indonesia, a US submarine found an unknown maneuvering object next to it. I went to get closer. A mistake by the commander of an American boat led to a collision. There was a violent explosion. Both ships sank. In order to lift the wreckage of an unknown object from the bottom, a search team was promptly launched from the escort ship. We managed to find and deliver something that looked like a piece of sheathing upstairs. And then something incomprehensible happened. Acoustics reported - at least 15 unknown submarines appeared in the disaster area. Some are up to 200 meters long. The arrived submarines tightly blocked the crash site not only for American submarines, but also for all types of locators, creating something similar to a protective dome. After a few hours, the signals from the mysterious objects disappeared. Nothing was found at the crash site, including the remnants of an American submarine. Analysis of the fragment, which they managed to lift, showed that the scientist did not know the composition of the metal, and some of its elements did not occur on Earth at all. After the leak of this information, the Pentagon and the US naval intelligence are nipped in the bud any questions on this topic.

Every year the archives are replenished with more and more mysterious observations in the ocean, but there was no clarity, and no. After many years of unsuccessful pursuits, America, following Argentina, officially announced that it had nothing to do with the underwater extra-objects of the USSR. The Scandinavians continued to doubt this for a while. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Sweden expressed the hope that the new Russian leaders would be classified with the activities of Soviet submarines in Scandinavia. However, the archives did not contain any information about such operations. Russia has once again stated that it has no interests in the territorial waters of the Scandinavian countries. At the same time, Boris Yeltsin hinted that someone else was to blame. But who?

In 1995, the Swedish Parliament created a special commission of prominent scientists. Task: deal with underwater phantoms. And then it turned out that the statistics of their detections are quite serious - more than 2000 cases have been documented. According to the Swedes, the huge number of ghost boats, their maneuverability and complete invulnerability exclude the activities of a conventional fleet. Moreover: they make one doubt the earthly origin of these objects.

Many phenomena have never been seen. They were recorded only by special reconnaissance equipment, and therefore we could not demonstrate them to you. In these cases, we used computer graphics made according to eyewitness descriptions, or motion pictures taken in similar situations.

Anatoly Komaritsyn, Admiral, Head of the Main Directorate of Navigation and Oceanography of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: “I think that Americans also knew about these phenomena, which are in the ocean, atmosphere, at the junction of two spheres of sea and air, as we do. And they also dealt with those problems and are probably still doing it. Because it is not for nothing that all these publications, both here and there, are still classified."

Ultra-fast ghost submarines, mysterious Quakers, fantastic figures projected from the depths of the ocean, unidentified objects flying out from under the water … Maybe these phantoms have the same origin? Who knows…

Vladimir Chernavin, Admiral of the Fleet, 1985-92 - Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy: “With the current development of technology, no one has and cannot have this. But this does not mean that, in principle, it cannot be."

What is it? Third force? It is not excluded.



In 1987, the President of the United States of America, Ronald Reagan, at the 42nd Assembly of the United Nations, expressed confidence that all contradictions between countries would disappear in the face of the threat from aliens. And suddenly he added: "… Aren't they already among us?"